/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1250

>New Patch Info

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for March:
3/1 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue
3/11 - 3/17 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
3/18 - 3/25 - Guild War (Wind)
3/26 - 3/31 - L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G. (Rerun and Renew)
4/1 - 4/9 - New Scenario Event

3/1 - 3/14 - 3rd Anniversary Celebration (Daily SR/SSR Tickets, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)
3/20 - Anniversary Patch Part 2 (GW character 5*, T4 SS)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Who do I ticket?

6a544378 Rose Queen
bring whatever you want

What do you need?

1-9 gisla

0 kurwa


>Previous thread

You can get a dupe from this scam gacha right?

>Previous thread

Sorry elitist anons


Wait, it's a fucking harp?? Is this thing worth farming

>almost every GW character is now worth the 2100 crystals you have to spend to make them

Does this make you happy?

It it worth rolling the crystal gacha? Too poor to try for the tickets.

Fuck, my dick wants to pick them all.

No idea if I should be branching out to light or fire or getting more wind desu

Why do you guys say that six's third skill has a 5 turn cool down now? The page says that it's 3 turns, the same as always.

>elitist anons

Why do you spend money. I enjoy this game for free.

Get the slut.

1-5 Armor Char
6-0 Old Wizard Kamina

even lily?

Naru's animation honestly aren't all that different

>rose queen
>isn't sung by Rosetta

I have money to spend

I have disposable income.

Is the Cag skin really as underwhelming as the videos make it look?

>mumblemumble arsmumble

>Why would you not spend on something you like?

I'm not broke.

Korwa, Yuisis, Gawain, Lecia
Do I get Birdman or branch out?

>he doesn't want to be sniffed by lily

Alrigth, last call.

Is Djeanne my best option here ? Should I go for her!

Too autistic.
Also last time got an SSR in FGO is mid last year.
I should save up for PSVita to play Utawarerumono fuck.

>tfw Nio is a Ferry without drawback
What are the chances of it being on a 20 turn CD?


Because spending money saves time, and for some people their time is worth something. Where as no matter what you do you're wasting your time, so doing things for free is satisfactory.

But it's not?

Spending money on mobage is how poorfags like to pretend they're wealthy by showing off.


That's for you to decide, just branch out to your 2nd element.

W-whoa there

should i go for athena to upgrade my fire or kurwa for the windmeme?

>When you might want to spend money on suptix but you aren't sure how to accomplish that when you play from mobile browser as a mobage user

branch out

>People in current year will use Yuisis when she is literally the last character int he game to get her Zeniths when this bad boy exists

Dijon or Vira?

Why haven't you got your full chain of homoknight skins yet /gbfg/?

Anyone know?

Forgot the pick like a retard

>without drawback

Having to wait for Turn 10 and then only doing a Ferry impersonation once sounds like a pretty big drawback to me.

Who do I get for a fire team? Got Perci and Yuel.

Do I get Magisa, Socie or Korwa?

>playing this weeb gambling kusoge
>your time is worth something

Pick only 1.

Is this a trick?

You clearly already have Vira

Time to grab cute backwater lad then

SSR Vira.
user, please.

don't roll outside of legfest


e v e r

>Both Tanyas

Also not reusable.

Gonna ticket

Percival or Yuel?


> save crystal for spark

Thank you, kind user.

Thanks for letting me leech.

so whose Juutenshus are the special mentions?

Be gentle when grabbing him, user.

Don't do it user, I gave in and used my 10-draw ticket, got jack shit, don't give in.


>in 1 hour of slime blasting he gets +1500 attack
Feels good.

Song and Six (not surprising)
Also the two cat shitters.

Metera or Magisa

jesus christ even tweet deck tia raids end within seconds

>That plump posterior

Should I get Amira or Juliet for my light team? Also considering getting Djeanne and start building dark since I got Bahamut.

>granblue fantasy
should've named it leechfest fantasy desu senpai

Kek, dijon lad

Post Nio

>Bought ticket
>No idea who to pick

Every time.

What did you expect?

In one year from now on the 4th anniversary Stream, Sarasa will be the No.1 most fully Zenith Upgraded character among the player base thanks to slimeblasting.

Screenshot this.


Let's Slime
Host Rotation/Bring some buffs

> Ayer
Good taste.

when are they going to fix Siero's face moving across her head when she changes expression?

Post your Orchid...
you did get Orchid right?


Not much difference.

Who do i suptix for earth/light?

For earth I have Eugen and Medusa
For light I have Amira, Ferry and Odin

I was thinking of going ayer but i heard ayer kinda needs titan to go super well
do i listen to dick and go for sara?


You think I want to live long enough to find out?

if im at 9 fils with 100% charge with korwa is it worth waiting another turn for 10 fils?

(you), cause you won't get one otherwise.

She's trending on twitter by the way.

Or they can just use yoda.
Which the probably ticketed already for everything else.



Same boat.

No, all you need to do is get to 7 for the buffs to last again.

I'd like to because my luck sucks dick.
At this rate I'll get Ferry when GBF is finally closing and is holding a fire sale event.

i prefer percy because i really like fear

but go yuel if you don't have a healer

>try joining a few Grandes
>absolutely impossible because when I'm in the summon selection it's already at 4-7/30 and by the time I hit "ok" it's full

This is so retarded

>over half the guild is swordmaster

post you fav lewd image