/wfg/ - Warframe General

Shit Lens edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed, if it wasn't full: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png
>Avoid the line, join the /wfg/ alliance today! PM killsaw of Warbros NFA for inquiries

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/vbFWf1g.jpg
Tierqueer Filters: git.io/vMhaS
CURRENT UPDATE: The Pacifism Defect
> forums.warframe.com/topic/768600-the-pacifism-defect-update-19120/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/767736-banshee-prime-hotfix-19115/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


Untermench will never have this


To the people (person) that keep joining the Discord with all of the e-celeb names, thank you.

Wait, Nezha isn't a petite girl?

>invite expired
oh well
only 2 people from /wfg/ actually joined, me and wevi, and all I did was spam meme trash accounts

Thank you.

Just getting to this event now. Let me get this straight, I have to rescue 2000 fucking Kavors to get all the rewards? It felt like it took forever just to get to 30 in one mission with a pub, do the squads increase with mission type?

Nezha is a lithe shota

Anyone else hate this fucking bug?

Mission 1 gives 1 point, 2 gives 2 and mission 3 gives 4 points, you keep the ones of the previous missions

Point per kavor goes up by mission tier. By tier 3 of the event they're worth 4 points a pop.

with her kind of build saggy tits are going to be pretty much an inevitability, but yeah, I still totally fucking would an becca.

What's the fastest way to farm Focus? Does everyone use max range Ivara and Orthos Prime with Primed Reach?


No shit you would you pathetic /v/irgin

>when you enter a relay at 3am

>he spent two hundred (200) real dollars on a few gold trinkets and exclusive dev dick sucking rights
>he thinks he's superior when he has wasted money on trivial things like a Jew
Seems like you're the real untermensch here, buddy

Oh thank god. Am I better off pubbing or soloing? My clan is sleeping and I hate dealing with recruiting.

>he doesn't have a mere $50 in disposable income

>he cannot even provide for his family

>he probably doesn't even have a family

>he will never have a family

>his genetics will die off permanently


>implying jews waste money on trival things

Got a lot to learn about life, eh, lad?

Solo that shit.

You either get BR hosts with shit internet to where you can't even open doors or you ge- HOST MIGRATION

I want Nyx to take control of my mind so she can use me for her own sexual purposes.

What am I doing and what should I do to make this better?

How much forma? What types of slots? I have no primed mods.

Does Solo give you a B and C spawn point? Or just a B? I could see solo being a pain with two spawns.

>wanting to be dominated by a woman

IIRC it does give B and C but I don't think it will allow multiple groups at once like if you were in a party.

Not that guy but was wondering the same thing, sounds kind of comfy guiding my retarded gun wielding chickens. Is Peaceful Provocatio Equinox as good a choice as she seems or will she get torn apart in the later missions like every other higher level mission?

>metababbies can't complete the solar map with this

>using mods at all

>not completing the solar map with only a machete

You actually need a ranged weapon now with the Kela de Tumblr rework, with the build I've provided it's actually possible to complete the map, just very difficult.
No companions/sentinel, no gear, solo only.
Final Destination

>Kela de Tumblr
I like this name but how is it appropriate? Would Nezha be the tumblr in warframe? Or like, Valkyr?

Tumblr haircut and being totally unsexy. Traps are for sexual and not sjw, Valkyr I could maaaaybe see.

Because she looks like a fucking dyke?

she looks like the villain from the fifth element

It is a lot slower too. You have to guide like six groups of 2 before you get one of five.

I was having ammo issues by 20 people evacuated with my Soma Prime.

>Traps are for sexual and not sjw

Round two of mass unveils.
>21 pistols
>2 shottys

Going for Brakk, Hek, and Euphona.

I have an addiction, please stop me


60/60 collected, 61st from today's sortie.
Annoyed to shit by the pop up telling me I have no space left.


You bought all these Rivens, right?

Yeah, bought them for 30-45, shotguns for 90. Don't use plat for anything so I just fuck around with rivens.

Jesus, no kidding. I got 35 people in mission 2 and it took me like half a music album to get through.

Is the Opticor salvageable at all

>All these edgy frames coming out of the woodworks thanks to the Wraith armor

>Complete Defense with level 30+ enemies with objective taking no damage

So Akkad with Booben or maybe high range Ember?

I did it with Ember

Do you ever regret having been born too early to explore space?

Wihj a good riven: yes.

No, fuck space. Earth is comfy.

What kind of Strength did you run? I'm at around 200% at the moment.

>Join sortie mission 1
>Playing Nidus
>Three Trinity Primes join

I'm fucking invincible.

>Join Sortie 3
>There's a Nyx with 150 HP

It's for Bronco.

What about a planet even comfier than Earth, either through gravity/climate/atmosphere/flora+fauna?

>unveiled 3/23
>vasto, spectra, and talons

It's not looking good for anybody today.

Can it salvage the core mechanics though?

Not being able to hold its charge is super frustrating it seems.

Physically impossible. Nothing is comfier than home.

>not being an immortal god
ishy diggy

I thought the same of asian food, that nothing could be better than generic General Tso's Chicken chinese food. Then I found a local Japanese delivery place that has a Yakitori bento box and I opened my eyes. I don't know where I'm going with this but imagine.

endo my life

Hey, some people will buy a Sweeper riven. Hold onto it, watch trade chat every now and then to find a buyer.


Talons are good, at least, but nobody will buy a Riven for it.

What are the absolute worst Rivens to pop?

>Flux Rifle

Why? Much of our solar system is a vast and sterile vaccum.

>Wanting to discover the horrors of space

This. I sold an unrolled one for 100p a couple days ago to a guy who posted a WTB. All in all, it's probably the best Sentinel weapon to get, if you have to get one and you will.

>born too late
>will never pillage a town on horseback with my brethren
>will never rape the young women in the name of god
Future is overrated

>tfw born just in time to see leftism dominate and destroy western civilization from the inside out

>tfw born just in time to do something about it

130 lel

>update finally completed successfully
>all the alerts and invasions of the past two days are gone
Great game Canadians.

>Earned quite a amount of Mutagen samples from the event
>Barely makes a dent in the research for the Hema

I just can't win.

>being in a moon clan

I'm in a Ghost.

then no excuse

Messing around with colors again.


There's probably a better syandana for this specific reference but I don't have plat for fashion frame.

the condition reduces health in half, retard

I got a Torid Riven with 120% multishot. Is the Torid actually good enough to warrant a potato and forma? It seems slow and somewhat ineffective, especially compared to the sheer destructive power of the Zarr.

no I tried it

>will never die by shitting your insides out(by age 35)
>will never see your people get decimated and converted to christianism

yea, good times

>got to 3200 with a 4 man ghost clan

How likely is it this will keep me in the top 10% or will I have to torture myself more?

10% cutoff is 1200 for ghost now

It can be pretty potent, but it is definitely slow vs explodey shit.

Man I fucking love Nidus. Can't wait to see his Prime in like 4 years

could a very kind user be willing to sell me a fleeting expertise for 15P?
ign: ranaian


Sent ;)


Good meme

Nigga, we genuinely live during the most interesting times on the Earth. There is so much shit coming down in future, you just need to buckle up and enjoy the fireworks. Political cataclysms, revolutions, starvations, climate change, everything is going down. It's literally the end of comfy, quiet times. Fuck space and space travel, we've got more interesting stuff to do.


get out

>Join Game
>CPU shoots up to 92.7%
>Game Freezes
>Game shoots back down to 1.2%
>Host Migration



post specs

just started playing a few days ago
when does this game become fun?

about 3 weeks

The quests/first opening up the map.

Half of the quests suck too.

Outside of the quests it is grindframe.