>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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Azura is best
Azura a shit
I love Azura
She's shit.
Gunter sex?
Fuck off cuck, she's shit.
Me too
Getting ready to marry Lucina!
t. Shitzuracuck
When are we going to get best queen and her sonic pegasus
Lucina is shit
What would you do with a summon gun?
No, you are.
Fuck off Azurafag.
Summon friends.
Keep firing it until I got my waifu.
Don't know what I'd do with the six Donnels that'd come out first, but I figure they could make themselves useful.
Getting ready to start a family with Rukina!
Decided to make the colouring simple because I have early morning class tomorrow. If nothing much is happening with my life by next week I might open request again...?
request history here: imgur.com
Looks like shit, but I guess it's my fault, what was I to expect from Tikicucks? Not much apparently
If I know my FE stories, loli-mage and masked-Zacharias are going to be recuitable, aren't they?
>Implying I am
whatever you say, user
>cutting the picture off so you can't see the full curve of her thighs
Heretical. Great job too.
Why is Sharena so best?
Whenever ISIS finishes milking every sibling pair in the franchise.
I love Severa and so do you! Nobody doesn't love Severa!
>/feg/ bullies what few artists they have that go out of their way to listen to their shitty requests
>surprised when they leave or get ran out and complain that they have no artists
Reminder Tusia used to be a drawfag here
Nice work. It wasn't my request but thanks.
Wary Fighter or Brash Assault?
i-it was originally a full curve then I realised the thigh looks too thin
>wanting other people to love your shitfu
Why? Are you a cuck?
>Drawfag provides content that isn't utterly hideous
>bitch about something that wasn't made to appease you specifically in the first place and bully the artist until they fuck off for good
This is why everyone thinks we're the worst General. People like you deserve to die alone.
[x] Kiss Princely Lips
>Laslow's Blade
>Speed +3
is this a joke?
>>shitposters bully what few artists come to /feg/ so they can create a cesspool of shitposting
FTFY. Remember to only give (You)s to constructive posts.
>he doesnt draw Beruka/Arthur art
Why even come here?
First time playing Blazing Sword
Is this normal for Eliwood or am I getting fucked by RNG?
Alfonse isn't for lewd!
Typical Smelliwood.
Not like anyone wants to draw lewds of him.
Alfonse will never love you more than Zacharias
Wary Fighter, Brash Assault only helps if he can survive another hit from the enemy at half health. But since there's no sword users I can think of with Wary Fighter, Quick Riposte might be better.
You can't give up that easily. Do it for the juicy thighs.
I want Alfonse to tutor me and help me get good grades while being totally oblivious of the romantic tension haha
can this guy ever be useful?
too late user, I've already closed off everything so no fixing :^)
If you're still taking requests, howabout Adult Tiki reading bed-time stories to Young Tiki
Preferably "Go The Fuck To Sleep"
Bonus points if Adult Tiki falls asleep first
He's better than Roy imo. Pretty standard Red tbqh, not the best there is or better than Ryoma or Lucina but who is?
Far from terribad.
>Mediocre to ok in everything except luck.
Looks like your standard Eliwood.
Yeah, that's not a bad first couple of levels, especially with that speed. Hopefully the next few levels will give him some stre-
>level 18
You're now playing FE6, minus the god-tier endgame prf.
Very typical, growths in FE6 and 7 can easily be fucked. For instance Bartre could easily only have maybe 7 speed by level 18, or Erk could hit level 20 with only 9 mag.
try to get him to lose some weight
>he doesn't want to talk about Heroes
Why even come here?
Seriously, someone remove this cancer. Make a new general only for Heroes.
Felicia is the cutest! She gives my life meaning! Every day spent with her is a blessing! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is my soulmate! I could never want anything more! I love Felicia!
When Kiran makes him 5* lvl40 he won't even remember who Zacharias is.
Not happening.
People tried that when it first dropped and it failed harder that #FE
Mamui's considered bad? I rolled him at 5* and he does well enough for me. Not the highest tier red obviously but a good "gets the job done" unit.
I wonder if we'll get an event down the line with an alt. Mamui that gets to be a dragonstone user and alt. Femui gets to use the Yato?
Thank you so much for doing m request user
5* her the moment I hit 20k and I'm not regretting it.
Javelins tho.
nah, sorry not taking anymore requests until next weekend.
I might just make some random pencil sketch of it inside class if I had the time though, that sounds pretty funny
Amazing. Can you draw some Arthur x Beruka next week? Ignore the haters your art is 10/10
no problemo user
I kinda want to roll him so I can complete my Nohr team before Xander comes in.
>for alfonse you are the rebound
>for sharena you're her favourite friend
These siblings were a mistake.
stop trying to shill your meme pairing
Literally one post above yours, buddy. Artist said no more requests until next week if life permits.
>Wary Fighter... only helps if he can survive another hit
>Wary Fighter
>another hit
>Effie comes with Wary Fighter on her B slot
>Alfonse's B slot is open
I was only asking for next week if he could keep it in mind.... sorry....
how can one meido be so perfect
He's saying Wary Fighter is the better option because Brash Assault does that, user.
sorry user I am never taking pairing request.
>thread is consistently back on topic after half a year of pure shitposting, with things getting particularly cancerous during the end
>waaah stop talking about Fire Emblem
Go make a new general for you and your shit opinions. I don't want to go back to tripfags comprising 80% of the posts or whatever god-awful meta-faggotry shitposters decided to push that week.
If you want to talk about something FE that isn't Heroes, start talking about it.
Ah, my bad. Now it all makes actual sense.
As a cocksleeve
How disapponting youre caving into waifufags, but i understand.
Fuck off Drill.
Fuck off Dril and take your shitty meme paring with you
more character=more effort
consider paying up for what you truly wanted.
How does Ilyana not die or go insane from being eternally hungry
>>Wary Fighter... only helps if he can survive another hit
C'mon, you can't remove the most important part of the quote and act as if that's what I was saying. Though I'll admit that a period instead of a comma would've been more clear.
>>Effie comes with Wary Fighter on her B slot
I said sword users for a reason. It'd make sense if you could only pass skills between weapon-types, to prevent sword users with Lancebreaker or whatnot. Of course, it's all speculation until the update actually comes out.
Id be willing to comission. Prices?
The guy you're talking to just wants to use it to shitpost at some autist who probably doesn't even come here anymore.
Please don't indulge him.
>more character=more effort
Not like you're putting in effort anyways :^)
I sure as hell hope you can pass between weapon types though.
>pay for my scribbles
I'm putting even lesser effort than usual, of course >:^)
I keep rolling Femuis, reeeeeee
And you'd think I'd be okay with that on paper, but she always comes in 3*, sometimes 4*, Mamui gets to be 4*-5* and get better art to boot.
>I’m here for you, King Naesala. After all, I think Makalov still owes you money.
Makalov what the fuck
Kissing Alfonse! Smooch~ smooch~
>not knowing that there are actually people paying up for even shittier scribble than I ever did
Can i comission you or what friend? Ignore the shitposter. How much would you charge for some Arthur x Beruka
>>/feg/ bullies what few artists[...]
It's mostly "/feg/'s biggest cuck" a.k.a Tharjacuck_gay_lover.
Prince Marth would never be unfaithful to Caeda-sama, no matter how many tempting mistresses come his way.
Caeda-sama on the other hand..
Look at this shit