League of Legends General - /lolg/

Lulu is for lewd edition


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>tfw too cute

If they change galios passive ill stop playing print this

xth for Syndra

Xth for Katarina
best girl

comfy bfs~


Galio bros WW@

Our husbando is hotter.
But pls return his traditional look.

can I get a quick rundown on Galio?

>they show all but one ability in his video
What is his last ability RIOT show me SHOW ME

I wanna cuddle Jinx
Also how about that Galio and his stone rod

So is galio no longer a gargoyle or what

can you spot the bots?


Lewd Elementalists

This galio update is the worst thing to happen to league since faker.

>how neo-galio was created
where were you when zac/galio became canon

He's undeniably white now.

The squid from space has claimed this general!


how is trundle a reject champion. he has been my bae since season 4

There were no galio bros, he had he lowest playrate for years. So low in fact that for a while op.gg had nothig for his champ analytic page.

U a poser u all a posers

This Galio looks nothing like old Galio. He only has the same name. This isn't Galio. This is nuGalio.


>implying I dont personally make each of my posts to share my love

Luxposting > Jinxposting

there's practically no trace of the original galio in this, he fucking looks like he scales with AD.

Galio was obviously a magical gargoyle before, now it's just brute force and machismo.

blue team wins

Current galio isn't too bad just his ult is kinda ass. I don't know why no one plays him hes perfect against mage comps. Hell I feel Urgot or Evelynn should have been a head of Galio since he scales pretty good into late game unlike Evelynn.


At the time that was drawn that circle of champs were the literal worst in the game.


i want him to brute force his way into one of my special places

he feels outdated as fuck to play.
Youre a melee champ and the only thing that makes you want to get in melee range is your ult.
you skills have high mana costs, and his Q is easy to dodge.

If they just gave him ranged AA;s, changed his ultimate a bit and maybe his q/e hed be fine

>waaaah old galio was so cool and unique!!!
ok you fucking ledittors why didn't you play him to begin with?
if everybody complaining about the new Galio actually played him pre-rework he wouldn't have such pathetic playrate and he wouldn't get a full remake
fucking posers

I reject such lies

Both is perfectly fine

>ghost yi
red wins

hard rock dick for everyone

its all subjective user
but lux is kinda cute as well

His lane phase is pretty brutal. He gets outranged super hard and his mana costs are really high.

>ok you fucking ledittors why didn't you play him to begin with?
I do play him when I get a mage enemy mid.
That doesn't happen all that often in the lane of assassins.

why is this place so fucking gay



Fug you, I even own all his skins

You now own the weapon of the last champion you played.

How fucked are you? Can you even lift it with your weak little arms?

I can accept this
I still like Elementalist more than Stat Guardian

why are you so fucking straight. faggot

Now I'm worried about Mordekaiser's VGU ;__;

>tfw my post
thanks for taking the time daddy

>expecting traditional galio
>when we didnt get traditional GP

deal with it fucker

the average Galio player has about 5 games with him per season
if a champion only exists as a counterpick to very specific comps, he absolutely needs a full rework
at least Riot decided to actually rework Galio and not just pull a Cho'Gath and change 1 skill and call it a day

>out of the top ten most played midlaners only two are non-mages
>furthermore, most of the eight mages need to be close to melee range to deal most of their damage
uhh yeah them long range assassins stopping me from picking galio
i'm totally maining him

Cant wait for the urgot rework desu, they did a really good fucking job with warwick and galio, atleast visually

>riot will never make a traditional galio skin because it won't sell
>even though it'd make the few old galio mains super happy
new galio is neat but i'm gonna miss my blue and yellow husbando

>kinda cute
>not completley fucking adorable
u feelin ok m8?

>wick ults my adc
>flay him perfectly right after he lands
>his ult continues anyway
>adc dies



>They work for the zombie, the war man.


The mandela effect killed my elo

What's Zyra's weapon? Do I become a plant?

wow I just lost a game with a lucian on my bot. I don't know what they did to the champion, but he is garbage now


So uhhh... I shoot blue shit from my hands or does his scroll count as a weapon?

>tfw League isn't allowed to have hard counter picks because champs aren't free



well yeah, Blizzard fucked him hard when they made grail a support item.

Man he's so perfect. Riot please dont be fags and make his old skin a thing.

Her poisonous vagOOO

>Talons blade
now I can cosplay properly

youre a big gargoyle


for you

>Yorick shovel
time to start digging

New Galio looks like a rejected boss design that the dweebs at SquareEnicks came up with for FF13 and decided not to use because it was too gay.

I'm fine with this. That's like what? Three guns and a couple grenades.


Oh right.
The company composed of the rejects that dragged other companies down the shitter like Ghostcrawler and Anthony Burch

forget about galio
lets talk about RUMIA

How do I lick his armpits without him decapitating himself?

When does the PBE update today or tomorrow?



why would we talk about feeding garbage

yeah hes gay, so what? put him next to all the others and hes not even the most interesting /lolgay/

>Once again i'm reminded that boosters/smurfs ruin the game

What the fuck did they do to him

It just feels like a new champion entirely now

>Kled's axe

Time to poke people

i dont know but i want to lick his rock butthole it'd probably kill me but the risk is worth taking

Botabu pls

dont you insult rumia ever again

thats a halberd

you're ganking bot and this guy slaps your ADC's ass
what do you do?

that isn't necessarily a booster or a smurf

From what I heard Rumia is a healslut and that they like being abused

why would he slap his own ass?

Ask him to fuck my ass

whats he gonna do? feed in the next vg he plays?

he does that EVERY time

last warning

Yeah but others will start playing him

i want a rl jinx gf

Let my ADC kill him and ram his ghost into bot tower for 625 gold

I want Sona to stroke my hair and call me a good boy and give me headpats