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Angry Android Edition

Elder Thread: >Official news

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>Builds and Guides
docs.google.com/document/d/1WsLK2mOCvIePLUxW_X7CPa7uT072x3FJEzY7yyN1hXA/edit [New Player's Guiide]
pastebin.com/Y9vRAcwm (embed) (embed) - Alcast/Deltia Guides

>Online lore, map and general info

>PC graphics settings

>UI addons for PC

>Assorted links

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dlgamer.us/download-the_elder_scrolls_online-pc_games-p-19435.html (authorized reseller)

>/tesog/ Guilds
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>Platform poll:


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Welp, now I'm sad.

jesus christ I just noticed that I've only been doing the thieves guild for 2 days. If the other DLC quest lines are like this then oh boy, this is going to be a fun ride

Post characters

Using the ingame screenshot taker was a mistake I'm sorry.

You're forgiven

Nice motif, what is it?


Stop posting your characters, this isn't /tesg/


Its Grim Harlequin chest which is kinda hard to find a crafter that has it. Plus you have to pay extra for it because it takes a Crown mimic stone to make it.
The other pieces are Celestial with a Xivkyn belt and a Bloodspawn shoulder. I forgot to take a picture of the Wizard hat I usually wear with this setup.

>tfw monster helms/shoulders mean you have to use outfits forever

is it just me or does this game constantly rape the HDD with 100% usage

>Not updating the OP

Tfw skyblivion will come out soon

it'll be shit anyways

I had to combine the previous op with what I had saved previously.
I'll keep it consistent if people posted links (like you have) because I don't search for them myself. Thanks

this minimap's working great desu



Is there any crafting passive that improves how much I gather from nodes or that affects the content of the nodes?

I know that lvling metal working for instance changes how much of which nodes I see (upgraded up to ebony from having nothing invested in it previously) and now all iron ores in alik'r vanished, even the iron ore before my eyes only yielded ebony ore.

But does metal extraction actually change the quality/quantity of the mined node or JUST what I extract out of the raw materials? Also, does any passive affect my yield when deconstructing items?

man I should've went with DB first before doing TG, those stealth assassinations seem so useful

There's a CP passive that gives a 10% chance for double the yield from nodes

just do the introduction to DB you get the assassination at the start.

Is there an easy source of Major Mending I can pick up on my NB healer? On my main (DK healer) I just use ingenuous shields for that sweet 6 second major mending.

Finishing a fully charged heavy attack with a resto staff gives you major mending for 3 sec.

haha memes



That's a very fancy lizard.



How the fuck am I supposed to tank against Mighty Chudan if one of his spits kill my ass and it's very hard to dodge?!?!

Get tankier. What's your class?


which one of you fucks is this

Nice cock.

Stam NB

It won't happen, will it? I'll never free those argonians from its psychotic Hist, will I?


Shouldn't you be able to just use the shield ulti and siphoning strike to keep you alive assuming you've a decent healer?

Be honest, how do I look? The colors are out there, but I think it looks weirdly really appealing.

Looks like a gigolo.

>a young man paid or financially supported by an older woman to be her escort or lover

I'm more confused now that I've googled it.

I'm streaming, guys, come to see me.


>Avatar fagging
>General slows to a crawl


>posting characters in a respectable manner
>calls it avatar fagging because he's unsure what the word means

Really gets the turbines turning.

Does anyone have the map from the beta that had all of Tamriel divided up into zones? The one that had the zones that haven't been released yet.

>Someone saved my shitty map
From the Alpha

>if you're interested in possible future content, you may like these: One of the first official maps on the website had all these zone boundaries on it. I annotated it using names from previous games, existing lore, and names in the ESO data files
AL Alik'r
AN Anequina (including the Rimmen city area, shouldn't be called this as Reaper's March also includes part of Anequina, but this name is in the text files)
AU Auridon
BE Betnikh
BF Bal Foyen
BI Bleakrock Isle
BK Bangkorai
BW Blackwood (as seen in Oblivion)
CL Craglorn
CH Colovian Highlands (also could be West Weald)
CY Cyrodiil
DE Deshaan
EM Eastmarch
FA Falkreath (as seen in Skyrim)
GC Gold Coast (as seen in Oblivion)
GL Glenumbra
GS Greenshade
GW Grahtwood
HJ Hjaalmarch (as seen in Skyrim)
KR Khenarthi's Roost
MM Murkmire
MT Malabal Tor
NB Nibenay Basin (as seen in Oblivion, although the text files just calls this Nibenay, which is inaccurate)
NV Nibenay Valley (as seen in Oblivion)
PA The Pale (also includes the Winterhold area)
RE The Reach (also includes the Haafingar area)
RI The Rift
RM Reaper's March
RS Rivenspire
QR Quin'rawl (from the text files, although that says Quin-rawl, which is incorrectly puntuated)
SF Shadowfen
SH Stormhaven
SM Stros M'Kai
SO Solstheim (as seen in Bloodmoon, Dragonborn)
SS South Summerset (No source for name; I made it up)
ST Stonefalls
SU Sunforge (from the text files)
TE Tenmar (from the text files, this area includes the Corinthe city area)
TI Topal Island (from the text files)
TM Thornmarsh (as stated in the Loremaster's Archive)
VH Velothi Highlands (the northwest Morrowind area with Blacklight, but the in-game map doesn't currently allow for the correct geographical shape)
WD The Weeping Desert (from the text files)
WG Wrothgar
WR Whiterun

managed to get vampirism before they made it available for purchase in the store for whatever stupid reason
had to do a lot of kiting to finish the quest

Hey I've never played this before but I got interested after seeing the morrowind trailer, release do I buy? I mean what is unlimited and what is gold version? Do I need to get DLCs?

>"having problems with your fps in game? Just upscale it to 4k and it works better!"
what the fuck?

Do they even sell new mounts now that crown crates are the big thing? I don't mean the dlc ones. They used to design new ones all the time and now I never see them.

I just want a mount. Not a costume of armor I can already make.

Unlimited was the name of the re-release when it launched on console, It's the base game. The Gold edition have 4 of the DLC's. You don't have to get the DLC's and I would personally advice against getting them before you've a few hours in the base game and know if you'll enjoy it or not.

Be aware, if you buy the Morrowind bundle that gives you the basegame + Morrowind, you won't have access to the basegame until the release of Morrowind. But if you buy the base game you'll be able to buy Morrowind on top of it as a "chapter" (that's a large DLC they can't call DLC for political reasons).

That's what I was looking for, thanks. Topal Island is now in the game as the cash shop exclusive house, so the map is also least somewhat right

Does anyone know why the next dlc dungeons are presumed to be Nordic?

Last one I can think of is the Great Elk. A Dark Great Elk have been datamined so we'll probably see Evil Rudolph next month.

Someone datamined a crownstore item called "U15 - Nord Dungeons", U15 being short for "Update 15".

>Team Orange
>Team Green
>Team Purple
top kek


top kek

This is going to generate so much butt hurt when the PvP healbots play.

What did ZeniMax Online Studios mean by this?

I had no idea that you get that guy's outfit at the end of the DB questline. Love it.

Orsinium and DB down, these DLCs have been pretty great so far. On to the thieves guild next.

what mount would match this best



Do we have giveaways? Some site giving mount code, for example. I like to get things for free. :)



Andy Millonakus?


Sided with the witch. The nords were asking for it.

Do you guess where I got inspiration for his design

Your mom.

Ov vey! Shut it down, the goyim knows too much!

That camel looks so smug.

Explain, where was this quote and does it actually work?

it's that reddit post from which the graphic settings imgur link in the OP is from

>tfw the game lags and I accidentally deconstruct something I've been keeping for research

not him but turning on extra effects like distortion and sun rays actually help my performance


I'm experiencing something similar.
When changing video settings you often have to reload ui and i think it needs longer to reload with medium settings than it does with high settings


Ok, real talk brotatos. I have 20 undaunted keys saved up, at CP 158 right now. Going to power through Caldwell's Silver while I wait for the random dungeon queue to pop.

How much luck would I need to get one of the two shoulders that I am looking for from the undaunted chest with these 20 keys? Like, a bucket full of luck, a small truck, or perhaps a large dumpster full? Managed to get the perfect monster helm for my sorc PvP set on my first attempt, armor class and trait, so maybe RNGesus will be with me once again.

You will probably get one in training or prosperous. Might get lucky and get a well fitted. Also,

>perfect monster helm for my sorc PvP
>CP 158 right now
What did you mean by this?

Right weight class and trait. If its CP 150, thats fine for now. Who knows when I'll get the same one at CP160.

What's the currently meta for stamblade?

Just wait, those last two CPs will come pretty easily and RNGesus is much more unforgiving than you might think.

Tremorscale, tormentor, 1h/s, viper, 2h backbar.

1h/s charge with built in stun, 70% snare, and 1-2 good procs for the ultimate cancer.

Oh yeah, definitely waiting, will probably hit 160 before I finish the AD story line, just over a zone left of main quests for them.

Just hoping I can get something, even if its for an alt, out of my 20 keys.

Pretty sure you can't trade monster shoulders between characters, otherwise there would be a market for them.

He means an alt on the same account. You can stick a bound item in the bank and wear it on another character, can't you?



Train is gonna win this isn't he

I'm not entering, for multiple reasons.

>Contest in which you need either shitton of gold or crowns to do anything decent beacuse the whole update was overpriced as fuck
>Not a contest that depends only on person's skill and imagination, people with shitton of money to spend on virtual furniture have much higher chance
Unless you can apply using something made in PTS then this is a fucking garbage.
>Not a whole europe can apply despite most of rewards being digital
Just don't send physical items or something, why would you outright block shitton of people from entering a contest for no reason.

You can.

Not bad, not the best, but not bad either. Too bad I don't have an alt anywhere near the level to use it.

Another quality Zenimax product.

>it's a healer overhealing and not doing any damage episode