/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1234

Lecia !!!!!!!

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for March:
3/1 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue
3/11 - 3/17 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
3/18 - 3/25 - Guild War (Wind)
3/26 - 3/31 - L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G. (Rerun and Renew)
4/1 - 4/9 - New Scenario Event

3/1 - 3/14 - 3rd Anniversary Celebration (Daily SR/SSR Tickets, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)
3/10 - Anniversary Patch Part 1 (read a recap of the anniversary stream here: pastebin.com/fG6wbMFf)
3/20 - Anniversary Patch Part 2 (GW character 5*, T4 SS)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:



Should I stack my chev sword or just merge them immediately?

Fix her second sprite and give her back her hat

Soon more like 12 more days

how do i get a wife like lescia?
when are they giving her pantyhose back?

Without patch, you are not going anywhere in this world.

I want the dress

Zoifags BTFO in 2 days!

Which erun would you marry

Tell me what devlish, villainous acts you performed in GBF this week /gbfg/, and if it amuses me, I might just bless your next Anniversary ticket.

Dress is NOT optional

Break them instead and farm Tia guns in preparation for Xeno Vohu.

Loli is both an age and a body type. It is correctly used to refer to girls under the age of around 12, it is colloquially a term to describe someone who is short and petite with small breasts.
no fighting

tfw no /gbfg/ girlfriend

Still one spot open if anyone wants to join! Even just for the free drops!

>game starts shitting itself and giving me errors as soon as ST starts

I think Silva is best girl!

>Need two bricks to for my class weapon
>two bricks for my xeno
>and some combination of bricks unless i want to buy out the class weapons via shop or test my luck with drops

I fell asleep at 293 rolls before the gacha reset.

>nerfing my boy lucio
Who has he wronged? Why would they do this?

This is my cute WIFE. Feel free to say hello!

tfw no /gbfg/ best friend

I didn't help my crewmates raids. Also I made user waste crystals yesterday

How many chev swords, how many berries


I didn't bother to TH9 any raids I joined despite having frontline Esser.

tfw /gbfg/ is the only reasonable gbf community

I pubed my yugu then when people got in I blasted her before they could get contribution

>more lewd art of her when she gets released

0, 100
Time to switch to another element?

Fuck off, Perseus

0 Chev swords.
0 berries.

Reminder that Vira is the biggest pile of shit cygames has ever come up with. Literally the cancer killing this game.

Go back

>people think primals won't still count as unknowns.

0 chev swords, 3 months, something along the lines of 2500 berries.

hes not wrong tho



Yet he still will be bullshit strong anyway

So nothing of value etc.

Same with Zoi

You can't go around tagging lolicon on doujins just because the characters are canonically somewhere 12 in age. All the Ferry doujins have lolicon tags on them and it destroys me


>How many chev swords, how many berries
0, 0.

tfw no /gbfg/ girlfriend (female)

Who uses bahamut weapons in light? Why would Lucio suffer from this at all?

He isn't wrong

esport cuck

>MC dies if Lyria dies
>Give Lyria the lowest HP you can give for a SR character


I use a baha weapon because I don't have 6 swords yet.

I'll be your friend! And then we can eventually become besties!

>People think sadpanda's tag definitions are the only correct ones

Keep hitting Stan, Aliza. That'll only make him love Michael more

He wouldn't

ERP is bad, m'kay?

W-will I make it in time for Medusa?

>hasn't 8-16'd a single Medusa


did you not spend anything on the legfest user? or how are you doing this

Did anyone roll all their anniversary tickets on alts? affected by rate up?

inb4 shitters parroting rupee gacha not affected by rate up.

just got like 5th today

I'm almost done my chev sword grid. I don't know why every thinks they're rare

Rolled this guy with a memeroll the other day, is he any good? He seems garbage

single roll tickets are shown right next to crystals. put them both in the same screenshot.

if you're using your single rolls outside of sparking, you're retarded.

With ALL the changes they keep making they might actually make Zoi too shitty enough to actually use

I got shit on my alts too.

if you love fujo = good
gameplayfagwise his awfully bad

Kirin Trains

He's garbage and because he's new-ish they won't consider rebalancing him for at least a year. Shame.

But you didn't post your ID.

Why the fuck are you even asking a question if you are just going to pre-emptively deny one of the two possible answers?

I want my free rolls

hes not bad as in dlf tier, hes bad because hes a combination of 2 >good charas but with drawbacks

Hoard, do Kirin trains if you hate yourself, by the end of the year you should have 90k in crystals+memepull tickets.

what toon are you tixing with your anitix?

I use it in light because
>I started in both light and dark so rank 1-75 has been a complete hell. I got Rosamia and Ferry but not a single light SSR since July.

>actually doing scam trains

What's the first thing you'll do once March 10th lands?

Besides buying suptix

I was hoping you'd post yours!

Imma toon tix beatrix on my annitix.

You mean anilimtoontix?

>-4 points
Are those downvotes or something?

The trick is doing them with nips and not childish westerners


Fapping to this cow.

I will pix Julix as my toon with the anilimtix

Read a guide.


Please help with Sandalphon 50

That doesn't make them any more efficient. They're scams through and through.

I'd use him even if he fucking sucks.

I'm going to annix supxtix Aoidos.

If I start a Baha will you guys carry my ass?

I'm going to ticket Anthuria and run around with a full Erune team.

Regular baha, sure. Baha HL hahaha no.

Having trouble reading?

The two possible answers to that question are, I rolled it on my alts, not affected by rate up. I rolled it on my alts, affected by rate up.

People who didn't roll on their alts but want to answer anyway are excluded. But they usually throw in their shitpost irrelevant answer anyway.

>No new nonchara weapons for the 3rd anniv
>Nonchara DA weapons are still untouched

post it

>those stubby fat thighs
>squished torso
>awkwardly placed balloons to top it off
What were Cygames thinking?

Would Cag/Sara/Medusa be a good Earth team?

Deciding between Silva and Narumeia because I already have everyone for Fire


>rolling Medusa

Regular baha is probably getting deleted in like 5 minutes, don't bother starting a HL one here.

Why wouldn't I be able to roll her?