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Global now with more Sabo Raid Edition & Fixing Greentext for my OCD while Copy Pastan' - Special Edition


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>NEW One Piece: Treasure Cruise Friend Code List
Add people from here if you're new or need more friend captains.

>If you want to be added to the list

>Drops/XP and XP/PLVL/Stam spreadsheets

-Coliseum -
>Mar 1 - 19: Vista, Paulie, Urouge, Alvida, Mr.7

>Feb 28 - Mar 14: Nico Olvia
>Feb 28 - Mar 7: Camie, Brook, Perona, Prison Mr.2
>Mar 7 - 14: Hina, Young Arlong

>Mar 14 - 21: Cobmeppy, Hannyabal
>Mar 21 - 28: Smoker, Wapol

- Raids -
>Mar 5: Blackbeard
>Mar 12: Heracles
>Mar 16: Aokiji
>Mar 19: Kizaru

>Mar 3 - 6: Ray Final Tomes island
>Invasion Cavendish
>Raid Bellamy

- Coliseum -
>March 1 - March 20: Ideo, Krieg, Killer, Urouge, Beckman
>March 2 - March 14: Moria, Kidd, Smoker

- Fortnights -
>Feb 21 - Mar 7: Sentomaru
>Feb 23 - Mar 2: Wanze, Tontatta, Ducks
>Mar 2 - 9: Kalifa, Mansherry, Krieg

>Mar 9 - 16: Zeff, Bepo, Hogback
>Mar 16 - 23: Tom, Laki, CP9

>Mar 4: Garp
>Mar 5: Shogun Franky
>Mar 6:Ivankov

Other urls found in this thread:


Jp beta forever btfo

2nd for forgetting to actually put Sabo raid date in the new thread details. Fuck my life

>Forgot to add Sabo in the Global raid list

You make the new threads then you shitter! I hate doing it for this very reason

>No Anni Ship
>No permanent skillup
>No Anni Ace Island
B-But a-at least we got Sabo haha J-Japan btfo...


I don't know if the thread is gonna end up rebuilt or not but if it is this should be the OP picture

Then don't do it, faggot

From now on I won't...

I just want to be a helpful nakama

Why is she so perfect?

Anyway this thread will be dead well before Sabo hits, so somebody can fix my mistake then.

>OP put the previous thread in the OP
i like this OP last one was shit

Is PSY anni Luffy usable for anything? Special seems outclassed by Tesoro


Just take responsibility for your goof and stop whining

Some collos.

Was a time any fuckups in the OP would lead to the thread being scraped.
REMAKE IT I SAY. But don't make me do it.

I've got 4 sanji copies from sugos. Should I evolve them and try to skill DJ Sanji?


There was also a time multiple OP's went up at once because everybody wanted a slice of the action. Those were the days

and thus the bar was forever lowered

>you willn't finish your legend BB sockets this round

It's not fair.



you have green BB faggot you have no right to complain about anything

Try not being a shitter

I can't believe Thatch is fucking' dead

Tell me legends skill up easily...


I've filled out your list form twice now and I'm still not on the list. What gives???

he ded

I feel like I get a lot of dex orbs when I use Thatch's special. Does anyone know the math behind it? I'm assuming it increases the rate of QCK orbs by reducing the rate of all orbs but dex, thus making dex the type you're second most likely to get by a wide margin.

Wait for GUP to make the real one.

It's been 1 fucking week!
Should have let GUP just do it...

Known cheaters get ignored from list guy

Hey guys, tapping Kumamoto, gold chests only

>gold chests only
why do you want keys?

> Getting ready for raid sabo

>mfw I have half a dozen teams that can do him but they're all slow because of shit cooldowns

I should have farmed Akainu harder.

>ywn have the same biceps than Arnie

w h u t

if i'm anything its a newb and nawt a cheater

>will only have 15 gems for him
>at 160 stam
>only 42 copies

You know what? Whitey Bay is going to be great when we can socket her.

Who gonna to go full promise rookie for this raid?

I can't even beat him right now but he would help me a lot in the forest

>cheating for raids but not forests


Gonna to use the modded apk for the first time get 90 copies and return to the original one, but I don't have the download link.

Anyone have it?

>4 Doffy books
>13 Usopp books
M-maybe I should gem again

Let's make a list so we can add each other and not have to worry about the faggot brigade getting assblasted because we're coasting through difficult content
what's your FC?

032 540 658

822 970 353

Aaand removed.

FUCK OFF MABEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

barto isnt a real lege- youtube.com/watch?v=vUxyH8rNLiw

why are super luffy books rarer than legend books

If I'd pull Barto, I'll be glad yet dissapointed.

Because they're good now

>mfw start singing at 00:20

>Legend sub

>he doesn't have the oldest legend in the game yet
what are you brand new?

Fujitora will be the only legend besides TS Luffy with a 100% clear rate. What is your excuse for not rerolling into one of these legends? I'm super happy with my TS Luffy.

>disappointed in 5 sockets and an 18 turn immune to death special

That's why I'll be glad.

And then I'll remember he isn't Whitebeard, Cavendish, Akainu or TS Luffy.

Rerolling is gay.

I love this meme

>5 sockets you can't socket

>can't socket
>his baby dick units cant clear colo

>he doesn't have more important legends to socket
>implying the 10% drop rate on tomes is enough to socket anything when you need 50+ for one unit

So, I have a real stupid question - are you guys saying that you won't get banned for using a modded APK?

You're right, that is a real stupid question

Hey, that's pretty gay.

why do I get a fucking download gem on japan every single day but on global I get one a month

A happy Carrot is a cute Carrot.

You do get banned retard

show proof that anyone has ever been banned from this game.

Just try it yourself. Don't be a pussy.

Oh. Unfortunate.

I wanted to cheat a copy of Sabo.

not that guy but ive been hacking since October and nothing has happened yet.

Im pretty sure they just dont care

You always get more free stuff in the beta

Which is a better team for sabo?
2x baccarat
2x haruta
1 baccarat + 1 haruta

this school is a shame to every other school

I thought Croc book farming was a nightmare, but Doffy is so much worse.

Marco and Inthawk were cakewalks. I hate RNG.

>wahh I have a ton of legends wahh
shut up bitch

> not having tons of legend

i'm 400 days f2p with 7 legends it's really not hard you fucking mongoloid

Tell me about it. Only 4 books so far. This is going to suck
Don't we have another fn for his books?

That's good to know. I might go for that one copy of Sabo, in that case.


It's not hard or easy, it's pure luck. RNG has been good to you, but not everyone.

>one copy
If youre gonna hack might as well max him out and get as many copies as possible

Smug faces are the only reasonable response for you

Help. What units should I be focusing on?

Nah, I don't want to push it too far. He's just pretty far away for me, and even one copy would be a huge help.

I mean, it's between burning 10 gems for a copy, or hacking for one. I know what the easier choice is.

ur plvl

at what plvl does the game starts

Str: WB
dex: Mihawk, Perona, Zoro
Qck: Alvida
Psy: Finish GPU, then Franky
INT: trebol

this fucking plvl 90 nigger got more super luffy books than me


Raid Enel 5+ when?

Forgot to add, evolve Ceasar when you can and do him too

>get a random friend request
>it's "/u/redditusername"
I'm not even triggered by reddit, but holy shit.

After legend Enel