How come no american team has ever won an F1 championship???
How come no american team has ever won an F1 championship???
Other urls found in this thread:
circuits have more than one turn, it's not fair
because nobody cares
>Can't compete
I don't know, how come no European has ever won the space race?
>Americans belive they won the spce race
Is this what they teach in their schools?
which part of Tennessee was Wernher von Braun from again?
Here you go user, 100%, aluminum-free, government-free tinfoil
Are you retarded?
russia is not Eruop. is own continent
That doesnt mean america won the space war
American teams have only competed for a handful of seasons.
Not long enough to actually git gud.
>damage control initiated
>damage control initiated
stay btfo
I will becuse I am a dumb cuck who belives Cosworth and Ford are the same thing :-(
I guess chevy and gm aren't the same either.
lmao, sperg more.
Russia, the important part of it IS on the European continet you daft cunt, the Asian continent stats on the east of the Urals.
Gargarin was born in Klushino and that is WEST of the Urals.
so get it right fuckin up ye, Europe won the space race.
>getting btfo this hard in your own thread
shit, got my west n east mixed up.
klushino is WEST of the Urals, therefore iz Europe.
The relationship between GM and Chevy is completly unrelated to Ford and Cosworth
Its not too difficult to understand, even a nigger like you could
this the worst thread on Veeky Forums right now
well it is now that you've commented, why not scroll by?
Too soon junior Amerilard detected
>this delusional of reality
lol. you got btfo. sperg more.
>Pls pls let me win!!
Lol beg harder and I'll consider it
They don't know how to turn right.
stay btfo
>In 2004, Cosworth was purchased by Jerry Forsythe and Kevin Kalkhoven, co-owners of the Champ Car World Series (the successor to CART).
>In September, 2004 Ford announced that it was selling Cosworth and Pi Research, along with Cosworth Racing Ltd and its Jaguar Formula One team. On 15 November 2004, the sale of Cosworth was completed, to Champ Car World Series owners Gerald Forsythe and Kevin Kalkhoven, the current Cosworth Group
Will do
>i triggered him into samefagging
>So BTFO he doesnt even dare to reply
P.S. Ford only owned Cossie from 98 to 04, so yeah Ford may have ONE GP under their belt, but not much more than that
writing a chapter in your autobiography?
>Here lies S/o/viet, the destroyer of Alphonse
Thinking about adding this verse, what do you think???
>literally this delusional
Your claim was that no American team has won an f1 championship.
literally no recovery possible at this point. stay delusional of reality. your thread is a bigger failure than the corvette. lol
Feel free to prove cosworth is american first
>please spoon feed me
Nice deflection
>please spoon feed me
So assmad he cant back up his own claims
Stay btfo
>please spoon feed me
confirmed cuckold lel
Im not american, cant be a cuck
Stay btfo
stay btfo
Guess I damaged him pretty bad
just like your brain
True, i belive cosworth amd ford are the same
But that's not championships you mong
Pic is Drivers championship
Manufacturers Championship
Lol this will trigger him
delete this
>"why hasn't an American team won f1"
>posts an American team winning f1
>l-let me move goalposts
No the OP said championship you stupid fuck
>American team winning F1
Yea GP wins aren't championships bud, also no American driver has won a championship lel
owned by ford.
>world championship gp wins aren't championships
>Alphonse ragequits
Prez/o/ tier lol
>Owned by ford
>no professional karting
>no racing classes to enter
How the fuck are people/children supposed to get into racing and become racecar driver?
still was. stay mad
Citation needed
Have $ like $TRO££
>please spoon feed me
well okay BTFO
Yes winning a race is not winning a championship, they are world championship races or has F1 been running for a thousand years?
it says championship. sperg more.
Oh wait he asked about teams. They are usually based in britland or italy because that's where formula 1 has started
>Ferrari has won 200+ championships
Pretty good for a 70year old company
Poor people can't get into professional racing anyway no matter how much talent they have.
Cosworth never won a championship after 1998 therefore, neither did Ford, Cosworth DFV titles happened while they were an independant brand
Stay BTFO cuck
>It says championships
No, it says Grand Prix
>being able to read
it says championships
>gets btfo
>resorts to ad hominems
No, it says Grand Prix
A GP is an individual race, a championship is a season
it says championship
See Stay BTFO, will donate to soros foundation so he can help illiterate niggers like you
>Mfw I literally buttdestroyed alphonse
Kek, join Prez/o/ on his PTSD therapy
You still have to adress this cuckold
stay btfo
>only what i like counts!
sperg more
>If I like Ford enough that will magically change the results of 00's and 10's F1 races
Kek, look at this delusional cuck, Ford bought cosworth in 98 and yet cosworth never won a race under Ford ownerships
Stay triggered cuck
FROD sold it in 2004, fuckin look it up you busriding cunt
besides they only fuckin bought it in 1998
Frod DO NOT own Cossie
This will cause trigger on him lol
>whiteboi calling me a cuck
They still won and ford bought them.
>b-but muh arbitrary requirements for a win to be valid
lol. sperg more.
they still won the races. lol.
>So buttmad this is all he can come up with
Utterly BTFO
this post caused a massive trigger
a single race, perhaps two or thre in a season IS NOT A FUCKING CHAMPIONSHIP
now be a good boy and FUCK OFF
>Americuck calling anyone a cuck
>They still won
As an independant british brand
>Ford bought them
In 98 and sold it in 04, during that time cosworth couldnt compete with mercedes, renault or ferrari
Stay BTFO, guess this is what happens when I expect a nigger to be able to read
join soviet in being btfo
Shut uuuuup
Meant to quote
We don't do shit to nurture racing talent. It's not in our culture. Nobody cares about circuit racing do nobody does it and it's not a good career choice.
If an American wants to race they should move to Europe as a child and attend one of the racing schools there
Why has no European team won the Superbowl?
Oh ok