League of legends general /lolg/

Cute Lissandra Edition
shitty archer sluts need not apply

>yfw cockblocked by riot

fluffy tails

>mfw cockblocked his riot

Posters past this line will feed in your games


>He isn't going to main Based Gatekeeper Galio
>He isn't go to be a legit Raidboss
>He isn't going to mudstomp every manlet who dares to get in his path
>He isn't going to tank the entire team while his team aces with ease
>He isn't going to outdo the ADC and steal his healslut
>He doesn't make the healslut wet with only the mere thought of his SCHLONG
>He isn't going to reward the healslut by DICKING her/his brains out
>He isn't going stand on top of the enemy nexus stroking his massive COCK while basking in the afterglow of his victory
>He is posting angry rants on chinese cartoon forums

You're all pathetic , keep your hands of my main unless you're going to be a /RaidBoss/

go Entertain yourself with your ruins skeleton

>xth for being a cuck
i love watching lulu get railed by Alistar

xth for Syndra

New Aatrox feels awful.

I hope he can jungle. It looked like he had a good kit for it at least.


>tfw no qt wolf girl champion

i love galio sexually and romantically


why woud women want schlong of stone?

>had a mundo support with Stoneborn Pact
Riot you created a monster.

>people tell me Gangplank has a super weak lane phase and is terribad until 20-25 minutes in
>has one of the single safest lane phases in the game, ranged harass in a largely melee lane, cleanse+heal on a basic ability and a global ult for picking up assists and kills.

All while getting bonus gold for killing minions, so he inherently wins "even" lanes.

What the fuck do I rush on Teitch now that both Youmuu AND BotRK are shit?

how do i play kalista?

do i get any lethality on her?

how so, i think sword man looks fine

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Evens: You get a threesome how ever you like with normal Sona and MF

Odds: You get split roasted by futa MF and futa Sona, they are hung in proportion to their bust, but at least you can choose who gets which hole.

Will you take your chances lolg?


safe lane phase=/= strong lane phase

you bit dummy
What are Pug'Maws actual chances of making it to live? I personally think its about 60%.

do. a. fucking. futa sona/vanilla ahri version. at least every once in a while.

Worth it

Ill gamble because I am dead inside and nothing can be worse than that.

women don't
men do
i want galio to sexually destroy me

BotRK is actually dope af now. They didn't change the important passive and it gives more damage. I'd say it's reasonable to rush it on Twitch. It's been a while since I played le poison rat of much damage but it seems pretty compatible with him.

Champions who inherently win even lanes shouldn't have safe lane phases.


whats the point of these games when that will never happen

go be fag in other place or i get tazer out

Go play him against a competent Riven/Darius/Tryndamere/Renekton etc, good lane bullies, you'll see the difference between a "safe lane phase because he needs to survive to late game" and a "strong lane phase where he destroys his opponent"

I stand corrected.

i'd pay for both

that entire sentence contradicts itself.

if its a EVEN lane how can one person WIN it?
You wanna whine and bitch about people who can take over a game by going even in lane talk about Nasus my man.

q alone has little range and not much damage while also pulling minion aggro.
harassing with barrels pushes the lane and has a huge cooldown on your most important ability
you don't have real mobility so if you walk past the river you will die to ganks.

I want veigars cummies

zero is an even number

should we be concerned?

Laning feels a lot harder now early on just because his W damage is down plus his Bloodwell has been changed and is hard to keep up early. People just ignore him when its up and go in when its gone because his revive isn't always there anymore. His Q is still a clunky shitty move too which is one of his biggest flaws. Granted he feels better as a tank now but I can still think of several champions who do a better job at being a Brusier than him.

what happened to nautilus support?

i haven't been around for a while

Teitch without AS plays like shit. You pop ult and fire three shots before it wears off.

then dont play edgy man and play someone else

like shen

not with those damage dealt, taken, and death stats.

Evens here I come

Is GP good for punishing lane bullies? I've never played him but I have trouble with getting pushed out of lane if I try a 'normal' bruiser/tank into those champions. I'm shit at top (I started playing this game around Camille's release, almost completely new) but I was thinking about getting GP, his damage is great and it seems like his build choices aren't too one-dimensional.

The champion is total cancer

gets harassed to death by mage support

I'll take the futa either way desu

>namefag thinking his opinion matter

No GP needs to survive against lane bullies, mess up once and your lane is fucked. Tryndamere is easily one of the worst match ups he can be in, it's why a lot of GP players like him mid more, it's a safer lane for him

why does my opinion lessen if i have name?

Gp only has one good build.
He's very weak early and wants to farm a lot
You set up gank so bad, it's better if your jungler doesn't even come


>He actually has to ask this
Can you get the fuck out

I like these odds

play shen for farmbot


why cant i ask question? did i trigger you?

>evens: huge tiddy sex
>odds: choked to near death by mfs cock and Sona turns my ass into a flat tire

e-evens pls

>kog in the foreground
>ali's hand overlapping him despite being way in the background

jesus riot doesn't have a fucking clue do they?

Yeah that shit is really bothering me

Stop shilling you filthy nigger, Lulu is pure and you are worthless.

>whiff my ult multiple times so my adc will yell at me and call me a pos

Yes daddy, ill do better next time I promise

New warlords is really nice. It's like a mini Jinx passive. Both fervor and Lords are good on Jinx now it hurts choosing between the two

It's blurred the exact same amount as the rest of alistar. His palm is just an area of low detail, so it looks less blurred.


I had 120k damage taken, 46k healed (more than sona by 11k), and 50 wards placed.

>Urgot if strongfat and has 6 legs

I'm liking it so far. Will he keep the armour shred and damage reduction?

Is it wrong that I fucking love playing kennen

>mfw stoneborn works on randuins atk speed slow
>mfw it probably works on frozen ehart aura

>keep posting the kog maw splash and not the others

>70 more losses than wins


no, play what you want.

You're retarded m8. Ali is being carried by the yordle.

kennen is carrying alistar in the foreground dumbass

Xth for Dead Fortune

She didn't deserved the nerf, all others ADCs needed to be brought on part with Jhin, Cait, Varus and her.

My man

>post yfw new galios is just a bad shen

>saltyteemo barely gets over 30-40 viewers at any given time now

ruunans + ie has been standard for a while

>riot actually thought we would play this garbage ass tank as a midlaner

get out with your low quality deformed semen go have sex with old gay people or something

Fuck that stupid ass champion does half your health with one ability and who's gameplay revolves around pressing R.
Good riddance. No skill champ.

>Urgot has a slow on his shield when he autos and uses Q
>the new stoneborn pact causes healing from movement impairment
>Urgot support to make a kill lane bot would now have a heal if it works

I was at 800-950 like two months ago. I was pretty shit at the game (compared to now, cause I'm still pretty bad) up until I started being smart this season.

You of all people shouldn't be telling anyone to go, Vladfag.


What's a good top laner for someone who mains jungle who just wants a champ to play when they get their secondary that's really safe and good in almost every team comp?

Meanwhile, let's buff Fizz! And let's make Jax even more brain dead easy to use! Let's make tanks even more aggravating to fight against! Yeah! Let's keep the cancer train going!

bf sword then ruunan is what i do all the time
still need to try new botrk though

Why? I am /lolg/ itself, only less deluded about sex dynamics.

See this on your team, wat do?

All my Nunu bros is he back? He has an actual keystone now, a lot of the meta junglers keep getting nerfed and he's getting buffs soon. Is it time to ruin the lives of everyone in the game again?!

Make one for Waifus now

>using my husbando chart to bully
kill yourself

Can i just pick the odds, but can it be Riven and Vi instead?

Yeah I don't know why they buffed fizz. The champion already had a positive winrate and is total cancer.

Waifus aren't as diverse.

I know this is old but it's not changed that much.