Who, exactly, are THEY targeting with this movie?
How did it make so much money?
Who, exactly, are THEY targeting with this movie?
How did it make so much money?
>mfw i still watch all these stupid movies because they are stupid and fun to watch while stoned
I stopped watching after the third one 2bh.
Sheeple who will pay to see any multi-million blockbuster with a very popular title and good reviews
>AKA my sister
Normalfaggots love to watch whatever hot new action movie came out, no matter how shitty or irrelevant it is
Lmao I still haven't watched any
I saw the last one on a date, actually the only date I've ever been on.
It's not a good movie if you enjoys guns, or cars realistically. But it's an action movie and good entertainment for $10 if you sneak in some candy or a soda to the movies.
It's like a Mexican soap opera with action. Don't forget Dodge Demon.
21-39 man, likes driving and action movies. He expects explosions and very fast/bizarre cars. Doesn't care about muh mad driving skillz, just want to go after his work to cinema, turn off his brain, have cars, hot women and almost no plot to think about.
because rip paul walker
Post sister
honestly i'm not sure who they are actually targeting
on one hand these are a stupid, stupid movies for complete retards
on the other it's a secretly genius - since 4 they clearly started not giving any fuck and just had fun with it while making it as ridiclous and shit as possible to the point, as /tv/ would put it, it's actually kino
and it's not even unintentionally - you can see subtle hints at places
i genuinely recommend later F&F movies, i can't remember the last time i laughed so much when watching a movie
didn't watch fate yet, but i bet it's the same
>Vin Diesel
>The Rock
>Jason Statham
>Michelle Rodriguez
>established franchise
I used to never understand how shit like this would happen until I was around normal people more man they get hyped up just because an actor is in a movie and they force themselves to like it or theyll go see a movie because omg so hawt
so in general they are targeting 16-35 year old casuals who just want to see pretty people and stuff blowing up
It's called dumb fun user.
idk man i try to watch them every once in a while to see if i still hate them and i do. its not even entertaining to me, just dumb
It is like normie porn.
first one and tokyo drift are the only ones worth watching
It's for frat boys and high schoolers who consider their group of retard friends "FAMULY"
Always remember to smoke normies with your tuner shitbox whenever possible
Stopped watching before they got good, you mean.
>who are you quoting?
>"Any time that anyone has said the word 'no' is a meaningful way"
I don't see the connection.
Can anyone name any good action movies that has come out fairly recently? I can't remember the last good one I've watched, they bore the fuck out of me
Although I got fired and can't afford weed currently so I'll probably save this one until I have a job or someone asks me to bake it up with them.
I went and saw it with my mom since it's good cheesy fun. Wake motorcycle police chase videos on YouTube it's just something to sit down with a bowl of popcorn and turn your brain off for.
I liked it, come at me. They're self-aware about how fucking stupid the movies are and they clearly have fun filming them. The action is over the top just right. They made it pretty clear in the first one that none of the technical aspects would be accurate so if you're still expecting that, it's on you.
>Who, exactly, are THEY targeting with this movie?
The same people who keep making the Transformers franchise hundreds of millions of dollars each film.
>Who, exactly, are THEY targeting with this movie?
Honest answer: The widest possible audience
see No matter what city you live in, no matter your age, or sex, there is ALWAYS someone like him.
more like 8-19
I watch them all. Just don't go in expecting to see an Oscar winning performance, it's car porn, explosions and fist fights
>my shit taste is okay if I'm aware of it
Watch Drive instead
I would guess they are targeting people who pay money to watch movies . It's a bold move, for sure, but seems to have paid off.
If only they made a AE86 circle jerk movie aimed only at weaboos like you, shit they'd be rolling in the $$$
Wait. they made 8 of them? Last one I recall has a chase with endless amount of shifting in dodge chargers.
Post sister
that movie is just autistic and boring
they could make the perfect movie for me and I still wouldnt spend money on it kek
That explains why my girl loves these movies
Mad Max: Fury Road
I saw the first one on DVD. Seemed dumb so I didn't watch any others.
I suppose its a movie for kids, stoners, and the easily impressed.
Is that a
They are targeting literally every single person in the world other than contrarians or people that basically can't even buy food
>not Need for Speed
i didnt like this one, there wasnt enough cars. in the earlier ones you could pay attention to the background and spot cool cars.
my favorite is tokyo drift anyway, its the one thats mostly about cars.
after tokyo drift the movies were shit.
I saw this movie friday night drunk with some buddies.
Anytime it got really dark we'd start throwing m&ms and sweet tarts
We spent more time throwing candies at other patrons than watching the movie kek.
>you cant watch a movie spinning at mach 2
td has a simple timeless structure too
first one was great, but the others just couldn't compare. not even close.
>vin diesels little fag adhd brother gets killed
>kill dirtbike gooks
>pull up to the light next to your ex (?) homie the undercover cop
>the only man to have your back when it mattered
>race him
>playing chicken with a train
>cops sirens approach
>"I owe you a 10 second car"
I'm an 18 year old Australian with a JDM car. I've literally got dozens of friends who are 18-20 and either have a JDM car or really want one.
We all went to watch Fast and Furious on opening night.
So yeah, I guess we're the target audience. Either that, or 13-15 year old boys who have pictures of R34s as their cover photo on facebook.
Millenials who think fast cars are cool becuase they can't afford them.
>TFW your first date is fate of the furious
The first one is genuinely fun if a bit cheesy. Second one is decent, third one has a gigantic faggot as the main protagonist but is watchable. Haven't seen any after that.
Tokyo Drift was SO cringy. The acting was by far the worst.
>not liking wabaki
baka gaijin
A lot of people hated The Accountant (I thought I would too), but it was actually alright and I don't even like Ben Affleck. It's about a literal autistic savant and there are decent action scenes, but no car scenes besides MUH FORD TRUCK a few times. Overall bretty gud
wouldnt people stop watching cuz no paul walkin
This. First movie is best movie. Followed by the second then the third. The rest are just generic action movies that happen to have cars in them.
Thanks for proving my point senpai.
I gave tokyo drift like 20 minutes after all the shilling about it being the only one about street racing before I had to turn it off.
It's not like I don't like stupid fucking movies but it's just so bad.
The only thing bad about it is the 30 year old man pretending to be in high school. If they'd gotten a better actor it wouldn't been better.
lol tokyo drift was my favorite out of all of them. it felt the most true to car culture at the time it was produced.
And the dude from Home improvement that was also a "high schooler" even though he was like 35 lol.
The first one was a genuinely fun movie, it was campy, had races, and was one of those movies where you just turn your brain off and have fun.
The second one wasn't as fun desu, but was still really quotable and a fun buddy cop style movie.
The third one actually had the most racing and was enjoyable in a different way.
Everything after that was just your generic action movie that had hot actors and explosions with some cars sprinkled here and there, and they just weren't as memorable.
BUT because they have hot actors and explosions and exotic cars, people want to go watch it. First one was targeting young teenagers who were into the car modding scene, but they realized if they target a bigger audience they make more money so it turned into a generic blockbuster.
Forgot about him. Dunno what the fuck they were thinking desu senpai.
fuck off normie
>turn off you're brain and have fun
underage detected
at least learn what desu means
>at least learn what desu means
You're new here aren't you?
t b h gets autocensored to desu
f a m gets autocensored to senpai
>Fate of the Furious
>had 86 with Rocket Bunny 2.0
>had STi as well
It actually had a lot of car options ticked out so they went all out with covering bases
Not an issue when the movie was still all about the cars.
As a friend of mine said some time ago, cars in recent F&F movies are nothing more than "things that kinda explode".
desu senpai
Why did Honda advertise the Odyssey?
Toyota Prius?
And where in the fuck was Ford? Some crown vic taxi were smashed that was it.
Praise be to Hiroshima Nagasaki.
Reminder than pushrods push gods.
If you don't like fast and furious movies you're obviously a flaming faggot nu male and should kill yourself as soon as possible.
>if you sneak in some candy or a soda to the movies
One of the theaters near me actually started checking women's purses as they take your tickets. Are they legally allowed to do this? I really hope this jew practice doesn't catch on with other theaters.
Alright, I guess I'll explain it
>It's basically a franchise that's gone so far that it's self aware that it's dumb, meaning that these movies are pretty much critic proof.
>If you watch these movies thinking that there will be logic than you will not have a good time, if you watch these movies knowing it's dumb fun then you will probably enjoy it
John wick. Tbh first time I was like "oh fuck"
in movie in a long time lol
To be honest its my favorite because of that. Its like watching a live action animu.
Unpainted steel tubing is going to be a pile of rust is a few years.
to be fair i think he would have been in his early 20's. seemed 30 something tho
It's well known that Hollywood has a weird obsession with casting actors in their 30s (sometimes even 40s) as highschool students.
Only stupid kids think Fast and Furious is still about cars. It's an action movie where they happen to use cars to commit crimes and save lives and escape from bad people.
like dis nigga from napoleon dynamite
Stopped watching when they casted the nigger
i actually didnt like john wick