/bfg/ battlefield General

Abandoned by Fraggot666 edition.

>Weapon and stats:
Symthic's already started their metacrafting autism

>Emblem stealing website for uncreative babbies: emblemsbf.com/

Q: Is BF4 dead?
A: Yes, BF1 now.

Q: Where are the BF1 Platoons?
A: platoon is kill

Q: Which VOIP Do I join?
A: Yuropoors will be more likely to find people on the Discord. Mumble seems to attract NA players. Use whichever you like.

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port: 64738

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1st for plane removal

Doing gods work.

Guys, i really wanna get off my fucking plane but i cant. Every time i just wanna enjoy some regular infantry play. Every time, my team are retards and i need to hop on the plane because im too damn good at it and its what helps us win. How do i stop being an airchav?

>have to spend 5 minutes hiding doing whack a mole with a tank and playing like a pussy while capping a point as medic because no one will kill their heavy tank even though 20 teammates are there
>finally die, spawn as assault
>tank blows up the second I spawn

every fucking time

Play domination/pigeons. There are no sinful vehicles to tempt you from God's path.

I really hope the DLC revives this game, at least for awhile. I like it and need a MP game to play but it does lack content and most /bfg/ people have left

if they just add fucking clan tags when they release the expac patch the population would skyrocket

Just got bf1
what weapons to unlock and use for 700 hours until BF5/2142?

I really hope they keep going with the new/unusual settings. Any African conflict would be perfect for the kind of unorganized, unprofessional conflict between children that you typically see in BF.
Not to mention it would be DIVERSE as fuck.

>having fun
>servers drop

Should have known better.

Expansions are already confirmed.


I meant for future games. I never want to see another modern day 'US vs the enemy of the week' game again.

I think we really need a world war 2 Battlefield after this game. I completely agree with you on the modern day "US vs enemy of the week" sentiment though, it's incredibly boring by now. Bad Company 2, and BF3 were fantastic, but nearly identical in their premise. Didn't play BF4 though because I was already fatigued of it at that point.

BF1 is a change that we really needed, whether you think it's a better game or not, it's definitely fresh.

World War 2 I feel is the next place to go.

Korea is the other option.

The variety of equipment available is possibly the greatest of any war ever.

Has there ever been a korean war video game?

>Previous thread 213 replies (Archived)
The DLC won't save this shitfest.

shit you just reminded me I got a plane kill with those huge cannons on Empire's Edge and forgot to save it!

Nothing popular.

>playing medic
>i sprint to the other end of the streets while getting gangbanged by a group of ennemies to revive someone
>he fucking quits once I'm right over his body

God fucking damn it that happens way too much. Why does everyone seems to hate medics ? Is it because a lot of them just don't care about healing/reviving people?

D-dont worry user, I'll medic with you

depends on your class homo

y-you too

Also, the English medic is a poo, but he sounds like the most british guy in britain.

I honestly love medicing, the extra task of dodging bullets to revive people is fun as fuck but sometimes people skipping will make me so frustrated I'll remove the syringe from my slot for the rest of the match

>tfw I'm lvl 100 and never even used dynamite
how do we fix this shit gadget?

>World War 2 I feel is the next place to go.
The Eastern Front better come by default and not be shoved into a DLC though. It was the biggest and bloodiest front of WW2 and imo the most interesting.

>how do we fix this shit gadget?
It's not shit though. It's amazing for dealing with tanks and other vehicles as long as they aren't moving.

I can see it already.
There'll be an Italy DLC, a Fiblanb :DDDD DLC, a WE DLC a Pacific war DLC.

The campain will be the most boring shit ever, we won't even get to play as a random wermarcht dude.

anyone wants to squad up? ;____; eu rush pls

So looking at these DLCs I'm guessing there won't be a pro German narrative? Also will there be any pure trenches, No Man's Land map?


>So looking at these DLCs I'm guessing there won't be a pro German narrative?
There is no pro-anything narrative in MP.

>Also will there be any pure trenches, No Man's Land map?
The Apocalypse DLC will probably have a lot of trench maps.

>Also will there be any pure trenches, No Man's Land map?

Probably the last one "Apocalypse" it's described as trench based desperation themed, focusing on secret prototype weapons that were near the end of the war, and improvised weapons forged out of desperation.


>sneak up against Light Tank just sitting there
>as soon as I start to place the dynamite behind him he instantly turns around and blows me up because he was playing in 3rd person

:^) looks like he outplayed you

Just bought an Xbone and it came with BF1, anyone wanna play?

Dynamite is trash for dealing with tanks. There is zero reason to use it over the AT rocket and the AT nades.

It doesn't even stick like in 1942

Only use i've gotten out of dynamite is blowing up buildings and being an annoying little shithead.

>Dynamite is trash for dealing with tanks
No it isn't.

Chuck a few dynamite beside a stationary tank or in the path of a moving one, detonate them, then finish off with an AT grenade. Easy.

>playing anything but Hardcore

It didn't stick in 1942, either.

Mines did effectively because they'd detonate the second the vehicle moved.

Hardcore will remain shit until they tweak actual gameplay mechanics for the mode.

>stationary tank
No semi-competent player puts themselves in that position and all they have to do is scoot up out of the way a bit after seeing you in 3rd person.
You can't throw all 3 sticks out that fast and detonate and then throw a grenade. That takes 7+ sec when the tank can rI'll out of the way and shoot you in less than 3.

Even AT mines are objectively better.

Limpet charges do that even better but yeah that and setting traps (that can easily be defeated by nade spam)

>No semi-competent player puts themselves in that position
you'd be surprised how many retards there are

I'm not, I deal with them every game but that won't do shit to most average and above tankers. Dynamite is a wasted slot.

The Arabian campaign is one huge contrived propaganda piece for Saudi independence that completely glosses over the bad shit that happened with Lawrence while painting the Ottomans like Star Wars villains.

I'm referring to MP, not SP. None of the DLCs include SP content

>it's a levelcap says bf1's gunplay is too casual when it's actually way more nuanced than bf 3 and 4's
Jesus Christ, does that guy serioisly believe having an M16 killing everyone at all ranges is actually more skillfull than having range based weapons that make you have to position yourself better? What a loser

>watch a couple of youtubers just to check out that CTE
>everyone one of them regularly uses the Automatico
really boggins the ol noggin

well he is a retard who thinks the selbstlader 1906 and autoloading 8 .35 are bad guns.
but without wasting my time listening to that homo, I will still say that the game is very forgiving to people who are really bad by giving them guns and vehicles that literally everybody can to well with.

Automatico, Hellriegel, the new Ribeyrolles, every shotgun (even the slug after the buff), rifles that have almost no bullet drop compared to previous games, every singe land and air vehicle are cheese to appeal to casuals who really don't want a challenge and really should just be playing single player games.

The autistico is a good weapon

>Things that kill this game : Instant revives, indefensible bayonet charges, constant grenade explosions and gas attacks, dead man spawns, laser hip fire for almost all the weapons, assholes on horsetanks, extreme cardio cause not enough vehicles, rifles with no bullet drop. And another thing; I have never seen as many guys just laying down in an OPEN FEILD sniping people in any BF game, because it's harder to make out players than before. I'm trying to like this game, but it's getting harder and harder.

What the fuck am I reading
apart from the grenades thing

whichever class that lets me heal my self

The ottomans are literally the reason so much bad is happening in the world
if they would have let arabs evolve past their religious stuff we wouldnt have any of this shit


Use the default kit but drop it every time you get a kill, pick up the dead guys weapon, and try to kill the next person using only the rounds in the magazine without reloading.
It will go poorly.
Fuk u, no it don't.
Fite me.

autoloading 8 .35 marksman or selbstlader 1606 if you want guns that require a long time to master but are still the best

and another medicshitter is born

Makes you fucking ponder...

What I find offensive and jarring is not one, but the TWO afro-niggers in the German army. I know there were like 20,000 blacks in the colonies but that's about it. There were FIVE of these guys in Western Europe, and three were musicians. Apparently, two is enough for the Swecucks at DICE to give two full classes out of the seven to represent the German army along with the 8.9 million white germans who fought in the war. It doesn't help either that Germany was the country that least wanted to fight alongside blacks and minorities. I was pretty bothered by the somalian pirate in the Scout class, but I honestly nearly lost my shit when I found out that the German Cavalry class (an officer, mind you) is a black man.

Jesus Fucking Christ, the level of pandering to blacks is insane in this game. First the cover and all the promotional artwork, then the loading screens in-game, and now there has to be at least one black in every faction. Fuck, I hate political correctness and sjws so much. Why didn't they just add women and asian or latino men at this point? Hell, did they even thought of a character customization option like every other game out there? France I can understand, since they actually fought alongside Harlem Hellfighters and their own colonies from Africa. We'll probably see black Russian women in the Czar dlc.


This desu

nobody will disagree with that. automatico is arguably one of the the best weapons in the game. but it also has the lowest skill floor, making it a shitter weapon

>caring this much about niggers on your monitor
Sweden is a cuck country, fucking deal with it. stop shitting up this thread with your muh white genocide, it will not change a thing you useless faggot

ill bet you camp the artillery truck too dont you user

Is he seriously complaining that the medic weapons don't maintain perfect accuracy at maximum fire rate?

the guy always favored Medic/Assault just for the jack of all trades weaponry, remember seeing his older videos and I'm pretty sure the only time he played with anything but an Assault Rifle was when he felt like reviewing something else

I would certainly say that gunplay is more casual in BF1 in some ways.

>heal my self
Why do shitters have this mindset?
I mean yes that's a perk but this Battlefield.

You can get to the top of the scoreboard by healing and reviving everybody and going out of your way to do so. You kill on your way to objectives, and of course defend and flank-cap, but you stick with your squad and around the main objective where the shit is hitting the fan.

But to answer your question the med pouch/syringe are your best options.

Trust me, the medkit seems nice but it deploys and cools down slower and you can't throw it far. The med pouches can be throw across alleys to other team members and you can rapidly deploy one one your team and one on yourself. Syringe should be obvious, the rifle grenades kind of suck comparitively.

And for weapons I would say a frag or gas (while it's still good), the ML Sweeper, what he said good head shot machines. For a sidearm I'd say the M1911, or a revolver (bomber 3 fires slow but it's still good.)

There's a hardcore mode? Where?

>playing hardcore
I prefer normal damage with the hIud turned off.

You know there is. There's a subtly in the way they speak before operations and the way they describe events that shows favors one side and makes the other look bad.

Hardcore Back to Basics, when?

LevelCunt talking shit about bf1
is dead now?

He was in a car accident last Thursday and he's still in the ICU.


Custom games.

What if the next BF had factional weapons, but shared progression?

hardcore is a crutch for people who need their rifles to one shot kill, automaticos to kill quicker and shotguns to have a larger one hit kill range
hardcore is objectively a casual gamemode
>needing a seperate game mode to remove the skill gap between you and people who can headshot

Lets give everyone 1 million HP to make the game as skillful as possible.

This is what bothers me in a lot of games. Anyone from any faction can have any gun from any faction. You have brits running around with German guns and vice versa, and russian snipers with no Russians in sight.

I saw a game mode the other day that forced hud off for everybody and removed grenades and other explosives, sounded like a fun server until I realized there were still tanks and literally nobody could counter them in any way except for other tanks

It took him 100 hours to understand that each class has their own unique and effective operating range?

It's not like BF1 is the pinnacle of class balance though. I like the concept put out by DICE for the classes in this game, but the execution has been really piss poor. I agree with LevelCap on this that gun categories need to have less stricter roles on where and how they can be used; it's baffling that bolt actions have been retardedly buffed in this game while the equivalent of DMRs, PDWs, and LMGs have been downgraded significantly

Spread increase and base spread on certain weapons is just flat out ridiculous, especially noticeable on Medic rifles as well. I get it that DICE doesn't want people to fire them at maximum RPM without any penalties, but having immense difficulty trying to headshot a peeking sniper at 70m with the Selb M1916 Marksman because the spread is working against you (when there was no such issue in BF4), or not even being able to hit a torso sized target in cover with the M1907 Sweeper at 50m away isn't fun. BF4 executed this idea of "operating ranges" much better with their Assault Rifles, where the SAR-21 was a fucking automatic laser beam at 80m+; an AEK or FAMAS was perfectly capable of hitting someone at that range too, but it just took longer due needing to burst to hit

I disagree with his opinion on suppression. In fact, suppression here is noticeably weaker than in previous BFs

BF1 Frags being RGOs with a much higher lethal blast and slower timer also has to go too

More points should ALWAYS be given to people who pursue objectives and support their team over mass enemy murder. I actually like this aspect of BF1, and it really shows how fucking worthless the faggot going 41-3 in the Artillery Truck or Trench Fighter is when he's only in 9th place his team's scoreboard. If DICE truly wants to make these players feel valued, they can return to the old CQ scoring system where kills and ticket bleed had a much greater

You missed the point about objective score.

There are often better ways to 'play the objective' than to stand on the cap itself.

That's a retarded argument and you know it.
The guns in the game are balanced with 100HP in mind and reducing that only fucks the balance up

A game mode where every singe rifle will one shot kill at every range and you can basically snipe people with shotguns is pure cancer. You can pretend hardcore requires more skill but the truth still remains, people don't play hardcore because they want realism, they play it because the weapons they use are easier to use.

If hardcore was so skill based, you could easily go back to regular game modes and just dominate everyone because you've been playing such a hardcore game mode, but you know it's not true. The transition from normcore to hardcore is way easier than from hardcore to normcore because the fact is hardcore has a much lower skill floor and much lower skill roof.

>hardcore has a much lower skill floor and much lower skill roof
what the fuck am I reading

impact. Speaking of which, the new CQ scoring system is absolutely garbage. A ticket difference of 100+ is absolutely much harder to overcome in BF1 than in previous games, and a ticket gap of 250+ is pretty much unsalvagable when it was perfectly viable to mount a comeback in BF4. I don't even know why this retarded CQ scoring system was put in, but I suspect it has a lot to do with the Behemoth spawning in at 100+ ticket difference. Having a Behemoth spawn in BF4 at a simple 100 ticket difference would be awful, due to the fluctuating nature of the ticket bleed scores. Return ticket bleed back, make Behemoths appear only when there's a 200-250 ticket difference

Also, the vehicles in this game are utter fucking garbage to deal with. I'm talking about the A7V Heavy Tank and Fighter/Attack Planes in particular, and how all sense of vehicle balance has been completely lost between BF4 and BF1

BF1 treats every different tank and air asset as something equal, where you give up one tank's ability to do something in trade for increased effectiveness in another. On paper, it sounds fantastic. But in reality, not all tanks are created equal. Who really thinks LAVs are better at removing armor than actual MBTs? It's the same concept with Light Flanker FT-17s and Heavy A7Vs, and you end up with stupid idiot fucks who not only don't know how to use assets properly on your team, but entirely pick the wrong ones. And I could write an entire fucking essay on why infantry vs vehicle balance is completely fucking shit

tldr; LevelCuck is actually right on certain aspects, and BF1 is indeed the product of making the game more accessible to a broader playerbase, while also adhering to Symthic's strict "math/stats balance is best balance" and not actually what is experienced in-game by the vast majority of players. It has a long way to go before it becomes a truly enjoyable and great title

nice argument
it's the truth

>The guns in the game are balanced


I don't give a fuck about 'muh skill' in what is an inherently casual shootan.

The argument against it was that players wouldn't be able to grind the weapon they want if they were on the wrong team, hence why they removed even the starter weapons after BF3.

Shared progression would solve this problem by making each weapon share a progression status with a weapon of another nation.

>what the fuck am I reading
did you even read the comment? I explained it fairly well you dunce

>People don't play hardcore because they want realism
>A game mode where every singe rifle will one shot kill at every range
>people don't play hardcore because they want realism
You dont know how real bullets works now do you?

what I am saying is that realism is not the reason they play hardcore it's the cheese that comes with realism they're after
if more realism would mean a more difficult game, they wouldn't want more realism.

honestly not sure if you're misinterpreting what I'm saying on purpose or you're completely retarded

Your arguments are the same as discussing why people enjoy eating apples.
How can this possibly bother you? Stick to arcade if you dont like hardcore lmao

You guys think I'll get banned for using this (including the swastika)

I feel like I can just complain saying it's apart of "my" religion and they're being ignorant kek

I see swastikas all the time. I don't think you get banned for it. hell, you don't even get banned for cheating

I saw someone used a pair of testicles with a face on them, I doubt you'll get banned for that

But in both world wars, soldiers from every side picked up and used whatever they thought was best.

There's even a moment in Through Mud and Blood where the huns are repairing captured British tanks to use later. A lot of materiel gets traded back and forth during a conflict, it's perfectly fitting that this game would let you use any gun available regardless of the army you're playing as.

I think you can get banned for having the whole nazi shabam (white circle and red background with crooked swastika), but on it's own it's not an offense

>How can this possibly bother you?
it doesn't, I was simply responding to a ">playing anything but hardcore" comment by explaining that I prefer a high skill floor instead of realism. obviously highlighting the fact that I think it's humerous that people pretend hardcore requires more skill because it has "hardcore" in it

I got reported a few times for using this in BF4, but never banned.

There's a difference between captured equipment and everyone having random weapons from all over the world.

Picking up an enemy kit would be equivalent to using a captured weapon.

The Germans actually did make use of many captured Brit and French tanks, known as Buetepanzers

You guys think gibbing should be in the game? It'd be a fun element especially in a WW1 game