Purest champion edition
OT: eyosongive.us
Purest champion edition
OT: eyosongive.us
xth for Syndra
I prefer ashe's regular C cup maybe D
but this G cup shit needs to die
how is this looking? any tips on where to place the shadows?
(i didn't make the original pic i'm just coloring it)
No you fucking faggot
>dorans into spectre's cowl as renekton into rumble
is this how youre supposed to play the crock into rumble?
What the fuck is this LB rework?
She does way more damage yet feels far less satisfying.
Now they're gutting her damage.
Worst fucking rework by far.
>Teams continue to pick Renekton
For what purpose?
She's literally just a generic boring freelo cancer champ. Pick or ban her and move on.
Friendly reminder to take exhaust against Zed
>he forgot akali
Oh woops, new thread.
Oh yeah, how could I forget that.
Rickless needs to be taken outback and shot.
He's ruined
>now LB
Anyone else I'm missing?
>we have mastery 7 riven, against master yi top
>give her fb
>she goes 1/8 in lane
>team blames the loss on me and reports me for being toxic because I said "our riven is bad" in all chat
why does it feel like the whole world is against me
Kill the fucking turret, TL.
Best girl.
Best scent.
Best wife.
omg Dig are fucking terrible
Post yfw when DIG
What are good top lane picks that can carry someone out of gold?
I'm doing well on Wukong so far but having trouble vs tanky picks like Malphite, Maokai, illaoi that can mindlessly rape you even if you get a couple kills on them.
we need to find something that unites League general
what if we all agree to like Smite
reported friendo
tell me how jail feels when you get there :^)
see THIS is why I didnt allow multiple votes on the first one
It's on-topic and the character isn't even real so I don't see why he would get anything coming to him
Post yfw you're Silver but at least you're not Dignitas.
I already love Smite
>TL's bot lane is 0/8/2
>tfw your sumday and youre silver sulfer jungler wants to camp your lane
maybe change the blush to pink tint? not sure
otherwise looks perfect!
>most of the league of legends general doesn't even really like league
Really forces you to ponder
Why are TSMtards such fucking mongs?
Why do you retards screech and chant every time one of your players does ANYTHING?
It was even so bad at one point that TSM fans were cheering in matches TSM wasn't even playing in.
Can't you just sperg out in peace?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
aka smitevicious
Hey guys, Akali will be played in an LCS game soon r-right? Shes just as strong of an assassin as khazix, rengar, zed, talon, leblanc, and katarina, right?
how? Will you shrink yourself and swim in her bodily fluids? Will your turn her into a pool?
Is that really what you desire?
surely you mean with.
>most of the non-League generals play games so irrelevant they have to shill in /lolg/
How do i leona top?
at worlds some toplaners were scrimming akali top but it never made it through and in her current state of muh counterplay shes good for nothing but soloqueue snowballing
yeah, it's a tragedy. they're really holding their team back, particularly trashbin, who has no positioning, and messes up simple mechanics like fucking auto attacking. like, this guy would not make challenger as adc on EUW. He feels like a d5 player at best.
in other news, renekton is apparently high tier.
Leagues fattest tiddies!
With Leona you'll always be the bottom.
Piglet you retard, don't waste yourself trying to kill the enemy ADC, you're not an ADC anymore.
(Jhin): report that Syndra omg
What is that supposed to mean?
These people hootin and hollerin are def not TSM fans.
I noticed something in Wildturtles games. He really never builds Dorans blade that much he usually starts Longsword or boots. Doran's blade confirmed trash.
>9 game winning streak with Kog'maw and MF
>Get to promos
>Get Nunu support
>"Oh boy"
>We do poorly in lane but I get all the blame for picking Kog maw while they ignore the fact I had a Nunu support.
>I'm being flamed by a triforce BoTRK Fizz top.
Why are people so stupid sometimes.
You'll understand when you're older.
It's gay lingo.
Late xth for cuddling foxes.
I know....I just want to see her played in LCS. I guess its just a pipedream.
Shadow under the head where the shoulders are as well to make the shadow consistent
but nunu makes you shoot super fast
Piglet really isn't that bad as mid. But, Matt and Youngbin are total shitters.
>tfw cancercroc is back
You better sign up for the waiting list, as i'll be swimming with her FOREVER AND EVER!
imho they should just rework her.
Im by no means an akali main but playing her current version compared to her old one feels like horseshit.
the only change I like is the shroud dash
Reminder that Ahri is literally incapable of loving you.
Boots for the ability to go 4 pots for better lane sustain, and sometimes on Jhin, you can get swifty boots early for lane trading. Longsword for a quicker back timing so you can get that first lethality item faster.
But he also has no hard CC or a reliable ult.
Lulu outclasses Nunu in every way other than the fact she isn't very tanky.
>Huge exhust nerf soon
I will until I get raped by all the assassins with no counterplay again
piglet is amazing, actually, and I think he'll only get better as time goes on. 3/5 members are SUPER good for their region, its just the bot lane that needs a lot of work.
reminder that TSM fans will unironically take this victory over a bottom-tier team as further proof that they are one of the best LoL organizations in the world
Armour pentrating boots lolg,
Yay or nay
Lourlo is solid. Reignover bounces between awful and good pretty much every series. Piglet had one good series against literally the worst mid in the region.
He is a trendsetter
He worked on Aatrox too?
Barrier still only has a 180s cooldown.
>Boots of Lethality
Of course lets make more cancer.
I'll teach her.
Flat or percentage?
Either way no
Their LoL team is probably the best managed one in the west desu
Hard to argue with their straight up domination of their domestic competition. Even though their international play leaves something to be desired. With the exception of Katowice 2015.
Even then not really. She can hardly carry now. sure if she just throws her shaft on the enemy midlaner shes going to be annoying. But any game past 25minutes and shes fucking worthless. Shes a bad splitpusher, shes a rape victim to any sort of cc, and due to her fragile nature as an assassin, she cant 1v5. I'd rather have a 0/4 tanky rumble than an 11/0 akali hands down.
piglet has looking solid in all his games so far, even hard carried one of them as cass
>Academy jinx being pondered
Just give it to me already riot
Barriers not gonna do shit when most of these assassins are going to over kill your ass anyway
>bm'ing a 10th place team as 1st place
Boy I sure do love TSM and their fans.
Really act like grownups.
Is that Janitor Trundle?
I think it needs both version. Look at the lifesteal items diversity. AD boots should not fall behind.
>There are people who unironically think Hauntzer isn't the best NA top
I think jinx already has a shit ton of skins tho
I want her to go one year without one
I really like how the casters think TSM had good performance because they only even won Game 1 because dignitass went dignitoss
Their fanbase is cancer. Especially the ones that followed doublelift.
Good team though.
looks like yorick
>I've never played Leona: the post.
how did they bm, i'm watching /our guys/ on the other stream
>dig fans hootin and hollerin and moaning all game
>freesm chants
Nice bait mait but DIG deserves every bit of BM this game
Not like NA actually has good top laners
It's probably our weakest role.
Our bot lanes are pretty fucking strong though.
Ah I forgot Yorick now has the same full beard as Trundle does.