League of legends general /lolg/

Dragonfu is best waifu edition!

Other urls found in this thread:


Xth for Mordekaiser

xth for Syndra

This is ground control to Major Naut.

Which dragonfu are we talking about here?


>OP is image of new Dragon Zyra skin
>"Which dragonfu are we talking about here"

Gee boss, I dunno.

Both are shit anyway

>yfw cockblocked by riot

Is there any page more reliable than champion.gg?

LF EUWfriends for some normals/ascension


we all know hes tarics boyfriend anyway

What icon do you use?
this is one of the only ones I bought since Gromp is a cool toad

I'm autistic, help me. What's the best skin changing program right now?

>friend goes jhin jungle
>xin zhao adc
>we win

>silver 4 tales

Shit meme

Silver 2 thank you

which support has a cute butt

sometimes this game is 100% attitude. if someone gives up any champion can win.

Best OP

jhin jungle is pretty legit and ching chong nip nong is fine if you survive to get xp

based drawfags

Should I buy the new Zyra skin? I play her a lot.

>play a game of league
>500 mmr difference team of golds and explats vs a challenger and diamonds
>we lose
>next game same shit but this time my jungler is flaming the laners
>3rd game Im jungle again
>all lanes died 2x by themselves botlane 4x
>open mid

Is normals matchmaking really this terrible?
Only the first game was semi close

guys are gross

Depends do you actually play her?

Lord > King of Clubs

Fuck triple dash free movement speed slut

any oce players here?

just hit challenger also, feels good man

this desu, winning rankeds gives me a sense of accomplishment l don't get irl as sad as it sounds

Well that's what all games are for desu.

>ranked 186 in OCE challenger

HGood on you dude, congrats

disable all ui next time please nice play


I wanna go swimming with Lulu!

Games are nice because they're solvable unlike real life. Doesn't mean you should use them as a replacement for doing something meaningful though.

Lulu is not for swimming

I wanna cuddle and protect Lulu!

Get fucked ahri abuser

What would you change?

Congratulations user :3c

Your abysmal photoshop skills.

that was beatiful

why am i chaotic evil when all i care about is cuddles and purity?

Good on you mate

yup, that's brand.

>avatar/waifu fags
>not all being evil

Just play ranked idiot

Lulu is for ______

if you want high quality match making play ranked, normals are for playing with friends

Hey man congrats

I wish I were as good as you


I'm OCE but only plat__ 5. congratulations my man

>i’ll kick anyone’s ass. i’ll kick your ass. i’ll kick your dog’s ass. i’ll kick my own ass
Which champion does this quote fit



>want to try out viktor
>go into a normal
>bot is saying "mid or feed"
>support who is hovering katarina bans viktor, who i'm hovering
>"it's for the lolz"
Now I have 5 minutes to wait to queue. The should be disciplined more. Their parents did a shit job.

Which champion can clear a wave the earliest? Both one ability or one spell rotation. And which can murder casters soonest? I want to farm the entire map afk.

Your taste is shit honestly to be quite frank if we're being perfectly forthcoming


Zyra is FoTM cancer and I haven't even seen a single Shyvana in at least two months.

I wanna fly with Lulu!

>Which champion can clear a wave the earliest?
Probably Rumble. Orianna, Viktor might also come close.

what can leblanc do now

I want a Lulu pouting in anger.

Honestly the changes weren't too detrimental. If Riot thinks that's a nerf they're sill. People say "oh her W just tickles now" but she's still strong. Leblanc is only slightly less busted now.

>a waifu is only good i-if she's underpowered!
I played Zyra before she was FoTM so fuck you hipster

Hey faggots,

should I do my skins dump?

got some sweet concepts I collected Id like to share if theres interest. Accepting requests for champions too

>this skin

Fuck you riot im tired of buying skins with my dick

max E or W on fizz?

Good for you, snowflake. Meanwhile your waifu is currently FotM cancer.

so is she supposed to be played more like ryze now doing damage over time

>lock in Irelia ADC and Aurelion support with a friend
Honestly the weirdest part is nobody even said a word about it in lobby.

b-boost me senpai

I would like to see them

Pulsefire is shit. Not just because it's outdated but purely thematically
>dj sona
>stil musician

>sg udyr
>basically same but better

>elementalist lux
>still mage

>pulsefire ezreal
>original - magic gauntlet user
>skin - some futuristic cyber costume with lasers ????

>enemy botlane are both memepicks
>caution my botlane because they might get cheesed
>they brush off my warning
>they get cheesed hard

Every time.

Whats your rank?

Go away slut

doesn't matter what champion but I'd like to see someone in the cosmic reaver theme (kassadin skin)


Why not? Show them skins.

>Most Frequent Core Build
>19.23% Win Rate
>260 Games
>Highest Win % Core Build
>22.50% Win Rate
>160 Games
Somebody at riot needs to be fired desu

make me!!!

Pulsefire Ez is supposed to be Ezreal come back from a post-apocalyptic future where the Battlecast Robots had taken over.

This whole "skins need to thematically fit the champ" meme has always been dumb. A lot of the good skins are the ones that stray from the champion's base idea.

like dog'maw right


Who else could it be?

Even Skarner wasn't gutted this badly.

you don't need to be boosted you just need to realise that you're holding yourself back from getting good

look at the jungle builds
>they're the same but one has blue smite and the other has red
>16.5% winrate difference


yeah but i wanna adc with a huge elo! to duo with

Also worth checking this guys channel out, he has some great skins, some bland ones too but generally riot tier, sometimes better quality

Cosmic reaver is a great skin line, wish there would be more



Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

if you're oce you can add me and I'll play some normals with you sometime soon if you want

Which champion is that?

That seems really cool, I love Orianna. It's just seems so pointless though. Mods for a multiplayer game of this nature just aren't reasonable - Won't Riot ban you if you use them? Does it make you unable to pvp, or are they just there purely for flavor?

That's Lola, the Autistic Child