/svg/ Shadowverse General

Play Shadowverse Edition

Shadowverse is a free-to-play class-based CCG.

Official Website:

New expansion "Tempest of the Gods":

Current revealed cards:

The GBF collab event is LIVE. Check the following pastebin for details:

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi


Other urls found in this thread:


I think this is a very cute picture! I would like to meet this elegant vampire lady and discuss philosophy!


>go up against sword
>don't draw any of my wards and heals

How to improve?

just themis bro

Eris is cute, smart and strong!

>i'm a master rank player so my opinion matters more that yours
>what deck did you climb with
>roach and daria why do you ask?

I'd fuck Vampy
Against her will if I had to

Maybe if Haven did not hog all anti-aggro tools...

Remove Amelia. You only want maid to pull Albert.
Add Tsubaki and more 2 drops.

Avatarfags shitposters general now? This is stupid.

Thanks for the input user
Amelia always been an mvp but i guess consistent albert is more important

Shut the fuck up. Go back to your shit formal craft.


not an argument

There will be no leaks if the OP keep running around like this.

Delete this right now.


how do I spice it up further?

Anyone got a list of cheap, decent decks? I don't have good decks for all classes to do the Granblue quests with.

So do we wait until we have non-Korean pics of the new cards before updating the Google doc ?

Bring back the Daria meta.

Add Reina and Olivia

Doing them in T2 is probably easier tbqh


Update the OP instead. It need to be long and free of vampys&esques.


Post dad Morde

U gonna git tripple memed.

>play Nep
>lose to face dragon
>get memed on by polyphonic roar

Eh, shadowbabs? Isn't Dragon supposed to be autowin?




Against most popular netdecks yes.
But you never know what memes a dragon brings out and wrecks you.

How have your games been today?
I had probably the best day of games I've had in a month. Won 13 out of 15 games.

How has your luck been?


>"How do you want your Daria mulligan, senpai?"
>"Just brick my shit up"

Cygames: How do you want your dailies user?
Me: Just fuck my shit up

Add Reno and Kazakus


just khawy you stupid nigger

Discord hurry up and reply to this guy. Nobody gonna notice.

He's going to overdose on memes at this point

Serves you right.


Look carefully, his deck has no card left.

Is it worth buying pre-built decks? I just started in February and I am getting destroyed in ranked because apparently everyone has full sets of legendaries now. In particular it looks like Forestcraft and Dragoncraft are very worth it.

I used to love Arisa but ever since they changed her voice I can't stand her. Anyone else switching to Cammy ASAP?

>got to 50 points before A3 like 4 weeks ago, was one turn away from winning (literally)
>had a disconnect and fell to 2000 from A3 again

>successfully grind ladder with Tempo Havencraft against literally all kinds of crafts and smite them all
>get to 133 before A3 against Shadowcraft
>it's a decent match, goes well for me
>my game crashes
>a Forte + Demonic Strike top deck one round away from winning and some more "no amulets or ward"-episodes later I'm stuck at 700 away from A3 again


I literally cannot express my anger with this piece of shit anymore. Let me reconnect for fucks sake, fuck your new broken cards - FIX THE GOD DAMN CONNECTION

If I get to 1000+ away from A3 yet again I am going to fucking quit this game forever. I have wasted 400 hours and at least 10 Euro on this garbage, have like 4 decent decks in 4 different crafts, am close to 600 wins and this is what I fucking get.

Memed too fast

>tfw cucking out Dshift with aggro
Nice Summon Iceform you've got there nerd, oh wait you didn't draw it soon enough haha

She'd probably rape you instead


>>roach and daria why do you ask?
Now you have to add sword.

I don't know why I like this but I do

Fairycraft is the best one, it has pretty much everything you need. I buy any of the others as they usually feature promo legendaries that aren't really used in the meta right now.

Yes, all of them are good value except haven. Forest is the best one overall.

This was some hardcore loli on loli bullying

>people say control blood is bad
>fucking nigger does literally fucking nothing the whole game sitting on a full hand except evolving the occasional Wardrobe rider
>turn 8 Azazel
>turn 9 Mary+burn shit

You can't really kill them with other control decks.


>You can't pick your T2 class
Nice game. They know T2 would be literally 100% Sword, so they force people to roll the dice on who gets to lose by not offering them Sword as a choice. Why the fuck even bother playing T2 if you don't get Sword, or at the very least Shadow in T2?

Dragon: 3rd best, when you don't fucking draft meme shit, which is over half its card pool.
Blood: lmao just yourself my man, what could go wrong in a game mode where the best class is extremely aggressive?
Forest: Synergy combo class in limited format = shit
Rune: Synergy combo class in limited format = shit
Haven: Half the card pool is amulets, aka tempo loss the card type, in a game mode decided entirely by tempo

They need an entire expansion where every Sword bronze and silver is worthless tempo loss shit to even remotely balance them in T2.

dshift and seraph both shit on blood

>Tags: loli, yuri, femdom, necrophilia

What control deck do these NOT shit on though?

>Any good Control Blood deck.
>Running Azazel and/or Mary.
A lot of combo blood decks run those though.


I wish the artist who did the other stuff in SV had just drawn the SF characters. They look fucking TERRIBLE as portraits with the shitty 3D models from SFV

The deck loses horribly to combo decks that go online before their own 2TK combos do (DShift, Roach post-nerf), but besides that, Mary CBlood is very good and has been since late DE. Not to be slept on.

Nah. It's very good but Blood and Shadow ones are better.

>Does literally nothing for 8 turns

Any aggro deck would kill it and other control decks like Seraph would destroy it.

why the fuck can't they make emotes that go along the line of "goog game"?
just now my opponent emoted and i thought he was being cocky, but in hindsight i'm not sure if he wanted to say gg.

>i'm so grateful

Are you 12 years old? Do you not comprehend the concept of anecdotal evidence? Do you truly believe people who have over twice your experience in the game, and statistics are wrong, while you're right? It's shit like this that shames me more than anything else, and reminds me that I'm spending my time with literal toddlers, or at the very least special needs children, fuck.

Eris expert here. She just want to liberate you.

Dirt for Seraph. That's about it i guess.

When hope is gone, I'll be there

>forgetting shadow

Shadow a ton of broken value commons now. Only thing sword has over it is multiple broken legendaries.

A single Khawys on the board can just hand you the game. The card is completely retarded for a silver rarity.

lol. I guess you think that Haven is bad and that sword was dead in the beginning of RoB because "people with twice your experience" told you so.

sword isn't much better than shadow or dragon. it feels like the safest, and it probably is, but it all depends on your pulls

Sword is absolutely the best. No contest desu.
All you need to win is a couple of Jenos and Tsukomes. Then you save evos and evos=wins in T2.

who's /aa/nime here ?

Except Control Blood does terribly against nearly every Control or Combo deck in the game, and doesn't even reliably win against Daria enough to make it worth running over other Control decks.

>takes screenshot with his fucking phone

how retarded are you

Jeno and Blitz are really good in T2. Other class doesn't have access to rush follower like sword. Sword also has the best legendaries and gold.

sword was trash until the piercing rune nerfs allowed floral to be meta again

How stable is Shadowverse's connection when on a mobile network? I take the train to work early every day, wanted to see if I can play without being disconnected. There's areas where the connection is slow, but not completely dead.

It saddens me the devs don't pump out new hero portraits. I feel like it would be such an easy source of money. The new SF ones look like shit and don't fit the game at all. Just keep doing fucking Cygames characters for fucks sake.


>sword players are THIS retarded

>using chink browser

>they actually accepts donations for this


>for a silver rarity.
Stop this meme please, rarity != balance.

playing aggro and feeling good about yourself is caveman level my dude, even if you're shitting on Dshift

>he thinks the emergence of sword has anything to do with PR nerf or especially floral

I really hope you don't seriously believe this. Remember what other deck was nerfed as well and what similar mechanics Roach and Albert have.


>sword players




that "midrange" sword deck doing god work from a0 to aa0 feelsgoodman

it has built-in vpn bro suitable for my needs

post list?