Speed limit 70

>speed limit 70
>truck with a sign saying it can't go faster than 62
>won't leave the goddamned left lane
Why do truck subhumans keep doing this shit

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Most of them are watching tv not even paying attention

because that truck they are trying to pass cant go faster than 61.93mph and god damnit they are going to pass

this. people are fucking retarded.
pro tip: its not just truckers

Meanwhile if you exist within 20 car lengths of either truck you'll receive multiple complimentary cracks/chips on your hood, bumper and windshield from complementary kicked up pebbles

>skipping leg day buffet

Flash your fucking highbeams at him or something ffs. Then you probably get all pissy when I have to come up behind you and flash him for you.

no related but.. how do you burgers get that overweight without dying?

Shitty healthcare system.
Or does that not match up?

Obama forced him to eat mcdonalds 6 times a day.

How do your 50hp diesels even move you guys?

And just in case your "not British" even though you might as well be.

i'm a leaf and you burgers hate me, but I was just curious. i just though it was low self esteem, depression and that you just stopped giving a fuck about yourselves.

Well not giving a fuck and low self esteem dont really always match up.

Pretty sure a lot of people dont really give a fuck and its become socially unacceptable to even talk about another person's weight so everyone just pretends to ignore it.

The ones with Low Self Esteem use food as a crutch, those with high self esteem probably dont give a fuck about other's opinions.

I always wanted to get a CB Radio, and have conversations with these dudes. Maybe cut off asshole and let them get into lanes they need.

I'm never in a hurry wherever I'm going (always show up 15 minutes early anyways), so why not help these big bastards out, right?

It's the 37 year old former trophy wife who still thinks she's an attractive 22 year old in her BMW that I don't mind fucking with. Not truckers.

Truckers are the lowest of the low. They have to keep moving or else their stench inevitably catches up with them. I wish we would have automated trucks already so we can just gas these useless cunts and just be done with it.

even automated you'd still have someone sitting there at the wheel.

Trains and planes can operate autonomously but they keep pilots and engineers because they need someone there to keep shit in line if something happens.

I dont really see a problem with them. Just dudes making a living in a truck. I'd rather have bubba behind the wheel with 15 years of experience on his routes than some finicky self-driving system that's already showing failures in relatively harmless sedans. 3,000 lbs vs 30,000 lbs makes a difference when these systems fail.

Most of the people in this thread seem to be tiny peen road ragers who can't stand being stuck behind someone for more than 3 seconds while going 15mph over the speed limit in a heavily congested area.

Same dudes I see at the next light, that did a ton of ridiculous, and often dangerous, lane changes to get 2 cars ahead of me.

I grew up in a trucker family. 90% are degenerates and not people to help. They do cocaine and drive (meth now). They traffic prostitutes. They are all trashy pieces of shit that drive like fucking cunts. I had a CDL, it's not hard to drive them (pulling out can be in a bitch in a city). Don't go out of your way for these horrible people.

Because they are overtaking someone even more subhuman

I know this is basically animal abuse but holy fuck it's so cute

Leaf bro, get in mah belly

lots of very calorie dense food combined with inactivity

Despite the memes, being THAT obese isn't normal here. That's a guy whose job is to sit all day and then doesn't watch what he eats or exercise.

Most of that gut is not fat, it is food-waste compacted into the colon due to sitting all day.

Fuck you. It truly breaks my heart to see fat pets, because they really can't help whether their fat or not. They don't get a choice in what they eat, their owners basically control their diet and level of exercise and fat animals are indicative of an extremely neglectful owner

Pets don't deserve that kind of suffering and bullshit. I am triggered as fuck

is this really a thing?

When I encounter truckerfags like that, I just start honking and flashing my lights at them. They usually get the message.

we do die tho, heart disease is the number one cause of death in the states, with diabetes in the top 10 also.

If the poor guy can take a couple of weeks off from driving, then he will eventually shit out a lot of it.

Sounds like your family is the shit heaps, not truckers.

I'm imagining the aftermath in that poor toilet.

nah man. that toilet alone isn't going to be able to handle that much on his own. say good bye to the whole family
