League of Legends General - /lolg/

qt league grils edition


Please do not talk about nuGalio

Previously on lolg:

fluffy tails

>Made post 20,30 posts ahead so you can post your shit tier OP

I hope you fall and die

xth for Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums results

Is Vel'koz the most underrated champ in this game's history?

nice results

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +1

Sona Buvelle has League of Legends biggest and best breasts!

t. someone with a shittier op who was late

>qt league girls

then post the most qt bust in league

Cuddliest champion!

Who is 30+ years old loser here?

SHIT, i posted bets31 instead of results31


Reminder supports are for bullying!

I love Kogger

Reminder that overloaded is not the same as overpowered and your annoyances with kit-creep isn't the same as BS OP champs.

One day I'll join

>My team isn't taking any objectives
>40 minutes in we're just defending and losing ground slowly
>The only reason why they haven't completely pushed our shit in is because Ivern and Orianna are cockblocking them until our damage dealers respawn
>Their Pantheon keeps diving in like a moron and dying after getting a kill on Ori, who keeps flaming him for some reason
>They surrender even though we have an inhib down and an inhib tower down
fuck this shit

>huge tits already



>destroyer talking to avatarfag



Do y'all think they're gonna do a big Demacia lore bomb for Galio's release like they did with Piltover and Zaun? The fact that there's a Demacia icon on the PBE right now has me hopeful.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +2

only the slutty ones but i agree!

Him and maybe Illaoi are the only champs in the past few years I can think of who haven't been total bullshit on release/picked a lot. So yeah I'd say he's up there/


Where do you buy accounts from lolg

she asked me if I wanted to play a normal game, I declined.

>Illaoi was not bullshit on release
what the fuck?

I wanna cuddle Jinx and live out destructive fantasies

ahri isnt cute shes just slute

I have a list with old abandoned accounts, all lv 30, haven't bought one in centuries.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +1

comfy bfs~

And the debate continues
Golem or gargoyle?
Color scheme could be a little better.

>ahri isn't cute
said literally no one, ever

what happened to the guy that used to post "risky chim" in every thread?

Kog maw cutest champion



>old galio
gargoyle from gothic france or something
>new galio
statue from demacia

i think it fits more desu

Vel has been strong since he was released till now.
He's solid, but he can't make those super flashy big LCS plays and he's immobile so he goes very much goes unnoticed.

Illaoi is just a bruiser hiemer.
Once you know how to deal with her, you'll likely never lose to her again.

Fuck what the op said

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +1

I want to Kill Ahri and sell her tails on the black market!

The color sceme is complete ass. I'd prefer if it was more iron/rust colored.

He doesn't look like a golem OR a gargoyle. He looks like some kind of shitty DC spinoff comic character.

post more koggies

Which League girl would most likely enjoy cheesy monster movies?

i would be fine with his model but the color is off. when I first saw him i thought of some angelic dog took a bit to see it was nu-galio. if he looked a bit darker it would pull off the gargoyle look more

Destroyer giving no fucks

atta boy

I want to kidnap Ahri and keep her tied up in my closet!


If they just changed his coloursheme and gave him a face more resembling the old one, also his personality Id love it

instead we get this cocky whiteknight superhero dude
I liked the semi depressed galio, we already have so many badass knights

vg vs vg +1

He's the best!

t. Marvelfag


i want to look exactly like ahri for kinky fun in bed!

dc is garbage lol

95% of marvel is too

no i hate you majin buukage

slute can be cute

They need to be as gory and violent as possible. There needs to gallons of blood guts.

why wont they just buff her

Your highest mastery champion is your new roommate and it's coming to your house right now. How fucked/blessed are you?



>Xin Zhao
>Now have a 10/10 gym buddy

They literally just mentioned shes going to be getting buffs soon.

i guess all my autistic dedication, even before mastery score, paid off

All of the cutes

Meddler said recently that they're looking at some buffs for her + a way to make her passive more exciting.

What kind of kinky fun are we talking about here?


shes getting buffs soon meddler said

I fear for you though because anytime shes semi viable koreans abuse her

how can xin be your most played champion he hasn't been meta since 2-3 seasons and he isn't particularly complex either

I'm gonna help her invent things to help humanity

don't use koob's pic for your autism


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets

get in line i dont care

I want to throw Kog'Maw in my washing machine, set it to cold water and heavy duty, and turn my washing machine on with Kog in it!

Im going to get arrested

What if she's already here but l can't see her

have you ever made a fox beg for your seed? then have them prove how much they want it with, no hands?

>Galio's new VA is the same as Roadhog
I don't know how to feel about this.

fuck you
kog does not need to be washed in a machine
Soft and gentle care is all he needs

His wings and his plain color palette is something I just can't get over.
I have no idea what they were thinking with his wings.

>heimerdinger moves into my house
>spend rest of the trying to convince him to build stupid shit and mechs so I can /m/anchild
>horribly abusing his turrets to fuck with people
sounds fun as fuck

I just don't understand the decision for a black and blue color scheme...

>there is a man somewhere in runeterra who fucked Sonas mom, who must look at least somewhat like Sona, and instead of marrying her to pump her full of more children just left

baka desu

I want to send Orianna to my junkyard and throw her in the crusher!
Then I'll sell her scrap metal for money!

>yorick now lives with me
>constantly talking to himself because of ghosts and the maiden
>he mumbles in his sleep about the Blessed Isles
Can I get a new roommates one who might not suddenly be possessed and kill me in my sleep

Double edged sword af. I'm willing to take this blessing besides what's the worst that could happen?

I get it.

t-that's too lewd user

maybe he likes dynasty warriors

aren't you a funny little memer

post test link

I hope that Urgot's rework makes him look decent, I couldn't care less about viability. Hoping for something like a Dragoon from Starcraft but creepy, also with 6 legs and a 6pack.
