League of legends general /lolg/

Pure Plushy QT! edition

Does Striker Ezreal ever appear in the shop?

I really want it.

1st for dota

yeah you know what that means dumb fuck?
they're gonna be on the enemy team so you can pick up free wins
you aren't too shit to abuse shit players are you?



shame about your gyno. you can go see a doctor about options you can take.

i'm a league player, but the majority of our girls are copy paste.

am i too late to dunk?

vg vs vg bets, if you are gold or under i hate you edition

>tfw camera too crap to post a photo
growing it to cosplay taric

w-well what if they're on my team...

He's the best husaband!
Would you take my story if I write you 3 as a apology guroanon???

>yfw literally cockblocked by riot

they'll be on both teams
maybe someone on the enemy team will shit on your retard and go 5/0
so you have to shit on their retard and go 6/0 and carry harder

What do you even mean by that

I bet this made that talonxez fag real happy.

>tfw rediscovering my love for twitch

It helps he is in a solid spot right now too. Havn't played him or adc sense season 4.

God bless hurricane changes.

Ezreal, had a hard life and I laugh at it

any shen cucks tried the new fervor?

why is he gone? ;_;


I miss him.

Not that guy but I mistype shit like that all the time.


I since that user upset you ever sense you saw him incorrectly use those words.

that one still doesn't click with me, but i guess i feel you. Whenever i see someone fuck up too and to i cringe.

>everyone always thought it was ez that was the gay one
>but it was her LUX who is the gay one!!!

i want to look EXACTLY like janna

>tfw no redhead gf

i didnt really talk to him that much

Fuck you user now you're doing it on purpose.

some dude posted his pics a few threads ago
me too

>implying this is anything close to being canon

>Supports are not for lewd!
>But now you're posting this with Janna in a pin-up pose against the wall where you can see her ass under her miniskirt.

Yeah nice keeping that up.

But people told me girls like Talon and Ezreal!

>caring about what shippers think
That is the path to madness user.

Daily reminder talon x ezreal fag is King gay and he's never coming back

I think I understand why Hashinshin rages at his jungler. Every game I've played today has been awful where not only does my jungler not gank my lane under any circumstances, but the jungler just PvE farms without ganking ANY lane even if the lanes have CC or the enemy laners aren't warding. I can't explain how frustrating this is. Junglers would literally give up free kills rather than help. I feel like junglers have some kind power trip, they like knowing they're in control. They're like sadistic fucks who get off on your pain.

you can look like janna AND not be lewd she has a great figure

Its been how long since Akali's rework and I'm still seeing you dumb dumbs throwing down control wards in her shroud. I mean shes not a threat but holy shit if your going to buy wards, don't waste them on her. It takes mere minutes to read whenever theres a patch or update. Please do it. ESPECIALLY when you are planning on playing ranked.

With love,
your support.

I sort of is though, at least in the separate Star Guardian universe/timeline. The little movie and comic they made implied it.


>yurifags seieng their gay shit in usual friendship
Not even surprised

extremely fertile

So what's the current state of Aatrox exactly? Can he smash in lower elo? Is he viable in higher elos?

>seeing akali in ranked
I miss S6

>Quinn lost lane really hard to a mundo
At least she only died once after 15 minutes.Is that a hard matchup for quinn? I can't imagine it being.

>King Grey

Did someone bully him out? I only played a few Veeky Forums's with him,

Gonna breed that dragon!

I don't care about their names, I just want them gone.


>Does Sona know she's the bustiest woman in runeterra?

I can't say much about other people, but I've been building ravenous hydra and frozen mallet and its been working pretty well.

Idk man, some of their interactions weren't typical of purely platonic relationships.

It's also not such an outlandish theory, you can see a lot of questions about it on the forums and places like reddit.

Then why not an image where it looks like she's about to be assfucked?

Hashinshin's problem is that he only sees his lane. he cries that the jungler is doing nothing when he's impacting bottomside while he suicides two times in a row to enemy jungler

You should visit /rwbyg/ when it pops back up sometime. Not even /pol/ makes as many mental gymnastics they do there.

I just fed my ass off in my frist game of kled and won the game by back dooring, I feel gross

>go 1-10-4
>I contribute nothing to team fights and we lose most of them anyway
>just start pushing bot lane while everyone else fights over objectives
>eventually get to their nexus while they're taking our inhib
>my team focuses everything they can and not letting them recall

feels good man

bc i unironically like the art style and its just suggestive enough without being tasteless. i said not for lewd not be a catholic nun

i want to look EXACTLY like shyvana!

holy shit

who fertilizes all those eggs dragon zyra plants. they're all fertilized.

this is next level lewd by rito

>teammate ints because we banned his yasuo jungle pick
wew high quality ranked games tonight

You are being even more retarded than me

I could see normalverse Jinx and Lux completely contrasting SG universe. I mean if Lux hasn't spoken to Ezreal, someone who lives in the same town as her. Whats the odds of her speaking to someone who not only lives in a completely different region but also has completely different morals and views of life than her?
It's actually bad how much head canons of how they would interact in normalverse

I want you to look exactly like her too

You should see me when I get stuck top. Going 0/12 on Singed and still getting commended by teammates for pulling pressure.

>kogmaw and "support" Ashe with FotM feed Kalista 20 kills in 10 minutes

does twitch build bork now

>lux and ez living in the same town

thats not true tho, but pic related is her speaking from normalverse perspective meaning the she still has some sort of memory from the star guardian universe

unless there is a separate noxus in the star guardian universe too

>Ezreal, someone who lives in the same town as her
Opinion discarded.
You don't even need to read lore to know stuff like that

hurry i'm in champ select

No you still rush Sunfire.

>open up client
>suddenly get boner
Umm, lolbabs?

they do, that specific user is rare fujoshi male tho

dont be mean

vg vs vg results, i didnt start any fucking items edition

>Trying to catch an Ahri as Warwick

I've literally never felt so JUST in my life ever.

>Rise of the dragons


Why the fuck does Rumia have more gold than Boon Rival and Critical

fujoshi (male) are called fudanshi

t. dirty fujo

>all on the same team

stacked games are so shit

Way higher kill participation I was playing like shit that game.

quick lolg

I need a not cringey team name for this tournament

dawt and angel are just so damn cool

you're not fooling anyone, wiggums

>and angel

i dont need your charity rumia

sexmasters lol

kappa warriors xd

not me, i dont believe in the shitty stack meme

>they actually made aatrox worse

The ABSOLUTE madmen

>STILL having trouble getting 90 CS by 20 minutes in game
>STILL having trouble maintaining CS per minute once laning phase ends

How am I supposed to farm a side lane when both T1s are down on a champ with no escapes if there are ganks? I was almost strong enough to split push to inhib, but the problem was botlane fed out the ass and I couldn't stop there ADC who was infinitely more mobile than me.

it seems its hurricane/IE and after that situational, seems its bork/statik shiv or BT

>Not telling your jungler to leave your lane alone so he doesn't feed your goddamn laner

It was fun. Thanks for trying!

>implying that meme riot ticket response is actual lore

by 10 minutes*, WOOPS, I'm not THAT retarded

what's your normals mmr lolg?

So...the Lux and Jinx of normalverse are the same as Star Guardian? If so SG is one and the same with normalverse. Odd, but I could be taking everything to literally. If it's not limited to sg interaction though I am curious to see if these two have any lore to each other?
but if they are the same universes that is some really murky water to tread

>same town
Wow self, goddamn normally I'm better than this Yeah I deserved to be called out on that, that was pretty fucking stupid

kill yourself

>be toplaner
>placed more wards than a support WHO BUILT SIGHTSTONE

Randuins over DMP was a mistake. Also starting to realize just how fucking hard WW falls off late. Should've gone with my gut and went Hecarim that game

I'll back on in a couple hours I have a tinder grill coming over

God damn I lost almost every game today. This fucking sucks. Even if I win my lane, my others just feed like shit. I'm not sure what's going on, I feel cursed.