/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1238

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who is the most cute pso2g?

pso2gs are not cute


who you



Friendly Reminder GG has been updated Again

lmao, how narcissistic can you get
not even lilith was that bad

all the cute ones have left

we only have trash remaining

>Not even lilith is that bad
excuse me?

well some of the trash got banned soo... we're getting quality back in terms of cuties

The cute ones are gone, only sluts remain.

A lot of trash left too, the question is was it worth the sacrifice?



>pso2g still have troubles s-ranking solo PD
Explain this.
I thought you guys were knowledgeable about this game.

my beloved kayleth

>lilith s-ranked solo PD before he got banned
>pso2g still cant do it
How can you get btfo'd by a memelord this hard? has anyone in the discord s-ranked it?

kys yana

Fuck off, underage.

>try to see what the english pso2 community is on the internet
>it's b20 in imageboard form
how's shit2 mai frendos?

>kys yana

A question about CASTs: I'm planning on making my new character one, but can females get parts that are mecha-like, or are all the options just ordinary girls with doll-joints and "robot lines"?

Its great o3o

>starting to find yana equally if not more annoying than lilith

Either i have some low ass tolerance or if this is actually possible


Posting about yana is worse.

>tfw slept thru mother tonight because work in an hour

man, I just want this +35 astra talis. I've still got like a month and a half right?

this tbqh
ignoring is easy and goes a long way, just fucking block the fucker jesus christ

Thats true but people didn't do it to lilith and they bitched about him non-stop in the discord and they were bitching about him being in the night arks

B20 hasn't been a thing in years
They're all in B1 now

>Hating on the cutie
This is why all the cutes stop hanging with you gays.


Is there a reliable way of farming units? I need lots of power affixes for something stupid.

There are a few if I recall, but no, the majority of the female parts are mecha musume, not pure mecha like the male parts are.

I mean, there are some very mechanical designs in here but you'll have a face with almost all of them.

jakka jan

>jakka jan
Reminder to tell closet who's your favorite k-on

But who IS my favorite keion?

please tell me I wasn't the only one who noticed Satomi Satou say that on PSO2 Station a few months ago

sup mortals



wow what a cutie

Please do not post my wife like that

knowledge does not directly translate into skill. a lot of people get fucked over by bad double patterns, at least, that's my excuse.

>GMcustom insists that the new TMG ring will be the return of sroll infinate fire spam
Why do people say he's good?

Isn't that shit unoptimal as fuck though?

When did anyone say he's good?

People in the general used to a lot, also lots of people elsewhere



where did he say this?

>sofa saying NA has no standards for people joining since they let Socks and lilith join
I've never seen anyone this asspained about a team. I see why you guys and NA calls him a retarded gorilla

New player- picked a hunter to start with, but I want to end up as a fighter. Should I change my class right away, or get levels as a hunter under my belt first?

>Lilith can s-rank solo PD with 2 different classes
>Sofa can't as FOTE
Socks a shit though.

How long would it take a fresh 75 to get an Astra weapon?


As a fighter main you'll be using hunter as your subclass anyways, so either works.

Thanks for the advice. Probably gonna stick with hunter for now, since it seems that I have to either get lucky with drops or pay for basic fighter weapons and abilities.

Weapons and PAs drop far more often for your main class, so you're much more likely to find fighter stuff if you're running on fighter main.

Does PI give decent exp?

I love you, ruppie.

>Sofa Can't as FOTE
are you blind?

As fast as you can fill the CF. About half month for +35 if you play regularly even without resetting CF.

he says it once in a forum post though?

Twice, but also you're really going to be that pedantic about the exact word I used?

What badge weapon should I go for first as a br/hu bow hybrid?

I finally got 200 weapon badges so I can either get a katana or bow.

Which would prevent me from getting kicked from XHAQ?

I've only recently returned but I think bow is better for bosses. Unfortunately their potential sucks except for the Su one.

Well I need something. What bugs me about this game is that there is no linear gearing progression. You either get lucky and receive a rare drop or you grind for weeks to get stones or badges.

You need good gear to complete the quests that give badges and stones but you need the badges and stones to get the gear. There is no middle ground.

You're face is a shit m8

You can save triboosts and get your first 13* weapon in less than a day from Collection Files. Wait for the cooldown and get five copies to get your +35. Sounds pretty linear to me. You don't need good gear to get carried either

waiting for cooldown is still one day?

I haven't played in about a year and I want to play again. How's Braver/Bouncer? Is every ship still ass?

>First 13* weapon
>waiting for cooldown
Nice reading comprehension.

Braver is good, although lacking at the newest raid boss fight due to bad burst damage. Bouncer is quite possibly the worst class in the game right now, sadly.

When I came back I kinda felt the same way but holding out until you get astra would be better those weapons are worth less once you finally get it.

>how Matoi looks at you if your character is male


What's a good R ring for Fo/Te?

killing bonus, massive hunter.

Cant go wrong with pkeeper for general use

Massive HU is highly situational.
Killing Bonus if it's mobbing
Perfect Keep Techs if it's bossing.

Can someone help? I dying to get this sword, but i don't think i can unlock extra hard before tomorrow.

What sword?

Can't help if you word it that vaguely.

green striped egg is maron or melon right?

The one this npc is giving...i forgot that screenshots do that, welp.

If you mean the fire sword, the collection file shouldn't go away until the 21st.

>tfw battle mode wont have a wild delsaber like enemy roaming around 1 shotting people like in pso1
half the fun was avoiding it

Thanks lads
If you press ctrl + prsc it will leave the hud, the opposite of what you have it set to

I need to kill lv 80+ mobs in the boisterous white day event, but im level 61 and i can't go extra hard mode yet.


About how many White Day EQ runs does it take to complete a Fornis file?


You have plenty of time to farm the weapon. When you see the list of each CF type, it displays the date that it'll be gone. Note that even if it's gone, you can still complete the file if you have it in your CF list (This gets fucked up a bit if an objective is tied to a certain quest, like the white day one needs mobs killed only in white day. You're good if you have it done via triggers or before the EQ is gone).

5-6 runs for top left gauge
and that's all that matters

>5-6 runs
that's a load of shit, tis' more like 9-11 for that gauge.

top left fills fast
only gruzoras is slow

new player here, just started last week, been farming CO and i just hit 53.
How do i grind now ?
I heard about VHAQ but is it interesting to solo them with NPC ?

What's up you meme loving fucks

It's usually pretty dull but taking 3 NPCs is some extra EXP over doing it just by yourself. If you want levels, you'll want those AQs.

top left fills fast if your runs are full of enemy codes, and are slow runs doing more than 1.5 full laps around the map.

I've done a bunch of these, the top left is by no means fast to fill, especially compared to choco.

not really, even with the permanent 100% boost solo vhaqs are awful. just keep doing any eq that pops up, that's the best way to level.