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Previous thread birthday girl edition

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>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 03/3/2017*

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>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls is coming to Steam and PS4:

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>tfw two threads
This happens when we overcook


Here are all the bonus mode conversations. docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12lL07q14o30oUEzsJrvBw_JM4b2WVQLIet-0tnRRThM/htmlview

Xth for cutest pairing

Does anyone have the Amami and Sonia convo?

It's important to know your own limits.

>TFW 5 Kaede x Saihara interactions

eternal laugh for wallpaper at 16th place

Gimme popularity poll screenshot.

So Amami can interact with Mukuro and Junko solo as two different options.

>Kuzuryuu close friends with Hagakure
Where the fuck is the damn money?

Nice timing.

>Hagakure saw Amami cry
Lucky bastard.

Reminder that the top 8 will have a killer party that nobody's going to forget while the bottom have to suffer in boredom and tedium.


So, /drg/ hunger games 3 yes or no?

Translate based Kuzu

>Kaito and Maki that low
What went wrong

enjoy your dead waifu


Posting best girl!

No fuck off

That's what they get for being unpopular.

>Ouma, Hiyoko and Mikan event

rip mikan

best girl!

>Where the fuck is the damn money?

I-It's in the mail.

Best /u/!



Sure why not even if I'm going to sleep.

Reminder that Chiaki is still and will always be best girl

Things are getting tense and sweaty with the popular boys.

My nip speak isn't as good as Kuzu's obviously but it just seems like they're mostly talking about Europe and Novoselic chocolate? Then Sonia invited Amami to come with her to her kingdom or something.

>broke into everyone's rooms in chapter 2 uninterrupted
>presumably searched them top and bottom for monopads
>watched everyone's motive videos
>didn't spill the juicy embarrassing secrets he inevitably found doing both of those things

what was the fucking point

best mastermind!

Who'd be the best at twister? Who's the worst?

Who ships this?

>t.oumagod poster

Mouronpapa adventures!


I love Ouma so much, I want to cry. I want him to step on me, to abuse me and I want to do the same in return. But after that, I want to cuddle him up in a blanket, snuggle against him by a fireplace, give him some nice hot cocoa, throw him into the fireplace and tuck him into my bed. He's like the son I never had.
That Hiro Shimono voice, that madman ruse, that emotionally broken mentality, that cuteness that just makes you want to torture him, that suffering meter..
God, I want him to be mine and only mine. I want to watch him sleep and protect him from the dangers of the world. I want to keep him to myself so only I can abuse him.
I love Ouma Kokichi.

Would be cool

>t.oumagod poster


>Then Sonia invited Amami to come with her to her kingdom or something.

>not including extremely detailed descriptions of weird fetishes, sexual or psychological torture, fucking him or murdering him

0/10 copypasta, try harder next time

In their third-year conversation. He predicted Amami crying to which Amami responded the only time he'd cry in front of someone is when he achieves his goal i.e. finding his sisters.

But his mistakes and flaws are reasons I want to love and abuse the sleeping son :<
I need more sleeping Ouma. Post more sleepy Ouma.



Damn that fucking hurts so much. I feel sorry for Amami.

>Amami: Oh, Sonia, can I take a seat?
>Sonia: Yes please, it is the first time I have spoken with you Amami.
>Amami: Haha... I never thought of the day I'd be talking to a princess of a country.
>Sonia: I am just a foreign student at this school, you may do as you please.
>Amami: OK, let's see... oh, I bet it's a really fun place.
>Amami: You come from the Novoselic Kingdom in Europe, right?
>Sonia: Yes, that is correct.
>Sonia: I heard that you like to travel, have you ever been to Novoselic?
>Amami: Sadly, I haven't been yet.
>Amami: I bought chocolate that came from Novoselic when I went to Europe.
>Amami: I've eaten as much as I could, I can never forget the taste of that chocolate.
>Sonia: Well, I am certainly glad you enjoy one of our local specialties!
>Sonia: If you do not mind, I can send you a year's worth to your homeland!
>Amami: No, I'm good.
>Amami: It was really delicious and I'd love to eat it again...but it's truly bad to have it done.
>Sonia: Is that so? In my country, it is customary to praise food from countries!.
> Sonia: If I have the chance, I will try to bring some.
: Sonia: It can get overwhelming... especially after a year's worth that it has taken place.
>Amami: Ah... like a grandma who comes to visit their grandkids during the new year.
>Amami: I plan to go to lots of different countries, but there's a lot of things I still don't know.
>Amami: The Novoselic Kingdom is definitely interesting, I'd like to go someday.
>Sonia: Please do come! I would love to show you around!
>Amami: Sonia, the princess of the Novoselic showing me around.
>Amami: I'm grateful... but I feel like I'd be pretty nervous.



I prefer a simple and undetailed mention of abuse for a complex and specific character.
It's fluffier.

Fanart of Sonia and Amami eating chocolate together please.

Pretty sad desu. Being a big brother is suffering. But seriously if true how did he even lose all his sisters in the first place?

>I would love to show you around

Fuck this is cute. I can sense Souda was watching this.


Had to.
(No regrets.)

In any case, I can translate more in a bit, gotta do shit first.

>Sonia: I am just a foreign student at this school, you may do as you please.


Delete this...

This is giving me trauma when before V3 came out and the whole threads were just of Amami stealing waifus and RPing.

Delete this abomination or else I shall be forced to call upon my power of darkness to send you into the depths of hell!

t. Tulpafag

Good times.

t. Tulpafag replying to himself replying to himself, falseflagging as an Oumafag

Your top four favorites are now trapped in a small elevator with nothing but a board game, a bottle of water (filled with vodka) and whatever they are likely to have on their person/in their pocket for an entire night. How does that go for them?

Sonia is a slut

I think some nip on twitter said they would draw them together. Will try to remember which one.

t. Tulpafag calling out another Tulpafag replying to himself replying to himself, falseflagging as an Oumafag

>Hoshi, Kaito, Maki, and Miu
Someone is getting fucked

What else is new?
>will ride her classmate, a reserve course normie and even a guy who's barely around over Souda

Souda deserves better.

yes, and?

do I really need to fuck off though? :thinking:

I love Kiibo so much, guys. I love him so much I want to die. I can't stand it. What's the point of living when he'll never be real? What's the point of living if I can't be the one to teach him about romance? What's the point of living if I can't have him come into my room every morning and wish me a good morning with that bright and beautiful smile of his?
I want to smile back at him. I want to go through the day with him at my side, always there to support me, no matter what. We'd go through every day togther, growing closer and closer, until the day finally comes.
He's perfect, guys. I want him to always be with me. I'd tell him that as I push him down onto the bed, kissing him gently and holding his hands lovingly and tightly enough that he can't escape.
And then I'd start to dismantle him, piece by piece. I wouldn't know how to take him apart so it'd be rough, fumbling and pulling and tugging until his wires snap apart and twisting until his metal parts bend and break. I'd start from the very bottom, from his legs, so he could feel every single bit get taken away, so he'd spend the entire time knowing what's happening to him and not being able to do a single thing about it. It'd hurt so bad, he'd scream and cry, but I'd kiss him on the cheek and tell him, it's okay, this is all just to show how much I love him, it won't last forever.
In the end it'll be just a pile of scrap all over the bed and his head, still begging and wondering why I did this to him, please, won't I fix him?
I'd tell him it's fine, he's much more beautiful this way. I'd stroke his hair and put him on my night stand and while maybe at first he's horrified over time he'd get used to it and eventually he'd even love me again.

>Saihara, Himiko, Maki, Miu

Souda deserves to be cucked.

Souda deserves Miu.

V3 comic anthology is coming out April 25.

Pretty sure they would just have fun with their board game. Miu would drink all the vodka and pass out.


Thanks for the fat Tulpaman user.

im getting my sister to watch danganronpa 3 future after 1 cause there's no anime for 2. Does it spoil anything?
I don't think it does she might wonder who the danganronpa 2 characters a bit thats about it i think i spoils too much

Nah you're alright user
Just no more :thinking:

Because the motive this time was 'Loved ones' and the last thing Ouma needs is making people freak out and killing each other.

I'm torn between wanting to hug him and wanting to see him suffer more. Such is his fate.

*i don't think it spoils too much


>trash with trash
No objections here.

Got a source for this?

>Ouma, Kiibo, Himiko, Miu

Oh boy

nobody would get anything done without thinking

If she's planning on playing DR2 then she should do that first so she can alternate between both arcs.
Also future one has Naegi in handcuffs because of the DR2 ending and shows the ultimate despair fighting against FF so it would spoil the twists for DR2.

She's dead

Saihara, Miu, Ouma and Kiibo.

Board game night goes south when Saihara finally catches Ouma cheating after an hour. Miu gets thirsty from spitting so much from laughing at Saihara's outrage at being denied the purchase of any railroads because of Ouma's cheating and takes a huge swig of the bottle before realizing it's vodka. Ouma mocks her for this and gets the bottle shove down his throat. When the game fully goes south because of the alcohol hitting the two idiots hard, a scrum debate ensues of "should we make saihara drink the rest", with Kiibo and Saihara arguing no. They lose because betas. Saihara gets the bottle treatment. Kiibo is appalled. Monopoly turns into strip monopoly and crying/complaining from two parties about never getting laid/with their waifus (guess which). Strip monopoly turns into Miu getting lewder and hornier by the second as she watches Ouma try to and occasionally succeed at making out with Saihara. That turns into naked monopoly, which snowballs into spitroasting Miu after a blowjob here and there. Kiibo unwillingly films and wishes he could cry. Saihara throws up in the morning before the doors open. Miu finally gets the dick she wanted. Ouma rates it as maybe the fifth best night he's had. It's great.

> Ouma, Korekiyo, Kaito, Saihara

The latter three work on a way to shut Ouma up (Maybe Korekiyo has bandages on hand and Kaito seals Ouma's mouth with it), and they play the board game in peace while Ouma gestures angrily all the way especially since he can't even drink the vodka.

And Souda is H I C C S H O N.
I was thinking of the bonus mode AU.

no virginities will leave that elevator alive
