Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/

Goodbye Winter Edition

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>Veeky Forums Guilds:
NA [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Oothier, Grovewillow, Peachy Panic, Raid Time, or Rijakk.
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Aktium, Amarin Luxtail, Strider Of Spring, Dex Mindwrack, or Mo Zing Miko.

-Servers only matter for WvW and instancing.
-If no one is online, send a mail.
-If you are F2P, leave your name and region on the thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


post all the others while you're at it


>implying the other ones were as good as this one on their own merit and not good because of the situation I created or 'meme' it was based on
fuck off?

Hey HOPE give me a picture of your fucking guild emblem right now

Whisper Edarkness or Effie the Protector for an invite to the official Veeky Forums guild.

Or Shiilo if none of them are online

meant for I got too triggered I'm sorry

spray your memes all over my face /gw2g/

Don't be fooled by this post, here are the real /gw2g/ guilds


>throw oothiers face on a guy
>throw HOPE in the image
>a new gw2g meme is born xD

what the fuck is wrong with you people, do you want drosera to fuck off or not?

making memes out of someone just ingrains them into the community more, ignore his posts and make his guild stop listening to him by making him irrelevant


thats what I'm talking about, nice comic user

Is this a joke? HOPE can't field 4 whole people to screech.

except the exact opposite is what actually happens
shitpost about them hard enough and long enough and they'll fuck off

Hey guys, there's only 2 active guilds, HOPE and FUN in the OP, please don't mislead new players with this random list of people.

I'll also post it here for reference. Let's be kind to our newfriends despite grudges.

>Veeky Forums Guilds:
NA [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Oothier, Grovewillow, Peachy Panic, Raid Time, or Rijakk.
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Aktium, Amarin Luxtail, Strider Of Spring, Dex Mindwrack, or Mo Zing Miko.

Thanks for the emblem, is it up to date?


>underwater combat

no you cringy loser, can you make some actually topical comics instead of you could actually be funny

this desu, it's worked with everyone else before, the bad posters and the good posters alike, no one is immune

I will, but this is one I've been wanting to do

im sure the 50 posts you made bitching about it will be worth my dude



Why is everyone so hostile towards these little comics? I find them somewhat amusing

I'll leave when I want, I don't think you know how autistic I am newfag

Is condiwarrior really superior to PS warrior or is that just a meme?

I miss my PS warrior after changing to condi but I don't want to play the inferior build, unless it is only a small difference in viability.

do you just watch the thread 24/7?

that is some extreme autism, but I wouldn't expect anything less from a hopeshill

nobody was, oothier asked if the guy was legit upset about HOPE and everyone that does shitpost about it jumped on to try troll her, looking autistic in the process

I like them when it gets the thread right, but some are just some guy inflating Oothier's ego by making memes about her

>doesnt quote the autists he replies to that spam it every thread
poor jugg

not being rooted to get your might stacks/damage off is pretty huge, PS power warrior is far less viable than PS condi nowadays.


What human female armour would you recommend that looks professional and doesn't look like you are trying too hard?

maybe a skirt and human t1chest

you get to pick the boots gloves and shoulders.

my point still stands, I don't like giving avatarfags attention even negative attention, why would they care

people talking about Oothier like they know who he is. WRONG.


There's a lot more people putting up the trollpasta though. Hell I post the trollpasta sometimes and I rarely even play the game or come to this thread anymore.

most of it seems to be one guy, if you go off of filename, and its always at the start of every thread, im pretty sure that guy is monitoring more than also if you look, that image was saved off the thread, implying its not just leoneguy either. he hasnt posted in a while either.

so i guess ill say it again
>quoting goodpastafag and not trollpasta

>tfw no fluffy femcharr significant other

how about WvW? Will people get pissed off when I drop fire fields?

kill me

any femsura want to erp with me?



sorry I got booty-called in another game -.-

Probably weren't up to my standard anyway

thats rude :(

why are you asking on gw2g if you have standards

Stop trying to talk to me, go get your sub par erp done with.

can little mousewives cum from getting their armpits licked?

>attempt to start astralaria
>it needs all HoT maps done
>i hate TD but ok fine
>those mat requirements
>take one for the team wallet
>the collection has timegated requirements like the mini that needs every print thing from a vendor that sells 1 per day and theres like 20

Like.. ok its legendary and should cost alot or take alot of effort
But tiiiiimmmmeeegaaates
I know why its in here but anet if you just make a product worth coming back for people wouldnt have to be forced to come back

What does a preserved fluffy tail go for on the TP?

Depends, was it plucked with roots intact?

the way you write is so fucking cringy
go back to tumblr

>i hate TD but ok fine

bad people don't get nice things

me want leak

? do you like its maze-like design a map that doesnt help?
Ive mapped it but I sure didnt enjoy it

ok. drop on your knees and open up

? do you like its maze-like design and* a map that doesnt help?
Ive mapped it but I sure didnt enjoy it

i wish vae was around to tell midnobody to fuck off again

hey please dont have another mental breakdown again, minus the obnoxious RP typing stick to this. good job!

no promises

where is the apology for your little tizzy? have you finally become what you so pretentiously tried to "fight" months ago on gw2g?

it was "falsflagging"


s t o p



just report his tumblr tier posts and let the based janitor take care of it
erp ratfags should be shot

report someone for posting about gw2?

Oothier couldn't come up with 4 things he does for HOPE outside of gmissions


thats not what I said at all, good misinformation


dwayna save us from this

Fit femsuras taking a dump after a workout.

>being in HOPE in currentyear

stop this... come on

stop writing the way you write
TD is easy to map
dont wallet legendary weapons

HOPE tier fashion

So his character looks good? You could just say "nice character" instead of bringing up a guild you know.

>stop writing the way you type
youre going to have to be more specific than that because I cant read minds
>dont wallet legendary weapons
I dont think you thought this out
Im going after Astralaria, a HoT legendary
Which, at its base, costs more gold and effort that core legendaries
250 Crystalline ingots to begin with with the usual 77 colvers and 250 mystic coins and caches of mats
I mean I havent even looked over the whole collection cost, but I know tier 2 is the same for all collections with all sorts of ascended mats and items

Like one way or another, you have to use alot of gold. That or alot of farming thats debateably on par with gold farming

wow HOPE was nice to you buddy, dont bully

what are you up to these days?

Cute and comfy mousewives.

>having 4 years worth of reddit gold in currentyear

post FHD

>HOPEfags shitposting and derailing the thread by responding to bait
>FUNfags causing the shitposting and making HOPEfags take their bait
>Oothier throwing more shit into the fire

This wouldn't be happening if Ruseman was still gleader.

yeah because rusecuck would be doing it all himself

Daddy meet my new boyfriend!

you know they gave out 4 years for free right

you're the cuck buddy boy

You look very cute and comfy lil thicc

I only want my daughter going out with Elonian men, qt! Stop dating those Krytan/Ascalonian bad boys.

>hi im cronosdage the new thread autist and i pretend to be a normie and mod 46 subreddits for 4+ years of reddit gold
>its free so its okay!

yeah HOPE was nice to me but the chat was super boring and there was nothing to take from the guild bank

>new thread created
>within an hour some fuck posts 50 charr pics

fun civil discussion

is this tru?

silly user, you can't pretend to be me and get away wtih it

Oh, sorry senpai. Best of luck in your other guilds.

I'm not user, I'm Comfyanon. You can be me if you want though, as long as you're cute and comfy.