League of Legends General /lolg/

Confused half breed edition


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Slutvana is a smelly jungle girl.

xth for Syndra

Did someone say half-breed?

Of course, she spends all of her free time with zyra

I wanna FUCK that confused-half breed.

Is there a vg autism club I can join on EUW? I'm nice, I swear.

>All those eggs

w-whos the father?


Now I know why I got so mad last game. People forgot to ban yasuo and zed and of course the children that play league instantly picked them to bullshit their way to win

Every man that passes by.

>Not playing Diana to immediately dick one or both.
Sounds like the blame is on you, famalam.

What did he meant by this?

What's the best support if you get autofilled and just want to have fun and why is it bard?


I don't want to give the guy whining about zed/yasuo free (You)s

Does diana get horny during a full moon?

She is in permanent heat and extra fertile during full moon nights, may sol help you during super moon events

>picking a complex champion if you're autofill
literally asking to lose

Are there any fun weird "playmaking" combos you can do between several champs like that Trist/Sion thing?

You people are ruining diana for me


>tfw no one will ever believe you made a one punch man build on Vi

Janna. Ez game.

desu I wish the Galio rework didn't have the "big nice superhero guy who is ok with beating up baddies", since Zac already did it

They should've sticked to the watchful gargoyle thingie

The Kenshiro Vi build is more fun

Zilean bombs can be planted on champions like Rengar who have a true stealth ability to bomb people from invisibility. It used to be best done with Twitch, but he has "Camouflage" now.
Also, any terrain making champ + Poppy, Graves or Vayne.

Ignore the idiots

>hurr diana extra fur-tiles
>"permanent heat"

Superpowers and Runeterra don't make sense, but for the most part at least they follow the laws of biology and physics. These shitposters are just full retard.

>malphite rushes triforce and dies
>ww support, no support items
>quinn adc otp inting
>they all blame me (jg) for loss despite having spent the entire game fucking ganking everyone

what the fuck am i even supposed to do in this position

Those Poppy+Anivia ANX games during worlds were the hypest shit.

I've been spamming Aatrox ever since his rework.

Best build IMO is Titty Hydra into full tank. Chilly Hammer should actually be really good on him but I never found a reasonable time to build it.

His passive revive isn't actually that hard to proc as long as you're smart about it and learn to manage your stacks. He wins the shit out of early 1v1s if you have full bar. The only problem is that long CC drops it off hard, so he has a hard time killing tanks in top lane if they kite back after CCing him.

His passive stays up as long as someone's attacking you or your attacking them, so the people saying he's only strong during his passive are kind of stupid because his passive will be up for the vast majority of the fight.

It is really hard to manage properly though, since there's a CD independent of getting max stacks when you're first playing him you'll die a lot thinking you had your passive up.

Generally I think the update is fucking great, he's deceptively hard to play and people are building him full damage like a bunch of mongs so he feels shitty to them.

I think he might be overpowered once he gets buffed, but I'm not saying anything because I want to see him get picked in competitive. He's really built more for soloqueue than competitive, but I think a pro player meme-picking him would make it work.

Pain is temporary, Victory is forever.

Every time I go vel'koz support in normal games I feed lol.

When I go in ranked - it goes fine, I get feed early - feed my adc, help my team... wtf man.

>watchful gargoyle
But while being a watchful gargoyle, he was big nice superhero guy who was ok with beating up baddies.

He was that before Zac ever existed, so...

>There's no possibility of magic influencing fertility/arousal in LoL's universe

I'm not a Diana poster but come on dude.

That's what annoying me the most about the rework actually, all of his lines sound like either Jayce or Zac. We've already got a douchebag hero and the noble/mild mannered one, we didn't need yet another "hero" champion cribing their lines.

I dunno man you tell me:

Trinity Force
Edge of Night
Boots of Swiftness/Merc Treads
Titanic Hydra
Infinity Edge/Blood Thirster

Start the fight with edge of night. Then Active Titty hydra and fucking delete your target.

Lost the game because of another feeding top. Ahead in lane, got kills, sinved is 6/0 from top.
Goddamnit. In my last 12 fucking games about I've had at least 8 feeding tops, seven in a row.

Explain how does pre-rework Galio feels or sound like a superhero

Unless nu-Riot posted a short story from anthony burch I'm not aware of ?

Play the next game, if you're even semi competent you'll be out of Bronze in seconds. But if that was a diamond 5 NA game then I recommend suicide.

Blitz/Kalista, Rengar/Orianna

carrying your top and bot lanes is a true test of skill


Make Aatrox great again.


original galio didn't feel or sound like anything because he was an old champion with no lines or personality.

you can't be surprised that when Riot relaunched him they didn't want the beginning and end of his character to be "he's a gargoyle"

But I don't want an easy game. I play junglers and roam heavy mids. All I want to do is fucking roam and shove my cc-infused cock up all three lanes at once.

I'd much rather play Bard, or even , than a champ designed to be the ADC's butt buddy for 20 minutes

Not him but
>"You should come back with more bad guys"
>"Justice will be done."
>"Assault from above!"

I think the Galio rework is similar to Poppy, where it's set before their major tragedy so there's room for their character to go.

I just watched this 12 times.


May this be the fate of all Luluposters.

>adblock doesnt block ads on twitch anymore

is this the death of twitch?

>lulu killed instantly
feels great.

>triumph.gg says I'm high plat / low diamond
>but i'm on a sub-30 shitter account with a 35% winrate

this site is a joke, right?

>OP.gg says I was Plat in S5
>didn't hit 30 till S6

>where it's set before their major tragedy so there's room for their character to go.

>Advancing plot ever


They just believe in you user.

l want to _____ Sona!

>Being magically fertile is totally a part of the lore
>Worshipping the moon makes you super fertile!
>It totally makes sense that you're a warrior that is extra fertile! After all, having to stop and take care of children doesn't at all get in the way of being a moon warrior! Oh wait...

You have to stop and consider the lifestyle that these champions in League have.
If they ever get pregnant, they have to drop whatever job they're doing. Even Riven would have to find a way to stop being a hobo.


if anything this is backwards thinking. Champion reworks are opportunities TO advance the plot by explaining the reason for the rework in universe. Burning Tides and Gangplank's rework was fucking god tier. Xerath and Ascension could have been the same way (I can't remember if Ascension coincided with Xerath's rework).


That's way too small to be Sona

I beat a little meat sliced thin off her ass and pan-fried would actually be pretty tasty.

I too, want to eat Sona. Only a little bit, she can just E a few times and she'll be good as new.

Moons are a sign of fertility in a lot of cultures. Just throwing that out there.

>Crops out the face as if only the boobs were what matters

Based sonafags

> Burning Tides and Gangplank's rework was fucking god tier
Burning Tides was literally the only time Riot has even tried to advance the plot... except it ended up with everyone in the exact same situation. The only major change is that Graves and TF aren't enemies anymore. And it's not like anyone actually cared if they were enemies or friends.

Everything else is Riot going all "hurr, mysterious plots and champions, and sometimes it looks like something is gonna happen but then it doesn't, by the way we introduced a new champion that doesn't really do much of actual importance or changes the status quo, give us money".

Link me the part where it says that Moons are a sign of fertility in Solari/Lunari lore.

I'll be waiting.

>Lethality ADCs are gone
>Now every game is a race against the Jinx auto-win at 30 minutes if she's even semi-competent

>score is 6-39
>enemy pantheon is 30/0, has full lethality, and can kill our adc with a single spear
>try to surrender
>lmao guys we can still win this, we have late game xD

i want to die


>Ended with everyone in the exact same situation.

Objectively wrong, tard.

what a whore

>Sion fought Galio when he was alive, making the two contemporaries
So I guess this is retconned now, since Galio is giant after the rework?

here we go

>Link me the part where it says that Moons are a sign of fertility in Solari/Lunari lore.
Yeah let me go grab my ancient Lunari texts because it's a real culture/religion.

Nice goalpost movement. The person you're responding to is incredibly retarded, but you're pretty retarded yourself.

Nice rebuttal.

>B-But GP isn't the main dog in Bilgewater anymore! Now MF is!

Not like it matters, the lore previous to that was literally just "GP and MF fight over Bilgewater" and the lore STILL is "GP and MF fight over Bilgewater".

Nothing has changed in any meaningful way. The status quo remains the exact same. Why? Because Riot are fucking HORRIBLE at writing anything.

Enemy top laner has no wards and no flash and my jungler refuses to gank him the entire game, why?

>kat x garen confirmed
delet this before we lose imthem

I will now report every Janna, varus, Ziggs and Sona abuser in aram

Have fun getting banned


Get rekt fuckboy.

Ezreal mains on suicide watch. Old picture of them together confirmed for being just Ezreal being a huge creep.

>Lux is now as much of a tumblrina as Jinx

Because a successful top lane gank accomplishes a piddling fraction of what a bot or mid lane gank does.

And if he ganks top the enemy will gank bot, and then you lose bot and dragon, gg, not worth an extra kill top.

>"Are you going to do an event like Burning Tides again"
>"Lmao no, too much work. We've got something else planned"
>Spill some artwork, a few good short stories and a few shitty ones every other month
Bravo Riot.

nice ward

I've avoided adc for years but I really want to play Kog'Maw and Tristana, worth learning the role for these two?

>Udyr missiles can lock on to me even if I'm stealthed or in GoW as long as he lands his E


>goalpost movement.

Except there wasn't one. The point they were trying to make is that there are cultures (implying Lunari being included) in which the moon is a sign of fertility. But there is no mention or indication that the Lunari believe that at all.

So we're back to the idea that user made up the idea that Diana being a Lunari makes her more fertile. Esepcially considering they're a fertile race.

But what if he ganks literally nothing? Either way, a free kill is not useless. Especially if the enemy top laner didn't bring tp, you can get tower easily

avoid adc like the plague

never gank bot, never play adc, never play support

if you do get stuck with adc, just pick ziggs and try to not die

Kindred buffs in action.

>fertile race
WARRIOR RACE. Fuck my life.

>But what if he ganks literally nothing?

I dunno. If all lanes are pushed and doing well, he probably shouldn't be bothering to gank, just farm his jg.

I play top a lot and I assume I'm on my own up there. If it works out to get a gank great, but it's the lane where you should count on it not happening.

udyr has missiles now?

ive had the urge to play twitch myself

imthem on suicide watch

>champions who will never get a major vu

pretty okay.

Goddamn, both skins are god tier.

>And you'd better just be holding hands or I'm telling

>Greets Valor
>Doesn't acknowledge Quinn

Get your icon while its fresh!

How much actual money have you all spent on this game.

I'm holding strong at $0, but I know some of you can beat that.