League of legends general /lolg/

Cute Lissandra edition

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>More Cho buffs
>He's gonna get buffed little by little each patch
>Come time for Worlds he's gonna be 1005 pick ban

Screenshot this shit now.

fluffy tails

comfy bfs~



>nuSej in the next 2-3 patches

>Kids still haven't realized how OP Titanic is on him now


>whining about Galio
>whining about Lux VO
>whining about patch notes
>whining about Pug'Maw

You guys are really bitchy today. Is it that time of the month?

memememememme memememem memememememe mememem

>tug of war in which one side is a small child, and the other is a semi truck
do they even play their own game?

I want Galio to hold me and tell me I'm a demacian and pretty

xth for Cute Ashe

somehow this one is better

I want all of these Galio "mains" to fuck off. Maybe if y'all put as much dedication into playing the champion as you do shitposting his rework it wouldn't have happened

>He's not going to main Gatekeeper Galio
>He's not going to be the ultimate colosal RaidBoss
>He's not going to stomp every manlet who dares to get in his path
>He's not going to tank an entire team while your team aces them
>He's not going to outdo the adc and steal his healslut
>He's not going to make the healslut wet by just the mere thought of his massive SCHLONG
>he's not going reward the healslut with a DICKING which leaves him/her braindead
>he is actually whining on a Chinese cartoon forum
You're pathetic user. Unless you're going to main the fuck out of the Galio you're not allowed to touch him.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

>Enemy locks in Riven
>I lock in Gnar

Galio better get a super skin so I can pretend to be All Might

>Where both sides have a dynamic tug-of-war depending on what their distances are
haha, I sure do love having to rush Ninja Tabi vs Quinn and Jayce every game and having to give up 1/3 of my cs and take chunks of my health at a time as I desperately try to farm under my tower. Thanks Riot! So fun!

How is Riot allowed to stop making Traditional skins but then go ahead and make abortions like Pug maw

of course its better
its cute Lissandra
instead of cute stupid slut

Don't smug at me, cunt.

Who is she breeding with to make all those eggs?


I just had to block a raging faggot from my friends list.
Guy added me on the enemy team because I carried the game, we play a few games more, he rages at our teammates every game usually resulting in him getting muted, and he gets mad at me this last game because I couldn't carry two losing solo lanes (him being one of them) once then he afks when the surrender vote failed.
This guy is supposed to be a dad.

>People are unironically bitching about having an All-Might esque champion.

Do y'all niggas even DETROIT SMASHHHUUUU?

I know there are Sona mains in this general. Which is the better build? Full AP after sightstone, or redemption along with Mikaels and Locket?

shes so fucking sexy holy shit

Finally got New Galio on the PBE.

Some notes

-His Q is kind of weird to use think of it kind of like Dianas in how you have to aim an arc sort of. Does a decent amount of damage.

-His W seems fucking busted I dunno whats with Riot recent obsession with Damage Reduction but you don't take much damage when you set up the taunt and the passive shield you get stacks up fast while also getting pretty large.
-E is weird it has a long start up to it and can't travel walls but its his main tool to get into a fight.
-His Ult seems pretty damn good even if they can gets away from it in time if they notice but the damage reduction it gives as well as helping you get to team fights fast/CCing teams is really good. Cooldowns long so you def want max CDR on him.
-Passive does a lot of fucking damage you can win a lot of trade early with it.

I'm pretty sure you can still play him full ap mid but he seems waaaay better as a AP Brusier top laner. I won't be shocked if he becomes meta just because he seems to get very tanky and have a lot of utility.

your waifu a shit

lissandra a shit

I got enchanted tho
>not United States of Smash

Second option.

People who compare Galio to Shen, Galio's ult is not global, its range is around the range of Kench's ult if not bit shorter

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums UP ON NA
pass vidya
all ranks and levels welcome
join up!!!!

Give it to me straight, is exhaust gutted trash now?

as part of their contract with the DIVERSITY unions riot now has to release 16 barabait champs and skins


yup, if not that, than surely it's very situational against certain picks now, think Zed
I think ignite bottomlane will see a comeback

>40% damage reduction
>30% slow for 2.5 seconds
No I think it's fine
It was just that broken

They said I was crazy when I said her thighs were good.

No but you shouldn't see fucking three of them in a single game anymore and it doesn't fuck over AA reliant damage dealer doubly hard.

I think it's a clear buff ti lane bully ADCs like Draven in general IMO

So what do you think about this build?
Triforce, RoA into tank items?

adcs will run ghost or barrier and supports will switch to heal

Still good on Zed against mages. Bad on Mages against Zed.

>exhaust entirely gutted

lmao ok thanks riot im sure this will be great against literally any attack speed based champ

Eat my ass, faggot.

>Can't even stun targets in an AOE from 1175 units away for 1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds

Tri seems useless with how much it costs and he doesn't really want any of the stats on it. I went Abyssal/Sunfire/SV/IBG/Mercs/GA and was doing decent damage and was pretty damn tanky. ROA would also be a good choice too just because more HP on him is really nice.

His spell cooldowns are too long to get any use out of Triforce or any other Sheen item. If his cooldowns were significantly shorter, it'd be good on him.

I think a big part of the idea is to make it so the adc does not get completely cucked by exhaust early.
It should still be good against assassins who auto less.

>barrier / heal bot lanes
Yeah I was thinking the same.

Your camera is broken and can't focus buy new one.

>Galio is giant in artwork
>In-game he is just tall
I hate this

Sheen works with his passive well so IBG is the way to go if you want to get the Sheen proc on him.

Is Morgana a whore?
I think Kayle is in the right.

I think it has something to do with the summoners

What are the chances this skin gets cancelled? its fucking disturbing

>can't get any use out of a 20% CDR with AOE slow and armor
I'm pretty sure he has a specific line towards buying this item. If you've got 10% in runes you're like a spirit visage away.

Yeah, why can't I be bigger than the whole map when I pick aurelion, fucking bullshit.

Damn thats really shitty i was hyped cuz i heard his passive makes sheen proc into magic damage.

>I'm pretty sure you can still play him full ap mid but he seems waaaay better as a AP Brusier top laner. I won't be shocked if he becomes meta just because he seems to get very tanky and have a lot of utility.

>make "antimage"
>he stacks armor
>takes no damage from ADC thanks to damage reduction

25% chance

Living in great times.

"Whore" implies you have to pay money to fugg her.

She does it for free.

photo-realistic skins being the new fad

thatd be horrifying

Ask Kooba or look at his op.gg


Dear lord LB is miserable to play against when teammates actually let her though pick/ban phase

why design them so huge in the first place? just because muh god, muh epigness? pathetic

AS based champions are utter garbage in the current meta....

why did they half Leblanc's W damage?

This HAS to be a joke skin. It's so fucking terrible I can't even begin to start. Shit looks like one of those dollar store skins you find on some backwoods Russian website

It's literally the best skin Riot has ever made.

Riot is breaking her kneecaps next patch.

why is she pick/ban now

Gutting soon, friend

What did you said?


I really hope this doesn't get into the game; it freaks me the fuck out and it clashes with the artstyle

are there any other skins like this?

Photo-realistic Nidalee when?

>two champions


I wish Morg was more fun to play. She fine as fuck.

Who would do this to me?. Its not even a double digit day in March yet. April 1 is so far away...

>Not garbage
URF is not meta

Isn't it the fucking e that if she land lvl 2 you are chunk by 60%?

>opponent picks LeBlanc
>dumpster them because nobody below Diamond can play LeBlanc


Olaf (hella fucking OP)




99% pick ban rate in competitive
Similar in high elo

Top Thresh is fun as fuck. He doesn't fall off and get raped once he's done poking like other ranged top laners. Follows up on ganks ridiculously well and drags shitters under tower to kill them. Really hard to engage on with E and ult too.

There is 2 more
Xin and Irelia so total of 4 champs.

>Olaf (hella fucking OP)


Guys please help.

I just bought Jhin.

How do I play him?
What do I build on him?

Which skin do I buy?
Why does he like the number 4?

kys yourself, mah dude

>Are we supposed to be dating? We've never even talked.
I hope this new line directed towards Ez

Better then 110 other champions. But this is good when people play Lee or "broken" Ryze instead.

Which male (male) champion has the biggest dick?

Go to google
>Jhin build
There you have it.

>still no Mordekaiser buffs
>he still has no base stats
>shield still doesn't have a flat per level component
>heal still has no %hp component, scaling purely with damage
>W still has this stupid XP passive, still doesn't have its old bonus resists
>still synergizes poorly with Sheen items because item damage doesn't charge his shield