League of Legends General - /lolg/

Cuddly lady edition!

OT: eyosongive.us

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Xth for Katarina
best girl

>tfw too cute

This thread has been claimed in the name of metal

xth for Syndra

deleting "dashing damage heavy champions" all morning. what have you been up to?

results woops hehe

>been playing a lot of midlane lately
I want to unlock this bitch so much, playing shit like Vladimir, Annie or Swain feels so tanky.

>No Gwyndolin skin for Liss

What HP/resist ratio should I be going for? At what point is it more efficient to focus on HP over Armor/MR?

got bored so I played some movespeed udyr

realized after the game I accidentally queued for ranked. I won and got promoted up a rank.

if you guys are in here thanks for the carry

xth for Cute Ashe

Trying to figure out the secrets of Volibear Jungle. No matter what I do I always feel like I'm not doing any damage.

>tfw shit at League
>tfw hate self
>tfw everyone else hates me too

Trying to find the strength to pull the trigger.

post ign and i wont hate you

>music just stops working
>chat filter still fucked
where did they go wrong with the new client

Frenzy.jpg W - Frenzy

DAMAGE: 80/125/170/215/260 ⇒ 60/110/160/210/260
ATTACK SPEED PER STACK: 8/11/14/17/20% ⇒ 4/8/12/16/20%

I wonder why

>Enemy bot is duo, Zyra/Draven
>I'm a raka with MF
>We get smashed in lane
>Not to crazy though
>They fall off and start to feed and make mistakes
>We win easily
>Says "Sorry for your bot, hope they're not duo"
>They start raging in all chat
>Leave lobby instantly
>Enemy bot tries to add me

fucking childrens

Please post cute pictures that make you happy. Couldnt get more sleep, dont go to bed hungry friends.


Reese no.

Can you fuck off with these stupid posts? Maybe you can't sleep becasue deep down you know you're a worthless mentally ill faggot who would do everyone good by offing yourself.

>soraka player
always smug about getting carried

maybe if you wake up in the middle of the night, you should try going back to sleep while your mind still in that state instead of shitposting here

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums results very fun

rumia i love you
remember that

troll team needs to ask Doran for forgiveness

how do i play trist

Welding BTFO yet again when does it end

make expansion then defense it tbqh

>playing vs 4 players trying to win
>get the bronze guy who keeps teamhopping to my team and gets 6 doran items for over 40 minutes of the game

this is some sick bait, but im bored so I'll take it


It almost felt like penta...

>enemy team pushing tower
>ping to defend tower
>team fights 4v5 in the open
we lose two towers & inhib

It was an early game build, it's your fault as a team you failed to capitalize on it.

>keeps teamhopping over to my team

Sorry to bust your autistic bubble but I was hoping it was lucky mid, and that's why i switched .

>triple essence reaver mf
>full ap blitz
>full ad lee top

>people trying to win

How do I play teamfights as Fiora? When fighting with Cleaver and Hydra i get blown up too easily.
Do I just split all game?
I really want to get gud at her because she feels a good toplaner to carry with.

desu we were trying more than their team since jayce might as well have been inting.

Yea, you just do that. And fuck up anything until you see that big-ass enemy crystal .

Unless you're bored, then you can teamfight, I guess. But you shouldn't start it, you play like it was Viscera Cleanup Simulator. And don't forget to spam laugh and mastery.

>enemy team is down a player
>so the other team is by default trying harder

? it was also like a 50 minute game, literally no one was trying, except welding who isnt enough of his own :^)


how come shopkeeper never sell him items....

just refrain from swapping to my team in vgs in the future because i dont want to play with people who intentionally lose and ruin it for others

lee and blitz were at least actively trying to win. kemo sat bot and just pushed down the waves because he felt sorry for our souls

>barely win a 50min 5v4
>*wipes sweat from brow* "n-nothing personnel welding time to blog about it"

season 7 vg vs vg meta in a nutshell

k playing ranked will give you attention later

my bp is ready

What site to use to quickly check my teammates in the lobby? I'm just low gold but getting too tired of various trashpicks for sups, with ignite moreover. But maybe it's not always dodgeworthy?





>damage control
Discucks taking another L

>playing ranked
>not losing ranked

laffin at your life

Braum seems to be a bretty gud pick against varus. Why is he so unpopular?






justiciar aatrox

complete garbage

>not crafting mecha aatrox

>tfw tsundereanon will never be a cute girl that stalks all your ranked vg vs vg matches
life is cruel..

b-but i won..

that's not me you loser i don't type like that

> Wanting Mecha Aatrox when captain Sharktails exists

Its like you really have shit taste.

Fun champion.

I want the Ahri cuck back, so I can talk about pounding their waifu's ass in front of them.

i have more than one female stalker?? interesting..

What the fuck is wrong with Ryze really

I can understand the >hard to play meme but I'm a braindamaged tank/support cuck and I just crashed a game with no survivors (in the enemy team) by picking Ryze and bashing my spells

How can a champion that 100-0s tanks like it's butter possibly have such a shit winrate

You're that's gobbling up literal feces user
seahunter looks fucking terrible
even default looks better

Ryzes intentionally lose games by teleporting their team into enemy Annie with stun/tibbers so he wont get nerfed

>so he wont get nerfed

but he'll be in the next patch, even though of course we waited a shitfucklong eternity before it happened

>jungler walks into lane
>you die

>I am 50 patches behind and am still not using Flash/Ghost
>I do not return under my turret after killing the minion wave in 5 seconds tops
>I do not recall when I can get tear, which happens to be a timing where enemy junglers can gank

>hashinshin on his way to d5
>blames his teams as you would imagine
>gets first blooded by ahri as kassadin
>instantly complains that ahri 'is balanced around being able to spam Q on cooldown'
>if he wanted to climb he'd just 'play fiora all day'

this guy is such a joke

and its shit

Dank sehr gut

>There are people who don't own this skin

What's your excuse?

Never been in a tournament and I'm complete shit at this game.

I dont play shitty champs

cause you're the only one who knows it

>tfw your male duo partner starts hitting on you

>have to get a team
point me to a local 1v1 tournament and I'll have it quick enough

>having no friends on an account with triumphant ryze

unless you've transferred, this is fishy
actually transferring is fishy

>lux supp

>didnt dodge

seriously thank god I don't see these on my main accounts

whenever I'm smurfing I have to lose my sides because the support lux-es end the game with 4k damage to champions in spite of building full ap because they can't land a single fucking binding

>Zyra, Annie, Brand and even Vel'koz are acceptable supports
>Lux is not

if that's the worst shit you see in smurf games I'm happy for you
The retardation I meet is insane

FACT: Lulu is the sweetest lady!

Wouldn't Zac be the sweetest lady

Oh no, I see worse
Mostly in the enemy team

But the thing about Lux support is that it seems that these people believe (or lie about it) that they're genuinely picking a good support

You tell them they could pick Brand/Zyra/Vel who deal more damage and more reliably while not sacrificing CC compared to Lux and they say "I has snar n shield me suppor"

>clapped so bad his delusions are projected into reality

Le fucking maoing @ur life

well your webm is sub-30 players (heal/ghost)
Considering some of them keep using heal on inappropriate champions even after unlocking all summoner spells, they're most likely genuine new players

it's not cool making fun of new players

you must make fun of people who are 30 but still don't know what items do


>Hey we just removed the attack speed reduction on exhaust on PBE


As a new player, how should I spend my ip?

>hours later keyboard monkey #3 still chimping away about the outcome of a vg vs vg game


why do you even respond....?

in between queues

IP Expert here

First, buy all Tier 2 Runes you want, they're 1 IP each, it barely makes a difference, and you'll feel good about unlocking rune slots

Then, if you have the time for it, play at least a game of each champion in the free rotation (You need to be lvl 6 to get an actual rotation, each tuesday)

if you REALLY love a champion you can spend IP on it, but be careful, they're a rare resource, only get a 3150IP or more champion if you've really fell in love


>not sub 30

buy these T2 runes: 6 AD marks, 6 Magic Pen marks, 6 Armor seals, 6 MR glyphs, 1 AP quint, 1 AS or AD quint (preference)

Do not spend any IP on champions you have not played before
play as many free champions as possible, the ideal scenario is 3 games with each each week.

Once you find a champion you enjoy, buy him

try to save up around ~6k IP for when you hit level 20, so you can buy T3 runes

>playing league first thing in the morning on a weekday


smug comfy bf~

Just got demoted to silver 3. First season playing league this year got put in Bronze 1 in placements. Climbing with singed is a bitch. Who should I switch to that doesn't become useless late game since all bronze/silver games seem to go on for an hour?

I'm actually decent at Karma support but its too much of a pain in this elo and my wr for supp isn't great - I would like to stay top desu.

>tfw complete dogshit at every role besides jungle/support
>tfw shit at those too
I hate this.

post op.gg

pick shit that wins fast & hard, like master yen or strong right arm man
