>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Other urls found in this thread:
Azura is best
Hinoka thighs!
Mysterious Singer Azura when?
Useless healer
Who is this mysterious dancer?
Is this character from FE? I've never seen her.
>alfonse poster samefagging in his thread so this thread has less post.
J-just wanted to give Lissa at least one birthday thread.
Do you think Chrom and Basilio Jackson will sing happy birthday to Lissa?
Happy birthday birdcage-chan!
You should have linked this thread first in the old thread. All your fault
>make a thread fast when I'm a mobilefag and alfonse poster usually makes a thread twenty post before the thread ends.
You made the thread first. You had several minutes to link the new thread into the old thread and didnt. Other OP made a new thread a few minutes after you did and still linked it first.
You're a failure as OP
Lissa is disappointed in you, OP.
just intermittently keep this thread bumped and post the link at the end of other thread forty posts before the bump limit
That's what I'll do. Guess I'll post xml and lissa pics to bump this thread
>ywn get bashed into the ground by Lissa
+hp/-res Merric
+atk/-red Lachesis
Happy Birthday
Felicia is the cutest! I love spending time with my pretty wife! I`ll never let anything hurt her or make her sad! Every second spent with her is perfect! I want to stroke her soft hair and give her little kisses on her cheek! We`ll have each other forever and always! I love Felicia!
Wrong thread felicia user
But thanks for the bump
Happy Birthday Lissa, real cutie.
Second best cleric.
Filling hair-down lissa with semen
>hacked the shit out of heroes
>still no ban
How bad is it to have 2 greens on my team?
>when you wanna play but just playing the game costs shekels
Do you not have any self control or is it video games literally 24/7
>making new Lissa thread when this one is still up and only 40 posts in
wtf Lissafag
of course not. I have so many other things I enjoy doing...
It was deleted, its done. Quit trying to start shit.
Did your arena rank improve at all since the announcement Nintendo made about the hackers? I'm wondering if at least some people were removed from the leaderboard
Lissa is shit.
I love Hana!
no. I'm still stuck where I was at the beginning of the week, though significantly higher than I was last week
Reminder to stop being petty and make the next thread on page 10. We're gonna make /feg/ great again!
Not as much as me
I love Takumi!
Post pairings of Lissa with non-MU characters.
Who's better, Cordelia or Hinoka?
Has Onmi finished his thing yet?
I like Hana
Who gets the fuck this??
So are we now using this thread now considering the other one has hit 750?
Odin so then you can get a decent sorcerer and many other goodies from Ophelia's chapter like Calamity Gate.
Elise is PURE
Odin is literally the only viable husband for her. Corrin is not viable as a magic MU, at least not as viable as just going physical.
ISIS really fucked up, you'll never give Odin to anyone else because of this much less read his supports.
It's not Odin's fault, it's Elise's. She's pickier than Sumia when it comes to husbands.
you're right, i misread
Camilla a best!
Happy birthday Lissa!
Post your waifus like
_______ is very good at *insert fetish*
>Nyx marrying Elise
He's not that bad
Then just pair Elise with Leo then. :^)
Tiki gives great succ
Corrin's stats do not influence Kana's
why can't elise fuck xander or leo
What the fuck would Elise do for Siegbert?
Cross dressing
How do I use this dude?
He is so mediocre.
Nyx is great at petplay
Best hair color and unconditional love for his shitty haircut
You don't
>he doesn't know about levin sword paladin corn
sounds like you don't want to go FAST
Joshua is amazing at tifucking with a girl
Pretty weird how they reference his funk on at least three separate, unrelated occasions.
samurai until vantage then oni savage into blacksmith
Anyone here play Cipher?
A friend and I bought a deck recently and we're not clear on bonds. If you flip bond cards for a skill, are those flipped bond cards unusable for the rest of the game?
Step 1: Reclass to oni savage
Step 2: marry Hinoka or or friendship Subaki
Step 3: reclass into sky knight for darting blow
Step 4: reclass back into oni chief and then master seal into Blacksmith
Litterally who?
Benching and use the Lobster Man
Soleil is very good at threesomes
I almost want to back him but Leo exists
Comfiest wife or comfiest wife?
>Doing all of those reclasses for skills
Just buy them. :^)
How old is Orochi even
>loves open fields
What did they mean by this? Is it a Jap thing?
Elise!Nina is good with a shining bow
Or this. Not like money is an issue in birthright though
That's why i love him