Think of your favorite foreign food

>Think of your favorite foreign food

You are now the leader of this country or a leader of the most prominent state in that culture in the 16th century.

What do?

I rule Florence or Venice
Idk, probably go to war with France or Pope or some other Italian state

>"holy roman"
the meme is real

French fries are from Belgium right? 'd just sit back and wait to inherent everything the Habsburgs get. Probably dissuaded incest.

My favorite is tacos
So am I ruler of Spain or the Aztecs?

If its spain, marry house Stewart and try to establish the iberian empire.

If aztecs if its me 1 to 1 then Im going to establish peace with the spaniards by enforcing christianity if we have contact already and then try to westernize using spanish help.

>Ming Emperor

outlaw foot-binding.
build a decent navy

Well I guess I gotta start in vietnam which isn't that ideal, but wherever I start I would just use my knowledge of modern science, art and geography to rule the fucking world. What would you do if you just came back in time from 600 years in the future to now? You would rule the fucking planet.

>olive oil
Every mediterranean culture had olive oil though.
>soy sauce
This is also tough, as multiple east asian cultures developed wildly different forms of it.
>salty liquorice
I rule Sweden since Sweden rules Finland. I'd take the place of Gustav Vasa.
But what could I do differently from him? He did a pretty interesting job at breaking Sweden free from Denmark. I'd probably do worse than he did. But I'm less of a statist, so I'd probably try to devolve more control to other people while still staying independent from Denmark.


I'm now the Ottoman emperor? Rad.

Had Japanese Curry yesterday so that will do.

Leaer of Japan during the warring states period. First and foremost, build an army as the Shogun.
Try and get the emperor on side, give legitimacy to my reign.
Either make daimyo support me, or get ready to war with them.
Either way, probably gonna die when a general betrays me

Pizza has a lot of different variants but if I had to pick one it would probably be Sicilian Pizza. Now if only I knew what the fuck was going on in Sicily at this time. I think it was part of Spain but I don't know the details.

Thai curry
Westernize and build a greater south-east Asian co-prosperity sphere.

Westernize in the 16th century? May I ask how?

Sicily was one of many Kingdoms under the Aragonese Crown before the Italian War with France and the addition of Naples to the Aragonese, then Spanish, Kingdom.

Aztecs then huh? Well I would make peace with tlaxcala and the purepecha and keep my 100 qt concubines as I prepare defenses for the inevitable arrival of europeans.

Could Sicily for example go to war with another country if it wanted or would it need permission from the crown of Aragon. Also would it be required to send troops if Aragon went to war?


I'd fuck everything up, but not before eating a lot more escargot.

I am now the ruler of China.

The Crown of Aragon has been described as a confederacy. The Kingdoms of Aragon, Valencia, Majorca, Sardinia, Naples and Sicily, and the Catalan counties, all had their own fueros that controlled there own laws and tax systems, but under the personal union of one King.

It was shit for the King cause he could barely get funds for an army.

>Mexican Emperor/Republic

>build navy and military
>give greater autonomy to pinche salvadorenos
>unite myself with Bolivar and the new republics
>create a multinational liberation force for the purpose of ridding Spain from the Americas
>start with an invasion of Cuba
>then Puerto Rico
>then use multinational force to support Argentina against Brazil

go to war with france in the 16th century is already a bad idea

>Warring States Period

>Ottoman Empire at the height of their power

idk lad, just btfo the white sheep turks and mamlukes

chill with my harem and shit. sounds pretty fun tbqh

>16th century

Isn't that the era of Charles V?
So, if the food is German, Dutch, Belgian, Spanish, Italian, you would be Charles V.

>what is sengoku Jidai?

Phrasing aside, Chinaboo plz go


time to exterminate protestants

Joke is on you, I'm more interested in southamerican food then shitty european one.... oh wait

Maybe you are the Viceroy.