Need some advice on becoming a director

My family runs an SME which is currently grossing approx £900k a year with 250k net profit (a lot as tax write-offs)

Poblem is, this has been the situation for about 3 years. I am the son of one of the directors, of which there are 7 and each are 30+ year professionals in their respective field. However, due to certain circumstances, expansion of the business (obtaining new properties to run their enterprise) has stalled. Everyone seems content to be working their "jobs" despite being directors.

I've watched this with a bit of annoyance, as their company is doing very well and is poised to grow, but their reluctance to set a direction and goals has resulted in a status quo.

While I don't have their expertise, I know enough about each part of the business that I can assess where the bottlenecks are and the potential for expansion.

What I intent to propose today to my father, in a bid to get an audience with the directors at large, is a "strategist" position in the company. Not as a director, but as a "low paid" consultant.

My job would be to basically kick them up the ass and address the issue of not investing their profits into a directed path of expansion. Turn the 1 house into 2 within the next few months, and 2 into 4 within 6 months.

It seems to me they have the money and the experience, but not the directional drive to turn a family business into an expanding company.

The downside is I'm technically a NEET, but I'm an extremely well researched NEET, and have been consulted on decisions in the business before. I'm talented with analytical and economic skills, while lacking the practicality of going out and putting those skils to use.

I currently live with my father and thus I will propose a wage of £500/mo to work full time with the sole goal of developing a plan for the company and spearheading expansion. My incentive is when the company expands and I have proven my role, I will take a tiny percentage of profits, as a result of my input.


I would be more of a "strategist" than a director.

Oh well, first time posting here. Guess this is a dedboard

Its not dead but small.
What kind of answer do you expect?
Most people are just busy to meme in the bitcoin threads.

Just invest literally everything into Bitcoin then sell a day or two later

You should propose putting everything into bitcoin, it can only go up and up

Considering this is Veeky Forums I assumed this is where people go to discuss business based posts.

I was looking for comments on my plan or if my proposal sounds reasonable.

Do you have any official education,or have you worked in a similar field?
Can you expect not to get laughed at by your father and the directors?

This is the weakest part of my proposition.
I don't have any work experience other than being an editor/publisher and copywriter for about a year, so not at all associated with residential care.

However, all of the directors (except 1) are basically immediate family, so they know me very well. I have (British) Sixth Form level education, maths, physics, geography, English etc. I'm educated, very good at research and analysis, but I don't have any official experience in the industry.

I know the ins and outs of their company very well though, and on numerous occasions multiple directors have come to me for help on certain decisionmaking in terms of efficiency, economics, and analysis. I've also shown a determination to stick to the original goal of expanding the business, yet since I haven't been officialy employed, I haven't had any imputus to become involved.

However, my role wouldn't necessarily require any specific experience in the residential care field, as I would be solely focus on expansion strategy. I know the logistical and HR limits of the company and the specifics of how it works, as well as their finances, wages, and expenses.

Basically I would take in all their information and form a planned overview of the company, then set goals for expansion and resource allocation.

Closest position I could find to match that would be Corporation Strategic Officer.

They won't laugh me out of the room because intellectually and in terms of company outlook, I'm on equal terms with them. But as for experience I am heavily outweighed by 30 years each director. I also don't have any formal business training/education. Most of what I know is from my intuitive analytic personality and research done by myself.

Basicall I see an opportunity for them to expand their business that they are overlooking, but I want to be part of it and stop being a useless NEET.

On top of that, I'm hoping my low propositioning wage (£500/mo) as well as me being part of the family will give me enough positive pressure to be at least considered. And with that I can outline the value I can add to the company by getting them from 1 house, to 2, or 3.

They basically need a dedicated person to persue company growth, which they currently don't have, but they don't need another director and the cost that entails.

Go with it,you've got nothing to lose.
If you succeed you'll be more successful than most people on this board who just spend their days shitposting about Bitcoin.

Well look at it this way. You can go back to being a NEET anytime even if you fail at this venture. Its a luxury many of us would kill for.

Good luck OP.

Find the risks vs rewards. If you do all the work and you can lay down the numbers and support your projections, you'll need to be able to present it in a concise way to gain support. Have you done a business plan before?

>People didn't answer my long-winded business proposal at 5 fucking am
>wow this board sucks
Let's not help him


so you have no experience or education basically?

Why dont you go out and get a job to prove that you are worth listening to.

If you were as good as you claim then you would be involved already

Mate you are 18 and have a fucking hell of a lot to learn. So that will be your attitude from now on: constant learning. Ask questions which you think will yield useful answers.

Do not act like you know shit about shit because you don't, and telling people how to do their jobs will only annoy them.

If I was in this family business, I'd politely tell you to fuck off. You clearly lack the skills and experience to contribute.

Case in point, despite your numerous posts, you never actually come out and explain what the "business" does and why you think you have the skills to improve it. It appears that its just real estate rental since you mention "1 house" and your intention to acquire other properties. Stop making it sound like this is some multinational integrated conglomerate if all we're really taking about is some rental income.

Also, and this is the funniest part of the post, you seem to be more focused on your made-up job title than the actual value and skills you could bring to the business. Do you have real estate experience? Have you acquired income producing properties in the past? Do you have contacts with the inspectors, contractors, solicitors, and agents needed to complete a real estate purchase and make it profitable. No, you don't. You're a NEET.

And, if I'm missing something and this really is some complex multi-faceted business, you've done such a poor job explaining the situation here that I can't imagine you'll come across as anyone other than pathetic in front of people who actually know the business.

Look, if you want to help out the family business, that's great. Ask your daddy and maybe they'll take pity and teach you some things. Let you be an intern or something, and look over the shoulders of the people actually running the show. Then, after enough time, if you're bright enough, then you might be able to make some suggestions.

But if some snot-nosed kid with no experience asked to be "strategic consultant" in my business, I'd laugh in his face -- relative or not.

*starts the slow clap*


Are you insane or something?

Any REAL consultant with actual experience can do a better job and is well worth the money ...

Just ask your daddy for an internship and get used to working you fucking retarded NEET

You are full of yourself and when your daddy caves in and gives you what you want you have a reason for why the company is shit

Nepotism is awful and in the long run itll destroy what you have

Thing is, if it isn't broken then why fix it?

The directors are comfy and making excellent net profit on a stable business.

In comes a young upstart with plans for growth and expansion. Investing for growth is risky and will need upfront capital. They will see you as rocking the boat.

A different ption is to make a business plan and set up a new company focused on growth. The existing company can make a small loan and take an equity stake. Then you can put your ideas to the test with limited capital at risk.

It's great that you have the passion to drive the business forward. However you've got nothing to lose in your scenario. Having some skin in the game will earn you some credibility.

Work there for 1 year and learn everything you can about the business.

Your family will laugh at you trying to drive the direction of the company with you not know fuck all.

t. fag who is graduating next year and joining his family's small business w/ 1.2M revenue, 400k profit