Minotaur Edition
Minotaur Edition
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first for mercy posting
Marty > all
Music of the Spheres > all
horizon zero dawn is really good
Two words: Eyes Up
Marty didn't compose this, and it's hands down the best music in Destiny.
>hands down the best music in Destiny
Because the best music in Destiny is actually not in Destiny
And even then, nothing in RoI, including Eyes Up, matches up to the base game's tracks like Last Array and Dust Giants
The tracks from Vanilla are good but not as good as Eyes Up.
We'll know for sure just how much talent Bungie lost with Marty when we hear Destiny 2's music.
>The tracks from Vanilla are good but not as good as Eyes Up.
Garbage tier taste
>We'll know for sure just how much talent Bungie lost with Marty when we hear Destiny 2's music.
You can already tell from most everything after vanilla Destiny
And before vanilla Destiny too
I'm a recently converted NEET. Turns out, most of my co-workers have an Xbone and Destiny, but they haven't done raids because they don't have a group.
Dammit, /dg/. is it worth getting an Xbone just to play Deadstiny with real life "friends"? Or should I just commit allegiance to my clan that's been there from day one?
Not true, every expansion so far has had great music. If you disagree, you don't know the meaning of good music.
I do know the meaning of good music, because I never said Salvatori going solo was bad. Just not as good. Shadow of the Walker is RoI's best action track.
You have one guess as to why that is.
up to you
Don't do it, playing endgame content with normies is horrible, and no one likes that dude who comes into the thread like "hey guys help me carry my normie friend"
Just saying, if you end up doing it, don't expect my help
>is it worth getting an Xbone just to play Deadstiny with real life "friends"?
yes. but don't expect to complete anything with them
>That moment that begins at 2:10 in The Path
Shivers. Every fucking time.
It definitely didn't feel like a track out of a video game when I first heard it.
I just played Tiny Tina's Assault for the first time, the story is awesome.
This is fine.
It's such a shame that the copy free this month doesn't come with the DLC. Might be good for some random shooty pew pew stuff though.
Get out of here, Sam Fisher, you don't belong in the Tower!
2:33 to 3:31 is absolutely, unironically perfect and in the top 0.1% of video game orchestral movements.
>the CG intro on Mars with the first half making Destiny look like it'd be some nebulous piece of avante garde sci fi in games
The problem with you people comparing soundtracks is that not only do their themes differ, they were also made during different periods of stability in Bungie.
Vanilla: Orchestra without a set theme, but good at bringing out hope, which was their goal. Good stability until they decided to cut Staten and Activision messed with Marty, and then the hope it brought became cognitive dissonance about the game.
Taken King: Heavy, dark, and somewhat tribal. A very different tone compared to Vanilla. Lots of problems inside Bungie were being ironed out, and the game was finally starting to get back on track, but the situation there was still tense. This is what the game should've been at launch.
Rise of Iron: Nostalgia. Bungie is finally back in order. They hit the nail in the head with this soundtrack. The closest soundtrack to Vanilla Destiny, but it didn't feel like hope, and more like longing. Which is why most people felt like it didn't measure up to Vanilla. But then again, comparing Vanilla to the expansions is sort of unfair. Vanilla had an entire orchestra composed for it, while all the expansions had were individual pieces. But this soundtrack still showed a lot of potential the franchise has.
Still, the soundtracks haven't disappointed me yet. Listening to youtu.be
Yeah, that makes sense. Marty composes for the internal game atmosphere while Salvatori just throws in whatever he's feeling based on what's around him, right? That's retarded. Both composers compose for the themes of the game's story, not for whatever internal gripes people were having. Reach was by far and away Bungie's smoothest developmental exercise (not their best game at all, mind you) and that soundtrack was the heaviest tragedy Marty and Mike ever composed. Halo 2 had to be remade in 11 months and the soundtrack was also generally a light affair.
>it just might overcome Halo
Halo has its niche now as Xbox' mascot instead of a tour de force genre definer. It's not competition for Destiny at all anymore, aside from maybe iconography which is a laughable point of attack. They're not going to surpass the Chief in anyone's eyes.
>even without Marty
Obviously. Just because the soundtracks are likely going to be of worse quality doesn't mean Destiny 2 is going to be a step down. It's kind of funny how some remaining old school Bungie fans who praised Marty like a god have suddenly turned around saying "y-yeah he didn't mean much anyway."
They all have great tracks tracks though but you're right, Vanilla and RoI's are my favorites with better overall songs.
>Reactive reload
>Hammer Forged
Stand back, this is the best track Marty ever composed.
>The intro video in the beginning of the game isnt even the full version
Christ they really did have to fuck everything up with the story.
You didn't quite get my point. Marty had a soundtrack complete before Bungie started having problems, so of course that didn't show in his compositions. Salvatori composed his tracks while Bungie was going through a rough time, and it didn't feel as ambitious as Vanilla or Rise of Iron. There's no worker who's immune to having his feelings show in his work, and immune to the environment they're working in. That's the point I'm trying to get at. TTK's soundtrack being not as good as Vanilla or Rise of Iron just happened to match Bungie's rough times, so I assumed it was a reflection of it in one way or another.
I never complained about the soundtracks. Vanilla's is a tough line to cross, but all Destiny soundtracks were great.
What I'm thinking is, the better Destiny as a game gets, the more likely it is to reach up to its soundtrack's quality, and the soundtrack quality might even go up. Is it a stupid opinion? Perhaps. But I'm an optimist.
>instead of a tour de force genre definer.
I'm talking about back when the games were being released. Halo is a shadow if what it used to be.
Post Guardians
>start doing strikes on my 223 hunter
>dust palace
>some German fuck just AFKs the whole time
>dust palace once more
>2 fuckers who ran into the first group of enemies then ran back and AFK'd
Is there some parental lock that traps kids inside this playlist or did I just get unlucky and get some retards? This literately never happens to me on my warlock doing heroics.
Borderlands is free on xb1?
>hand cannons as special weapons
Please make this a thing again.
>Cero will never post in /dg/ again
Go away Bv/Jiro. Nobody cares about your cummy buddies.
I don't know who cero is, I know who cerv is
Wasn't me, but it's nice to see someone else who misses Cero and their Marathon discussion.
Eyes up is good. It is not as good as the first suite of Music of the Spheres. Or the last suite.
HandCannon Sidearm is already getting old, I wonder if Bungie can actually balance this game before they bury it
Destiny was balanced for ages during HoW
Don't know why they ruined such a good thing
I don't even know why they try to balance it, the game is more fun when everything is OP.
>shotgun bullshit
Who /TheLastThornPartyWinters64/ here
>try to get bl2
>sorry you want free shit, better have a billing account faggot
>link to paypal, one of the options
>tough shit try somehting else
>link bank account
>ui crashes
Fuck this, I already own it for ps3 anyways
>try creating billing account again
>fill out borderline phishing information
>wait until tomorrow to get code sent to your bank lol
On Playstation Plus all you have to do when getting free monthly games is hit the download button, this is ridiculous.
Yea. Best weapon diversity of every meta was HoW
I actually got into a lobby with Cero over the Christmas break, but he's rarely on his account any more. I understand why he doesn't go on raids. If he posted his voice the memes would've skyrocketed.
Very fast Zavala running at incredible hihg speed
>Zavala uses An Answering Chord
what a shitter
fuck off joff
Has joff finished his KF run yet from like last year
they just got passed the starting gate
>It's such a shame that the copy free this month doesn't come with the DLC
Oh right sorry. Get the THJC, it's an awesome value tbqh. I got it for like $20 at Gamestop last summer, new.
>yfw all the DLC is on disc
THJC was free last October.
Cool beans, but
>t no friends loser
I was just playing BL2 with a friend from back home.
Stay mad nobody will play BL2 with you.
>Last Array
nice projection
>no caps
Hello, joff. Not only will nobody play BL2 with you, they won't even play Destiny with (You).
I feel for you, truly.
That sure is some nice Destiny, mmm-mmm-MMM. Good shit dats some good shit right there, gotta love that Destiny
This general hasn't been about Destiny in years
keep reading down the list
Let's fix that, shall we?
There are several Marathon references in Destiny, almost too many to list. Here's just a few:
In Marathon 2: Durandal, Durandal tells the player that he's resurrecting colonists from a nearby planet, giving them the choice to "make their own destiny or perish." This is similar to the process of becoming a Guardian. You were dead once, but you're brought back to life and begin to fight strange aliens.
At the Shrine of Oryx on the Moon, the arena is shaped as the Marathon symbol of looked at from a top-view. The giant ring in the middle is the inner circle, and the area where you can walk is the outer circle, and it gradually widens as you walk from top to bottom; the giant door is the small gap at the very bottom. Refer to pic.
In the Books of Sorrow grimoire cards, Oryx looks into the Darkness and sees how It works. He then comments that "waves make battles, and battles make waves." This is a direct quote from Marathon, in which Durandal sees how the universe works after becoming rampant.
Another direct quote from Marathon comes from Rasputin's grimoire cards. "It's just like my cousin said," is said by Durandal when mentioning his past as a door-opening AI.
What's wrong with digital?
Im hard
The Handsome Jack Collection
>The giant ring in the middle is the inner circle, and the area where you can walk is the outer circle, and it gradually widens as you walk from top to bottom; the giant door is the small gap at the very bottom. Refer to pic.
>the inner circle
>The Inner Circle
Praise bv
>not praise colt
Colt feeds off bv, without bv there would be no Sealing.
>he doesn't even know the correct hierarchy
fucking idiot quadsters pretending to be part on the Inner Circle
Without bv there would be one less degenerate in this general.
And nothing of value Lost
>1:09 onwards in The Union
>never going to get to hear that in HD
Thanks Binglevision
big digger nick
Is this game Ded Orbit?
Dead game
Dead thread
Dead orbit
So I was lurking the Forums and found this pretty sick roll.
I have yet to have a Lingering Song drop with LitC, even after 20 drops, and this guy gets this roll.
>ywn go to better times when shitters were complaining about minotaurs teleporting just when they charge their fusion rifle and everyone told them to git gud or even better times when i wasn't playing fucking destiny at all
>thorn,final round efrideet/felwinter, truth for heavy part
Ebin diversity shitlord
>you will never buy your way into VoG runs with your gjallarhorn again
Just came back to this game for the first time since launch
Is the best method of progression just grinding legendaries for light increases
Anyone know what the best khvostov configuration is?
Yea, and Packages drop gear up to 390 so farm out some rep. Once you can run tge Rise of Iron raid go ahead and do that for drops. And buy Three of Coins from Xur for exotics because they have a good change to be higher light gear
first, go through the dlc stories for ridiculously easy light gain, then follow this chart to see how easy it is to gain light level now.
900 RPM full auto
>900 rpm
I think you mean hold square/X
Also follow this to see what has changed since you have been gone, made for a House of Wolves user, but really the extra info you might need is
>added horde mode guantlet end game
>end game tryhard pvp
>new raid on moon
>reef social area
>new factions
>new light system
light went from 30 to 300, just add a 0 and its basically the same
900 rpm, full auto, rangefinder, second scope, extended mag
>le vanilla tracks
>implying Betrayer, the Awoken, Coming War, Shadow Thief, The Court of Oryx, To Be a Warlock, Oryx Ascendant, Siva Swarm, Siege Engine, Eyes Up and The Archpriest are not the same quality or better than vanilla
>extended mag
CB is much better, and you don't need those bullets.
First scope isn't as nice, but better AA
>good on 900 rpm
>first scope
>better AA
>bungie will one day shut down the destiny 1 servers
What servers? You mean the potatoes they have hooked up in their office to host pvp?
Is there any chance bungie will realise always online pseudommo model is fucking retarded and make a normal multiplayer in D2?