How do you guys store your bitcoin...

How do you guys store your bitcoin? They are in my vault on coinbase right now but I don't really want to be at the mercy of coinbase anymore, I know I can back up my wallet with random english words for example but this would still mean that my bitcoin is at coinbase. Do you guys use dedicated hardware for storing bitcoin?

Other urls found in this thread:

You could just download a wallet like Electrum and store your BTC that way.

>They are in my vault on coinbase
i giggled vault huh?

come up with a more constructive comment please, elaborate

Trezor hardware wallet:

Don't keep your coins at an exchange. They will get hacked sooner or later.

i keep my coins on the exchanges.. i dont really care if they get hacked... theyre just free money at this point

How secure are paper wallets? Assuming it's in a fireproof box and no one but me has physical access to it?

How are they any different to simply writing down the private key and locking it away?

>How are they any different to simply writing down the private key and locking it away?
A paper wallet is a bunch of text that will generate a private key when e.g. run through sha256 hashing. So it's an indirect method of making a private key, vs. writing down the key itself. Also algorithms exist to make multiple private keys from a single passphrase, look at e.g. BIP 39 here

does this mean you can 'transfer' your bitcoins to this phrase?

>download bitcoin core
>save wallet.dat in several places
>run a node and support segwit while doing so

is breadwallet any safer than leaving em on coinbase or is it basically the same thing?

Yes, that's the only way to get them there.
>make up phrase
>convert phrase into private key
>get public address from private key
>transfer btc to this address
You should be very careful in choosing a sufficiently random phrase though. It has become profitable to just try lots of phrases and see if the corresponding private key contains btc.
for example:
>The pass phrase was a line from an obscure poem in Afrikaans.
In that thread diceware is suggested as a method of generating a passphrase, I think that's reasonably secure.
Also read this
in short: you can't take out just part of a paper wallet, once you send even a small amount from it the leftover btc gets transferred to a new address and the paper wallet is empty.

I've been using as my online wallert for several years now.

Safest bet is always an offline wallet, but so far i couldn't be arsed to do it, also i don't wanna end up the guy with 500btc on his HDD digging through garbagedisposal-sites.

But what if you end up the guy who left his bitcoin on a site that got hacked?

I've gotta wrap my head around this, I don't quite yet understand why the leftover btc would be transferred to some random address, I assume that you'd have to have access to that new address aswell

Bitcoin got hacked by the IRS.
Coinbase has to give them all info.


KeepKey seems to be well liked for a hardware wallet.You can get it on amazon. I'm in the same position. Using coinbase. Gonna grab one of these in the next few weeks. There are cheaper options buuuuut I like the screen haha

I got mine on breadwallet ,i bought a trezor but it doesnt work on my version of OSX (10.7.5) and im not buying a new pc just to use my trezor,im not sure how a trezor is more secure than a paper wallet though since you still have to write down a password.

I might use usb or paper wallet

multibt or Jona's wallet

laminated paper wallet up by ass

What is the procedure of retrieving your Bitcoin in case of a hardware wallet failure/loss/break?

you take out your paper wallet and use that

you need a new one and then recover your wallet with 12 word phrase

Best option for noobs is one where you have a 12 word seed. Dealing with private keys directly you may fuck up and lose everything.

Test recovery using your seed and risking only a small amount of btc before risking a lot.

Use a hardware wallet or a dedicated device such as a cheap laptop or phone that is only used for btc, no other web browsing or apps.


Definitely agree with the design.

What software do you use for the wallet?

What OS do you run it on?

I'm currently looking for a x64 capable tablet that can run Ubuntu for precisely this purpose.

I use Trezor, it is basically unhackable if used properly.

Coinbase is good for noobs taking their first step into Bitcoin, but its basically the Paypal of Bitcoin.