General Resources / News:
/wowg/ guilds:
There are no wowg guilds.
General Resources / News:
/wowg/ guilds:
There are no wowg guilds.
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That wasn't the image I chose what the fuck
share minion folder please
Reminder: ded game.
Literally only a dozen servers are populated at all.
Will Halo 6 be any good????
angry dog noises
This OP perfectly embodies the state of wow right now
>strange fetishes
>zero population
if the pastebin autist posts we should all report him for being a faggot lmfao
>boys make best tanks
>boys make best dps
>boys make best healers
>boys make best gfs
are girls even trying lmao
>accidentally sell onliterum for 300g instead of 1300 because lol unit vs pieces
>cancer cheat program auto buys it before I can cancel
When are they going to ban ah programs that cheat like that?
behold..... power given... form
*teleports to center of room*
*no one switches to eyes*
*everyone dies to bonds of fel*
*mdps stacks on tanks*
heh.... u should have bent the nee, kiddo
>the entire raid boycotts our RL and heads over to krosus instead of progressing on aluriel
>our best try is 58% atm
>new looking for lfr raid wing opens up
>/WoWG/ fills up with boss quotes
REALLY joggin my forward noggin right now, folks
Sometimes when you and a person post something at the exact same time the images get swapped. There is some post out there with your image instead of that dumb minion piece of shit.
>monk has no slowfalls or anything reducing fall dmg
>pull one of those elite rare mobs for a wardens WQ
>nobody in sight, expecting to solo, only 14M so should be EZ
>everyone and their mother comes out of the woodwork to tag it
>up to 114M
That happened to some other guy earlier too.
That's one of my posts
youre cute, who are you?
>people are now pretending to be me acting surprised at the Veeky Forums mod and even using my reaction image from yesterday
>do hov hc for quest
>tank is OrochÃmaru (guild: Immortál), meme server, guess the class
>3 DPS are all below 1.8M HP
when the instance didn't even start but you already ask for the clorox bottle.
i'm you, but stronger
What compels people to make human male warriors? You are literally so generic that you can actually be clustered among the stormwind npcs....
Doesn't that floating cloud ablity do that?
wich one
dude swifty/bajheera lmao
How long does it take to get revered with the broken isles factions?
>6 seals for next reset.
Still the most boring and generic choice in a game with a dozen other choices.
Fuck off weebs. MODS
God damn I didn't realize my priestess was such a fucking qt until I came back to her and started playing more
Like fuck last time I played her was before draenor and now she's a total cutie
>oh yeah just like that.. make mommy proud
>join guild alt raid on 845 ele sham
>only like 16 pts into my weapon
>almost out dps the enh shaman main using his ele offspec
>he's in 880+ gear
>he switches back to enhance after nythendra because he doesn't wanna be beaten by my alt
You arent my mom
>rare classic screenshot
if you post 3 more of mine that weren't posted yesterday I'm gonna freak
it'll also confirm you're a Veeky Forums mod
>aka bc
Hunter or Monk?
>tfw people STILL don't know how to use the group finder and spam in general chat
Hunter if you want to raid, Monk if you want to have fun
>tfw you have an issue in-game that nobody else has or knows a fix for
>make a thread on a dozen different wow forums about it
>none of them have replies
I fucking hate AP, this game is alt unfriendly because of it
Should I switch to Unholy before 7.2 hits?
it's friendlier with the books now
Is it worth resubbing to WoW? Is the RNG I hear about really that awful with no end to it in 7.2?
what's the issue m8? maybe the collective minds of wowg can solve it
this is mine, but I can't remember what it was about...
do I need loremaster for a zone to get all the wqs unlocked?
It's the latest in MMO design. RNG = difficulty.
I didn't really need it
No, just friendly with all factions.
oh I know, it was highlighting your character
it used to do it if you just targeted yourself in WoD, but now it only does it if you hover your mouse over your character and does not work when you hide the UI
I wanted the brightness for better screenshots but blizzard fucked me over
>using 850 gloves
>get 885 gloves in class hall chest but can't use them because they have crit strike and versatility and my primary stats are mastery and haste
Itemization is unbelievably fucked. Getting rid of reforging is one of the worst things Blizzard has ever done.
Bring it back, put a reforge NPC in the class hall and make it cost order resources.
I asked because I'm leveling an alt and really cba to do all the quests again
>know girl who plays WoW
>she uploads a modest profile picture to memebook
>she's fucking gorgeous
>around 20 beta orbiters flocking around and commenting
>she will never notice me
>I'll never tank for her
>is a fucking beta
>calls others beta orbiters
>trying to do the NH world quest and slay Elisande's personal fucksluts
>"screw it I'll try group finder for it. It's just normal NH how bad can it be?"
>takes 20 minutes to get all but two braindead idiots into the raid itself
>several people die on the trash before the first boss
>wipe on SkyorpianMan at 70%
>vote to kick initializes on the tank that instantly died
>suddenly everyone in the raid has got something equally stupid to say, next 5 minutes is pure shitflinging until someone pulls the boss again
>leave raid
You gotta witness that shit for yourself at least once I suppose
just cringed to another dimension
>that guy in your guild who nobody talks to and interacts with but always shows up for raids and does solid dps
Even if we wipe, he'll just release and walk back and never say anything
I run into these people in every guild, I wonder why they do that
I've been doing the fucking dk intro zone interrogation quest for a god damn hour for this fucking crimson dawn bullshit god damn it
there' a teleporter that you can use to quickly get back there assuming anyone in the group had cleared elisande 4 times
>tfw rogue
please let the sweet release of death take me
tfw I'm that guy, but a healer
I am that person. I am just not a fan of randum small talk that most guilds do but I do like to do a good job at raiding so I try to do that at least the best I can.
Why cant we get the redone DK animations now? Why wait for 7.2 if theyre functional? I want my explosive Blood Boil and spooky DnD NOW!
Is there any leather armor for druid that looks like default monk? Those monk chests all are class restricted
How about never because the new Death Grip and DnD are fucking awful.
Suffer well
>no cheap option to trasfer multiple characters.
>horde guild with good friends but low pop mostly alliance server
Cant wake up
Don't do that, it's creepy
I'm that guy but I also stalk any female raiders that join our guild :)
It's a bad life and explains why I can't find a guild or a raid group anymore despite being a dedicated and good player.
>when your ilv gradually goes up and you can already feel the difference in the dps and all that effort you put into the rotation is now worth it
feels good man
>get ganked while doing WQ by 3 ally
>try to find them so I can get revenge
>ask in general if anyone's seen their 3 names
>one of them says they're in this guild called and to just kill anyone in their guild on sight because they're dicks anyway
>find some random druid in that guild
>kill him
>one of the three who ganked me shows up shortly after, as if I smoked him out
>kill him
That... was satisfying
>get drinking horn cover off elisand
>jojo stand time practically doubled
Thank you RNGjesus
Hey /wowg/ a few questions
Are warlocks in a good spot right now?
Are they fun to play?
Which professions provide the most reliable way of making gold? Farming is not a problem. I was thinking herbalism and alchemy but I haven't played since EN was the main raid so not sure what changed since then
appreciate replies, thank you
-stay smart, stay quiet
-in anger you defeat only yourself
no bully pls
1. yes
2. fun is a subjective buzzword
3. alch+herbalism. some herbs and potions of prolonged power sell for fat piles of shekels
Shadow Priests are the better Warlocks
Sign me up
I'm usually pretty social but if I don't like who I'm playing with then this is what I do. Listening to music is better than listening to retards.
reminds me of this
>Guild keeps bringing in 50 to 60 year people
>They can't play the game at all
>Can't kick them because that would be rude despite making no progress on the most easy bosses
They are all very nice people but holy fuck I can't stand playing with them. Trying to teach someone to just click a button in the middle of the screen is maddening.
How the fuck do I continue the suramar storyline after Margeaux dies? I'm stuck on blood and wine and I don't know which quest to complete next. The wowhead guide is complete ass.
>tfw altaholic
>tfw play something for a week then change
>tfw most characters are 860-880
>863 windwalker with only 1 legendary
>can sustain 400k DPS without bl pots or anything else, just hitting the dummy. Did 6 mins of dummy a few times so it's not the brunt of the burst, DPS stabilizes at 400ish.
Is this class pretty strong or what, I don't remember my SP doing this much damage with this little gear
>meet girl from /wowg/
>we hit it off
>we're like mirror images of each other, same interests and everything
>she's a NEET and wants a sugardaddy to pay for her bills/wow sub
>said she'll kill herself if she doesn't find one before she gets kicked out
>I don't have a job anymore
>have no intention of supporting a NEET gf hundreds of miles away
>she removes me
wow, greats quality of women you have here, /wowg/
>Minding my own business.
>Get a dm from a guild member.
>Asking me for healing tips.
Oh golly.
>monk in raid
>leaves for over a month
>comes back
>10ilvl behind
>no set pieces
>always in the top 3
monk is a bit more than broken atm
and the fucker above me
why do you keep reposting old stories
what do you get from it