League of legends general /lolg/

new graves skin soon
no waifu fags allowed

yorick is garbage

first for tahm kench top is broken.


Lethality Aatrox

xth for EU is worse than wildcard regions

>no waifu fags

you can't stop us


>maokai and nautilus will be the best tanks in the game for another 8 years

>people think maokai does damage
stop this misinformation please

>Taunt: Enemy Lucian
>"I'm sure your wife forgives you for getting her soul taken by a remorseless creature of darkness"
Damn Lux fucking savage

>merc scimitar on syndra


>tfw the enemy think Maokai is ad so they build armor.

how would an offspring with shyvana look like?


Tank is best now.

It's fun but it can't carry unless the enemy team is a bunch of down syndrome mongs. Tahm Kench's damage is all single target

death, sweet death


So with the Varus nerfs is the build still Lethality or should i build crit?

How can we make Mikael's an actually good purchase instead of just a last item for healsluts that they never use the active on and just abuse for the 20% boosted healing instead?

how's bronze 5?

What are some mid laners with engage/cc? I keep getting teams without any so starting fights is always unfavorable

>mfw I remember the Luxfag who probably killed himself a while ago
>mfw he'll never get to hear the new voice lines

i just splitpush all game and can 1v1 anyone that comes to kill me. if they start to collapse on me i just ult away.

its p cool

Gold 4 actually thank you very much. It's because maokai never gets played here so people don't know what he does. He is so freelo tho.

>tfw no elise trap gf

post reasons to live l can't find any

Where do shyvana fags even come from? She's boring as hell.

Not great. I tried to explain to Zed why 1) buying last whisper first item against all squishies with no bonus armour was bad and 2) that stacking them did nothing and he told me "STFU retard Zed is AD NOT AP not every midlaner is a mage lmao you're supposed to build AD on him!"

Lissandra but she kinda sucks.

i want to look EXACTLY like janna and cuddle an ezreal bf

why did they nerf aatrox

he seems to do nothing when you build tank

If these two were to fight a Bo5 we would need to separate the series in two days holy shit

Wisdom is such a piece of garbage, this is platinum positioning, literally, in both games.

>tfw I'll never have legs like that

Holy shit this game

Anyone here using other Veeky Forums boards? Are they all as autistic as this one? l mostly use /lolg/ and l'm kinda curious if they discuss what characters have bigger breasts or who is fertile in other game boards

are you irelia user or just being a cunt?

Good thing Ziggs was banned! Only 55 minutes!

just dont, fuck varus and jhin

never want to see those fuckers again

>forgetting le epic goo man of 5000 range ganks
>implying Sejuani wont be busted post rework

I'm poor at listening, also I can't wait for further wl buffs. I'm glad that they're trying to give crit ad's something.
(indirect buffs are nice but some direct Jinx buffs would be stellar)

ew no dont do that post more Lulus and lets talk about fertile purples

All they need to do is give it overpowered stats for a patch so people remember that it's still an item and then revert the buffs

>he doesn't know about Galio rework

I go Titty Hydra first and it's pretty solid. Old Aatrox did no damage while going tank, but this one can slowly win out fights with the passive buff. You don't need attack speed, the tankiness allows him to three stack shitters and feel comfortable whacking people in the middle of a fight.
The boost at max passive stacks is enough to make up for the lack of damage items as long as you learn how to manage it effectively.

Wrong, there needs to be a reason to build it instead of QSS in the first place.

Buff Mikael's to be as good as the old QSS, have it remove debuffs and stat reductions like Fiora/Zed/Trundle ults, or ignite/exhaust.

what would you be more hyped about, a yasuo pick or a jinx pick in lcs?

Why doesnt lux have a special interaction with ally j4 but has one with enemy j4?


to meme kids up

If you would be a champion in League, who would you be, /lolg/?

For me it's Veigar!

>manlet, evil and with a wicked sense of humor

Yasuo, I want her for myself.

thankfully I have long legs like her already

no im janna user

alright this board has officially made me a gay sissy slut, I shaved myself clean and I'm about to go get fucked for the first time in my cute pink lingerie so wish me luck

Yasuo but only if it was on a shitty team

Jinx would be terrible, I hate playing against her because she's a hyper carry that can kill most divers even when they've already closed the gap. When she gets runaans IE she fucking stalls as hard as a ziggs.

post opgg


Physically I'm closer to Ekko with kind of lighter dark skin, but I'm closer to Zac in personality. I really don't know maybe, Zac.

How do we know he killed himself?

Post only high quality breeding material.

No deformed semen allowed past this point.

urgot, semi often shooting liquid projectiles, ugly, fat and and can harass from afar

>other Veeky Forums boards

I mean so do I, I'm pretty feminine myself, but can you pull them off like her? That's the real question, user.


Does jhin heal for shitloads anymore? I'm not sure how it worked

I dont think theres any edgy, depressed drug abusing male champs in the game




or give it a reasonable cooldown
>ahri: "why no crucible taric stun?"
>soraka: "sorry was on CD"
>ahri: "CD? from when?"
>soraka: "two teamfights ago :\"

You have to auto attack a fair amount. I don't think it's good on him but I haven't tested.

Good choice, she's my main atm, haven't played hemohusbando in a while for her, and this skin will just cement the deal.

>all bot matches and norms

yeah ive already done a fiora and jinx cosplay :P

>Jhin can get up to 1000 ad so that would be 500 hp heal + crit modifier
On paper it sounds pretty strong at 18 I could hop on the PBE to test it but I am busy currently.


Miss Fortune.

Honestly more like AND. Mikael's is worse than QSS, has a longer cooldown, and costs more (on a support's budget). It needs to be really outstanding to justify its existence.

Something like a 75s CD, and cleanses suppressions/marks.

As of now the only reason it could possibly be bought instead of QSS is if your carry is full build and can't work one into the build, or if they desperately DESPERATELY need the slow immunity.

Which champion can oneshot a wave the earliest?

Probably Jinx. Mainly because similar body and looks

All waifufags should just eat a dick and choke on it desu senpai.

BARREL but it depends on how well you farm.

>Wisdom on Graves AGAIN
I guess it's 2-1 for Roccat then.

Loving the new Warlords on Kindred. Practically a bit of her old passive + a bit of movement speed to help her position even better after her first Q to land E. New BtoRK and the passive changes too seems to have put her in a way more solid spot than before.

>tfw current bf wants children
>may probably be pregnant by the time Vlad gets VGUd

Your minimum is level 9 with morg + W max

>play Vlad a lot
>try DotA
>gravitate to Invoker
>expect to hear something like Vlad's voice

Depends if you mean 1 ability or multiple

because this kit can be buffed without breaking the game
is this the first time you've ever seen a rework?

>tfw he used to post "stay positive" and "have a good day" messages with a cute lux pic
>tfw in reality those words were for him


Invoker is sexy af I wish vanilla Vlad looked more like him and less like an onion.

At least we have THE SKIES WILL RAIN RED KNEEL BEFORE ME for a modest sum

Shit, the build I tired out, too. Though, I did go both BC and Runaans.

>vlad looks like an onion

Posting the superior health cost champion.

gonna try to get lux to rank 5 and not feed. wish me luck in suck at her ;_;

so why are you copying irelia user?

not that i care, it just doesn't feel original

What's a good site to look at 7.5 ranked statistics before champion.gg updates?

>origen v roccat was 77 minutes

Holy fuck.

I think most edgy loner weeb autists can relate to this guy

tho looks arent something most can say they fit other than the "always wears a disgusting hood because theyre self conscious"

bc i think its cute that she started it. she's shyvanna user now

I will literally never understand lolg's obsession with this irrelevant trash champion that is Morde.

He's nothing unique from a design standpoint, he's literally Sauron with an undead kick. His gameplay is completely unengaging and binary, 4 abilities that do nothing but damage besides a shitty laughable MS boost on W. He is literally lanebabby's first champion because you could autowin lanes by just mashing E on your enemy laner and now after his rework does about the same thing except now you don't have to buy a shitty revolver so you can do it even more from the start. And let's not even get started on the fucking travesty that is his meme ghost dragon, it's amazing that CertainlyT still has a job, although maybe his punishment for being such a shit tier designer was being forced to rework such a trash champion.

I think it speaks to Veeky Forums's contrarian nature in general that Morde is so popular in lolg. Literally everyone from normies to reddiors sees how boring and uninspired this stupid champion is but a handful of people will cling to him like gnats to shit because "le based XD" even though every fucking thread you see some retard clamoring for absolutely unreasoable buffs like baking in entire masteries into his kit baseline and nullifying the intended weaknesses of his kit.

I geniunely would be the happiest many alive if Riot was to straight up remove this faggot edgelord champion from the game so I would never have to hear some lolg shitlord obsess over him again. Schadenfreude? Certainly, but I don't give a fuck. Fuck Mordekaiser, and fuck every single one of his """"mains"""""