/wfg/ - Warframe General

Save the refugees edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed, if it wasn't full: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png
>Avoid the line, join the /wfg/ alliance today! PM killsaw of Warbros NFA for inquiries

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/vbFWf1g.jpg
Tierqueer Filters: git.io/vMhaS
CURRENT UPDATE: The Pacifism Defect
> forums.warframe.com/topic/768600-the-pacifism-defect-update-19120/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/767736-banshee-prime-hotfix-19115/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh


So weapons are you using for this farm.
I'm just using syndi procs with an atterax.

I'm a fucking idiot.

Anywho, any of your fuckers interested in these shitty rivens?

When the fuck is Mesa Prime

Right after nonreworked Oberon Prime.

Hydroid Prime is after him dude

Reeeee etc.

That said, considering they're definitely never gonna rework Oberon and his prime is probably next, I wonder what batshit weapon(s) he's gonna come with to get people to buy his prime access.

Magistar Prime, i believe. Btw, sancti version is pretty good through crits.

Operators in relays when

Aktigris Prime

Magistar Prime will probably look cool as hell at least. Considering power creep I wouldn't be surprised if it shipped with 40-50% base crit or some shit.

Is the clan full
I'm thinking of joining

>DE's genus matchmaking lets me join a fissure near the end of the game
>Not even a chance to get 10 fissure jizz
>They get the banshee part I need

I honestly hate this game.

Tiberon Prime and a sword and shield that's pretty much Ack & Brunt with 5% more crit chance.

I want the brakk.
Ign briarblack

how close to vaykor hek is the scattered justice modded regular hek?

Kinda different guns for different purposes. Modded hek is one hit kill to remove essential targets (just try out blast build). Vaykor is for "tactical decisions", literally gun for everyday use, good both on crowds and solo, though for solo modded normal one are way better.

huh, okay cool
going to get the mod and buy some Prisma dual cleavers then


Those fucking idiots lived 14+ hrs in that stupid mission.

tfw our autists aren't this autistic

though what set up are they running anyways?

Whatever it is, they have one DPS and one, well, they must have been popping one ability until their keyboard broke.

based on damage taken and kills, I'd assumed 2 trin 2 limbo

I'd heard two frost, two limbo.

This is correct

>tfw I actually know these guys, they do the heavy lifting in the alliance.

I bet you just want to be able to engage in hardcore warframe on operator erp

If I were to guess, one frost for ice wave and another for avalanche. One limbo for banish. and another for cataclysm.

LPT: Frost's globe pushes enemies outwards. Maybe Icy Avalanche also somehow affects Clemmings but I'm too lazy to figure it out.

Ha, clemmings. I like that.

Holy fuck, I love equinox, she's so fucking good. Nigh on 100k focus from today's Sortie 3. I'm cumming!


Equinox is the shit. I ran with a couple of clanmates today in the event, we all went equinox, 2 of us for night, and 2 for day. It worked so well.

If only I wasn't so ingrained with the concept of 4 abilities in this game that I could make full use of her.

This might not be the standard maim build, but I feel it works fairly well. 250 range is key! Power duration because it reduces your power drain during active toggle abilities!

max streamline+fe and you won't need cont and const

>negative strength
>0 (Zero) primed mods
what the fuck is this?
How the fuck are you getting more focus during sorties than me with any damaging frame.

Yeah, except power efficiency doesn't go past 175%, and also with toggled abilities, 1% of duration = 1% of power efficiency.
Maim doesn't use strength for anything except its initial slash proc.
It pools the max health of enemies killed within its range to be used as a raw damage PBAoE.
I only started playing 50 days ago, no bully :c
Constitution is one of the only +duration mods, at 28%.

I didn't know that, I've been building for strength, fuck me.
>50 days ago
that's fine, I guess. Pick up continuity and flow asap, shit's cash.
I know about constitution, I just don't like the mod. Too many points for so little return on the only half that matters.

I stopped playing after Draco due to the sad joke the grinding is for MR.
Have they 'fixed' it or is there a replacement for Draco now? What's the best place to farm weapon XPs now?

Draco was kill. Ceres is now a mid-level planet, and draco is a surv node.
So everyone just moved to akkad, bere, and sometimes that grineer def on saturn

Hydron is really good. 20 waves with a booster will level up anything you have to max.

Just you wait, she only gets better.

Pacify & Provoke build still needs strength.

>Clan is dead as fuck
What do

How to color Banshee?

Bright pink and neon green

Do you even need to ask

Top edge

leave clan

Press random 69 times

Any tips for a noob besides the stuff in the FAQ? Also tips on how to look/join a clan. I usually run solo in most games.

Running solo will kick you in the ass a lot (see Hema research costs and this current operation). At least join some discord server or an active clan to get 1 or 2 people to play with. You can thank me later.

Up until recently the only reason to join a clan was to get the researched weapons and frames. According to DE clans will get more attention from now on.
Get yourself into a very active storm/mountain clan (they will also require you to be very active) and if that's not up your valley (maybe a weekend player?) then get yourself into a ghost/shadow clan. Entering a clan that's nearing full capacity is preferable.

Know your farming spots and level everything to 30 before selling.

Sometimes clans recruit in the recruit chat, the faster you join a clan the faster you get access to cool things like meme weapons and corrupted mods

Some weapons and fames can only be obtained in the Research Labs in the Clan's Dojo, so join one that has full/almost full research.

You can play solo but at higher levels you will need help

So, I was planning on doing a warframe cosplay for either a six months away or a year away Comicon
Since I've seen the cringiest shit in this thread or in the forum while checking for ideas, do you guys think it's possible on doing something not "I studied the blade" levels of cringe?

Pick a frame you like.
Use it's default colors or as close as you can get.

Maybe pick a frame that suits your physical build first.

big comfy frost

I was thinking on doing Excalibur, either the default or the graxx skin, as I have a 3d printer and the helmet and the back part would be easier for me to print that to model with eva

But I don't want to be a Kuva Guardian.

Skinny white male, the only frames I can't do is rhino and bacon coat, apart from the female frames

>not just being fAtlas

Well, since you're on this here website I was thinking about that or Nezha

What clan & alliance is this?

>tfw nekros

Hey guys, started playing this again after a long hiatus. I have frost with a boltor, akbolto and orthos. How fucked am i? Also, are the tiberon or stradvahr (sp?) Any good?

assuming none of those are prime, there's better versions of everything, the tiberon is okay, the stradvahr is a garbage fire, that tries to be both a braton and latron and fails at both.

name my dog or i'll name it something boring like


Name it "The_Weine_Slayer"

For someone really shit at this game (like me), this event is literally impossible. I have trouble keeping those retards alive even during the frst mission.

Are you soloing it?


Yeah, are there even people doing the first two missions? I thought they'd all do the third only.

how to win the event:

>equip equinox
>go into day mode
>press 4
>collect energy

Did you even try to get into a pub? Also what frames do you have?

Not yet to be honest. I rarely pub.
AshP, BansheeP, Chroma, Ember, Excal, FrostP, Hydroid, Inaros, Ivara, Limbo, LokiP, Mag, Mesa, NekrosP, Nidus, Nyx, Oberon, RhinoP, Trinity, ValkP, Wukong

2 embers, either one trin and one nova or two novas
Embers press 4
Carry all-powerful heks or sobeks to kill ancients if the power ain't enough

>bothering with enemies

2 trin, 2 frost or vauban, go until you're too bored to continue

It's a matter of perspective in my opinion
Less enemies means more energy on the ground to keep embers fueled
Baubeens and frosts rely less on energy but they provide risky situations if you have dickheads as teammates
Embers can solve problems before having them

Please help me get rid of these shitty riven mods.

I want to sell everything except the Soma one

I can take the ogris and gremlins off of your hands.

ign Panhead

How do I get Riven mods? I came back after a hiatus and it's one of the few things I don't understand

ember does fuckall beyond level 80, especially to eximus
I'm talking about actually trying to go far here, not just getting your 65 if you're in a solo clan

Want to solo Event 3?

Max Range + Smedium EFF + Zenurik +Titania

Press 1 on everything that moves and 3 on Ancients at checkpoints.

Only if it's Rhino

Is despoil worth maxing?

Ember is trashsweep, when I see her in sorties/50+ I laugh.

Well since Ember is so trash I guess we should let DE know about Max Range + Duration Ember being able to stunlock entire maps

Other frames do that just as well without only being able to clear trash.

do these titties excite you?

there is your answer

goddamnit, we get it. you think futa isnt gay.

You have guns too, you know

You aren't forced to only pick frames who can cc/kill entire maps, you can pick what you like

Nope, no primes yet. My friend told me that the telos boltor is decent and that i should replace my akbolto with a lex or something. Is there a meta for melee weapons?

sounds like someone is projecting


the telos boltor is decent yes, though I like boltor prime if I'm gonna boltor, as for secondary, lex is... okay, Lex prime is a hilairious handcannon.

For melee weapons? eh, you generally want to use a weapon type with good stances, heavy blades stand out a bit with tempo royale for example, whereas machetes stand out with only having one stance that is a raging trash fire that destroys the entire weapon class with it's mediocrity.

>tfw getting top even score as valk

>Memeing Strike
>Volt Prime
>Telos Boltace

Pure fucking megadeath.

Yeah, so why not pick a frame that can handle high level mobs?

thanks for posting some more from that waifubait show :^)