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*unzips dick*

First for Ying a CUTE!

>krinessa sucks cause everyone who plays he is bad
>hit scan sniper where headshots are optional
Even with a controller shes faceroll.

Who has legendaries more boring than this

Post Kinessa winrate

Legendaries were a mistake.

Literally remove legendaries and make them slightly stronger regular cards that everyone uses because they are kinda necessary.

This was a rather close game.
Minessa is still a pain in the ass.

I can only imagine how much flame that Minessa received in post game.

Maelstrom Grohk is the most fun I've had playing this game, literally top damage every single match, while mostly always on full health and slowing everyone in the map. Definitely recommend.

Not a lot, though we all agreed (both teams) that Grohk and Barik were their MVPs. Their Kinessa was under constant duress from Maeve, Androxus, and Tyra on occasion, so they cut her a lot of slack.

Fernando has a range of 30ft.


legendaries are a good idea

the legendaries everyone got except bomb king are garbage

>worst hero gets the best legendarys

Does Grohk still say his "it's not easy being blue" with the green skin?

>flanknando is whining about grohk not healing him
>then he whines about us having a flank on payload
>which is apparently bad even though he's dying to their flanks

>drogoz mains still trying to perpetuate the "bomb king is bad" meme

No, they paid the VA just to perform that same line but with green instead.
The rhyme makes no sense but hey.

I'm not complaining, at least they made it change.

Is joke, he has to actually aim unlike the rest of the roster excluding cassie.

How long it takes for him to "set up" a kill feels like a boon as well.


I really hope you're purposely playing along because I was just being a snarky lying cunt.

Hi-Rez makes weird decisions, so they might actually do that.

>game starts
>enemy has ying and grohk
>first thing I see when I press tab is this

give me ONE reason why I shouldn't just minimize the game until it ends

Just carry lmao

It might be a ruse.

In all fairness I don't think Makoa is a good fit for neither wrecker or caut.
His thing is mostly hooking and shielding, his damage is pretty mediocre and his weapon is stupid slow.

The other two have no excuse though.

Androxus needs reload speed so he can out dps their heals.

>an androxus in my team finished with ZERO elimination
>he was in every team fight shooting
holy shit

>3+ ammo on dash
>3+ ammo on reversal

Cauterize is better for him for taking out sups and buck/maeve/other andro

Do chests now only give out two items or are they still broken?

They give out four (with booster) so I think it's safe to say yours are still busted. Wait until OB45.

if you can't aim well with him it sucks.

>every single game the enemy has lifelike ying
>every single game I ask my team to buy caut at the start
>every single time they refuse, and some of them even mock my request with VGS

Why is this game's playerbase so fucking bad
I want to die

is there a single champion who's better off getting deft hands over another red item, in any situation?

Is it okay to ask my Kinessa and Cassie if they want to suck the enemies dick a bit more? Because they seem eager to get up in their crotches.


But he managed to miss like ALL the shoots in a team fight, his total damage was 9k and it probably was 1vs1 that he lost because he didn't got a single elimination

If he didn't get a single elim, he didn't even really do anything in teamfights. Just looking angrily at the enemies before they die gets you an elimination.

>it's been two weeks
>maeve is still picked in upwards of 90% of casual matches


>GREAT LEGENDARIES (cards that actually change how the character is played):
>Bomb King

>OKAY LEGENDARIES (don't really change much but there's a little bit of choice)

>SHIT LEGENDARIES (only one option, they don't change how you play, or they're all bland)
>Sha Lin


>high pickrate = overpowered
how to spot a shitter


he's in shit-tier because they're all boring and field study is the only viable choice

I hope they buff her after PTS.

its actually been a month


cauterize is what makoa wants to free up his dps to get wreckers. 1.5 seconds is fine when he shoots every second, they're still perma caut'd.

It's always the same with you faggots trying to be sleek with dumb logic statements.

>A: Maeve has high pickrate
>B: Maeve is overpowered

A doesn't imply B, but B does imply A. There is a fucking reason for high pickrates.
It's not rocket science to figure out that if a character performs very well it's going to get constantly picked.

Cat bitch was way too good and non-punishing for the user. I'm glad her ass is getting nerfed back to the catacombs where she might as well be dead.

>carrying your team
>the enemy starts focusing only on you
>2 vs 1, 3 vs 1
>can't do shit
>this should be good since my team can shine
>of course they are shit
>we lose

>B does imply A


a tank or healer can be overpowered but if they're boring as shit they won't have a high pickrate. There can also be tons of secretly overpowered things that will go unnoticed.

mermoco pls

I've been told Ying is one of the most boring characters to play because your thing is putting down illusions to heal and they do their thing by themselves.
I guess that means she's not picked very often.

Oh wait

>There can also be tons of secretly overpowered things that will go unnoticed.
Overpowered things don't go unnoticed, specially not on a team based shooter. Maelstrom made Grohk viable, and arguably even a little too strong for comfort. Lifelike effectively doubled Ying's abilities with no real downside.
And if you insist, give me one example where this has happened. Just one.

Fucking always

Why do we even have Kinessa or Viktor on our team when they're playing with a controller or something so they can't fucking aim?

I have no clue. They all seem to either be aimbots or people who can't hit things that don't move. If you miss three times trying to hit a turret, you should play someone else.

>A doesn't imply B


then if you acknowledge that, and she has a high pickrate, how does that imply she's overpowered? Just because it's a symptom means jack shit, as she can be picked for lots of other reasons, including the fact that she's a flanker, waifubait, and effective against retards.

>doesnt chang much


3rd world.

We lost this only because our team didn't have a guy that could instantly eliminate an ulting Makoa at the last round.

>but drogoz isn't OP!

I can't imagine what kind of bucktooth retards play video games and can't even click on shit.
Last game a Kinessa just fucking rapid-fire clicked. The whole game.

But he's perfectly balanced :^)
You're just a shitter who doesn't know how to outplay his free guaranteed kill ability :^))

you literally had a team comp that could instamelt that charizard ripoff the moment he even goes skyward.

You lost, cause you suck, simple as that.

So the entire team should focus him and forgot the rest? What about that no aiming required salvo spam that can easily kill any of the damage characters?

literally one shot from Ying, Sha Lin and Cassie, then a tiny bit of fire from Tyra = Roasted Gecko.which is like .8 seconds of focus on the Drogoz. If you and your team are seriously that bad that you die because you took aim off of their other guys for .8 seconds, then you deserved to lose cause you were simply the worse players.

He's in similar spot to Maeve before her nerf, he disproportionately affects any battle that he's him, not only because of the game winning ult, but because of the high constant area damage that he can shit out easily.

What time does the new PvE usually go up?

>Skipping POTG

>Press Enter to open a chat box at any point after the match ends. Yes you can do this, it just doesn't show up on your screen. If you are able to use VGS, that means your chat box isn't open.

>Type //disconnect (that's 2 forward slashes) and press Enter to gtfo

Finally something good comes out of reddit tho they should bring back that pesky "bug" that let you do it with a single button press.

>Overpowered things don't go unnoticed

they do, until they're found out. They can even go undiscovered for quite a bit of time. There are tons of examples of secret tactics in games that go unnoticed until an event, and then they get brought out and become mainstream, then later requiring balance adjustments. See: literally every time a champion in LoL not made to be a support gets thrown into the role.

Thank you.

Did they fix Skye's detection radius in OB45 or did they ignore it?

>match vs ruckus, torvald and barik
>your drogoz buys morale boost and kill to heal
Needless to say he didn't manage to buy anything else.




>pick anyone that can close the distance in one second (Bomb King, any flanker, etc)
>she misses her opening shot
>she dies

she's a counterpick to stuff like Viktor though

until he buys morale boost and just ults her at the start of every teamfight

You would be surprised how many mental midgets are unable to grasp the concept of "Zoom in, wait to charge, shoot at target"

I ALWAYS get potg, and most damage when I play as her. Yet I'm yet to see another Kinessa do the same except on rare occasions. Usually I see someone pick Kinessa and think "Great, another shitter".

9/10 times I'm right, and get to spend the match watching the Kinessa get right up against the enemy with her little pew pew assault rifle.

Even with airstrike, evading it as Kinessa should be piss easy. Just walk around the corner.

most kinessas don't expect the airstrike

I can imagine their thought process going like "wait IS THAT GUY ULTING ME? THE POINT IS FULL."

post em






Same mouse


Why is the api still down?

Oracle got leaked.

>the robot

Portal 2 refernce?

Best boy.
Best girl.

>no mention of my mouse

Fernando is actually getting two (2) skins.

I'm too retarded when it comes to that stuff, so i can't comment on your mouse.

Every week near Wednesday, I think?

>Stealthnando is actually Fernando in Skye's skintight latex suit
Hi-rez, I'll pay you real money for that.
I think it's probably pve that got put in cosmetics section by mistake.


I want lawman to not be a cowboy, but DD's Houndmaster instead, his autoaim actions would actually make sense if they were performed by sending your pet friend to fuck enemies up.

>Cassie doesn't have a stun where she sends the bird out and it peks the shit out of a champ, stunning them and giving a special shooing animation.

I don't want to have to shoot a dog though

I would give anything for a cool skill using Zigs that isn't Scout.

Dog is some invulnerable magical creature, you have to shoot lawman to disable them both.