/rgg/ Ryu Ga Gotoku General
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Let me show you what I got.
Please god, let this general live.
Hana-chan a best.
True but we all know who best girl truly is.
>page 9
We will never have a proper /rgg/ will we?...
The thread is young yet, and the OP doesn't mention "Yakuza", which makes it harder. In a few hours, I assume more Americans are going to file in. Once the thread gets going, it should have no trouble staying alive.
That said, talking about the games would help.
>tfw you will never be a cute Japanese girl being pimped out by a muscular Yakuza in hopes of eventually becoming his girlfriend
See, like that.
Why would this series ever need a general? How much is there to actually discuss?
Wow, this is actually happening? Never thought I'd see the day.
There've been multiple threads per day on /v/. There are seven mainline entries if you count Yakuza 0 and a couple spin-offs, plus a remake about to be localised.
What's there to discuss? Tons of people have problems with some of the minigames, and a lot of the players are completionists.
I mean, I'm thinking the threads on /v/ will actually last a helluva lot longer than this will, but I only say that because I'm a pessimist.
That aside, I totally forgot that Kiwami was coming to the West.
So do people tackle 100% on 0 by doing a completion date playthrough first and then a legend playthrough? I already fucked up some of the story trophies so another playthrough is necessary anyways.
Sure, they might. But let's see where it goes. I noticed the evening threads (morning/noon in America) tend to do better, at least on /v/. This one here's only been up for a few hours.
There are plenty of generals that are more than dead but are kept around because they're just a comfy gathering place for the posters.
I guess we should put together a more comprehensive OP.
Links to guides, emulators, news sites etc should be included. I recommend links to KKHsubs and Yakuza fan.
A name change might also be an idea, since most people know the series as Yakuza and not Ryu ga Gotoku and /YG/ is available.
Here's the links I have on standby for emulaton , I see the settings are already in the pastebin, which is good,
>Y 1 and 2
>Bios, select PS2
There's husbando posting to be done, for one.
Definitely good suggestions if we manage to make it to a second thread.
On another topic: how long is Shinada's part in 5? Nagoya looks really small, but all the other parts have been pretty long. And I assume the final chapter/chapters are going to take place in Kamurocho again.
It's one of the longer sections iIrc, maybe the second longest after Kiryu. Not sure since I haven't played 5 since shortly after release.
Oh wow, that's unexpected. Thanks man.
Do you think it's possible that someone makes an English patch for the ps3 version of Yakuza 0?
Why is Tachibana so beautiful?
If we're going to be a general we need to make sure we're all on the same page.
24 hour cinderella>Bakamitai>Judgement Shinpan>Heartbreak mermaid>Rouge of love>x3 shine
Friday night=queen of passion>I'm gonna make her mine>I wanna take you home>Miracle Jackson's song>
Was Jun Oda the first gay character in Yakuza? Because he obviously in love with Tachibana.
I don't think so user, I'm sorry.
KKHsubs has a pretty detailed guide of the game though, so you could play through it there, and you could always ask if there's something you're stuck on.
Do I just suck with Majima, or is Melee Battles 2 annoying to do?
All the Climax battles are a pain in the ass to do.
Man, Nishiki has got to be the prettiest guy, not best boy, but definitely the most handsome.
It's a shame Kiryu cucked him
>tfw your crush won't pay a billion yen for ur life
Who is best card-fu?
This is the 3rd time a Yakuza general was created (at least that I've seen). Last time was when Yakuza 5 came out. Needless to say it died both times in 1-2 days. I expect the same to happen this time as well. The series are just too niche even though Y0 was the most popular this time around.
Yeah, RIP.
Was talking to a friend about Yakuza. He said he played Y4 for 5 mins and stopped, I asked him why and he said
"you spawn in some fenced off area with muted dialogue and I was like nahhhhh "
Why don't people like Yakuza?
That's certainly an odd reason. I am sometimes annoyed when enemies happen to coordinate well by accident, locking me in a combo by two or three people at the same time. Or how some opponents can regain guard after just one hit in a really fast combo. You usually need to take two to three hits in a fast combo before re-guard is possible, or before you can dodge out.
They're minor complaints, but I could see how a casual player could find the combat frustrating. Definitely not after five minutes though.
Your friend is a lil bitch thats why.
It's a niche love it or don't care series, there's no real middleground.
Keep in mind that there's a thread up on /v/ as well, which might well be siphoning attention, but so far, we're still going.
>there's a general now
Well let's see how long this will last
>ywn have phone sex with Majima
why live
A Yakuza general
Can you guys help me out?
I asked over on /v/ if 0 would be a good place to start the series and got the usual "yes" "no" "maybe" "don't do it" stuff
What do you guys think? Would 0 be a good place to start?
Yes, now is a good time to start. A remake of the first game is coming out this summer and 2 might get the same treatment in not too long.
0 is a good place to dip your toes into the series.
Great. Thanks user
I've been meaning to start playing any Yakuza game for a while now.
There's two sides to this.
One side is that you spoil yourself with the gameplay, hopping over from styles in 0 to any of the other games is going to be really jarring and you might not like how limited you are in that respect (Though Kiwami has styles). Another thing is that you miss out on all the nods like Ryuji, Daigo, Nishiki, a bunch of little things on substories and in areas and I believe the empty lot(?) is a big story thing.
On the other hand everyone else seems to think it's a fantastic way to start the series as it introduces you to mostly everyone proper who will be in 1 or has a role in 1, has an entirely self contained story, doesn't particularly expect you to know anything of the series, and it has a bunch of stuff to get lost in.
It's really up to you if you want to jump in or not at 0 knowing what can potentially happen if you try to hop over to the older games. It's just going to be harder, that's all.
Just to make this clear I haven't personally played 0, I'm just relaying what countless /v/ threads have pointed out over the past couple weeks.
>tfw chapter 14 and still haven't finished up real estate or cabaret
I'm torn. I want to have the legend styles by the time I'm done, but I could always go through and just do them in premiere adventure mode too, I guess.
>spent a while holding off the story to get the legend styles
>switch to dragon of dojima in Kiryus final battles
>ends up being weak as fuck, just used brawler instead
Was not worth it honestly
That was my other thought. I may just get the legend styles/finish side shit that way.
>Nishitani died, after hyping up a raid featuring the two of them kicking ass
Fuck. At least the cop probably got his comeuppance for this shit. I hope.
It's main problem is how slow it is. I used /rush/ the entire game so everything felt slow in comparison. If the style was just faster it wouldn't turn me off as much, it should just be statically fast and not gain speed as heat increases like the other styles.
Once you get used to it, though, oh boy. It has some really op moves (twist counter, the heat moves etc) and is solid overall.
Who is best Nishiki?
dont die
>Nishiki wouldn't tap Reina
>Shindou has a GILF fetish
>Shinji loves a literal whore
Is the Nishiki family the "shit taste" clan?
Fight me on top of millennium tower.
I'm coming for your ass, faggot
Is 5 worth? I was just today contemplating starting it because I started with 4 and am craving 0 but don't have a ps4
5 is very worth it, it's the second not best out of a very good series.
The substories is good, but the main story is all over the place
Activities-wise it's like 4
What is your favorite tattoo?
Probably Kuze because of its size
I really like the front side of Minami's
Post Majima
worker Majima best Majima
I swear If I have to save this thread from page 10 again I'm going to dump all my Majima lewds
Back off user what are you doing to my kyoudai?
Kek, that was close though
Anyways, play through 2 right now
What the fuck's up with those weapon mooks and bosses?
Literally just hit twice-back off-hit twice, rinse and repeat forever
Motherfucking Shindou and Hayashi are literally just this for almost 10 minutes
Ryuji is fun though
I'm sorry for making this thread, kyodais. I don't think it'll survive much longer.
I'm sorry user but actual good games don't belong on Veeky Forums
>make Veeky Forums thread
>fujobait everywhere
I mean, yeah I know it exists, but I've never seen any of this art posted in /v/ threads
Actually they were
But really /v/ thread mostly took off because of mini games discussion
Ishin Western release when
>Activities-wise it's like 4
Except no Hostess Maker.
Man I was just trying to save the thread and ran out of shit to ask
>majima prequel
>no saejima
It still hurts, guys.
>superior nippon genes stained by korean faggotry
No. Same reason why Ryuji a shit
>only female in the series who can fight AND fight alongside you
Those genes must've done something right.
Almost forgot Granny White exists but still
>Majima my kyoudai did I ever tell you that the guns that you get for me 25 years ago were all loaded with rubber bullets and that I actually didn't kill anyone but it was actually that other guy who goes in and kill everyone after that, then I get washed up to Okinawa
>Yeah Saejima my kyoudai after that I get tortured by my Oyashi for 1 year and then get forced to manage a cabaret club to save you, then I somehow storm the Dojima family's HQ and kill a legendary Chinese assassin
>Good times kyoudai. Good times
Speaking of Karaoke, do all the songs have a girl that can perform them like Yuki does.
RIP /rgg/. We hardly knew ye