Swordfu edition
Shadowverse is a free-to-play class-based CCG.
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New expansion "Tempest of the Gods":
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Useful Links: pastebin.com
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Swordfu edition
Shadowverse is a free-to-play class-based CCG.
Official Website:
New expansion "Tempest of the Gods":
Current revealed cards:
Useful Links: pastebin.com
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>your weak memes
>implying I'm not a meme master
So when is "control" blood getting proper, non meme, non kill yourself wards?
who is the cutie under maid leader?
SVG Open Tourney #2:
Signups are online
It's really good
Everyone will be complaining about it in a month
Really oracles my play points.
Make me a meta
Too bad the translation team has to botch it up by calling it a nest.
Who needs wards when you got shitton of heals
Bat wards are fine as well
>power card
my sides
Isn't the new 2pp 1/4 ward is from Bloodcraft?
>That starts working from turn one!
>Doesn't do anything until turn 4/5
Rose Queen Disciple
3/3 7pp
Fanfare: Fetch Rose Queen, heal for 4, and put fairies in your hand until you have no more space
>戦力 - power
I said "non kill yourself" wards. A proper ward, with at least 4 hp and attack.
>paracistic design
>戦力(せんりょく、英: force, military strength, military power, war potential)
I mean, if you want to call it "New military strength card for Dragoncraft", sure. Go beat someone silly with those eggs.
Who needs ward when you can clear their board while healing yourself instead?
>go 2nd
>no 1drop
nice game
Just breath bro ahhhhhhhh!
So how meme will this card be?
>play frontguard. Deal 5 damage
>play albert. Deal 3 damage
>play walfrid. Deal 5 damage
>turn 8 maid into turn 9 Albert is meta
>turn 8 queen into turn 9 deal 12 is somehow not
You trying to trick me or something?
Fuck, i forgot that card is gonna deal 2 damage to it's leader if not in vengeance, my bad
It will be good against any control deck but will be hard to play against aggro.
When will Dragon players admit they are liking these new fresh eggs memes?
They secretly like being the cuck class because they love making self depreciation jokes all day.
It might actually be very viable for Control. Yes, it's a turn 5 do nothing, so you probably don't want to see or play this against Aggro, but the value you get from it can be very insane.
All commander + 3 cannon.dec
4pp forest amulet
Your spells and effects deal 1 additional damage for each other card played this turn.
What do you think are the /u/-core cards?
For starters I'd say Dire Bond, Harnessed Flame and Harnessed Glass
kys /u/ fag
Anne and Guuuuuuurea
Anne and Grea
Feena and Gobu
Okay /svg/ how do i play d-shift? ive only won 1/5 matches and that was against dragoncraft and I didnt even draw dshift to use it, I can use my spells effectively but i very rarely draw all the cards I need and early enough to pull off the wincon? I always seem to draw dshift too late to spellboost it enough, same with daria, I never seem to draw dshift when I play her.
Remi and Rami
But dragon eggs are pretty good, it will be an early game alternative to draconic fervor on draw and healing.
Sahaquiel and that upcoming legendary angel.
Post your deck
Dragonbond Mage in a Conjuring deck y/n?
It seems like it'd be pretty fucking fun, but the flaw with the deck is already that it's too slow and vulnerable with its turn 5 fat load of nothing.
That's the same girl you dummy
DariaxD-shift hybrids are quite questionable and unstable.Just make pure daria or d-shift deck.
Any Dirtrune players here? I want to kick you.
I just saw Professor of Taboos in a non-earth rite deck. Drop him on the board, then wipe their followers with spells. Kind of brilliant. I might try it out, too.
they are already down bruh
Panda Sword is the best
High quality of some 3PP, albeit with watermark. Expect to see this card often in the future.
Love between head mates is the purest thing.
no thanks, but i'll vial your fat butt
Stop playing Nep
I change my mine about albert being op. I think he is fine but he probably shouldn't be able to be tutored. Or, they could only give aggro support in the form of commanders (but good ones you would want to run) for the next two or so expansions to kind of slowly kill this sort of degeneracy. The problem with seeing him on turn 5 is his large amount of health. He's basically a soft warded goblin mount that already got his worth the turn you played him and didn't kill your board. You can't let him live the next turn or 5 more face damage and killing him requires dod or trading whatever board you may have into him in addition to using an evo point. It's unlikely that swords win rates will drop unless the next expansion drops some really unfair cards on us that haven't yet been revealed yet. I think the turn 9 ten damage for an evo is fair though. You can spot it a mile away and it weakens sword a bit even with all the rush and storm minions they have to save evos.
What do you think?
t. Rowenfag
...but wry
Stop saying Nep instead of Neph
>Deal X damage to your leader. X equals half your leader's defense, rounded down. At the end of your turn, restore 5 defense to your leader.
Is it that hard, cygames?
What if he plays Forte?
love this meme shadowbabs
>never really put together a nep deck before
>just pulled an animated nep out of a pack
I guess it's my destiny
Turns out it's a she. A cute one too. Now I am confused.
DShift Daria is a greedy deck that's also very hard to pilot effectively. Build pure DShift or pure Daria.
You need at least 2 merlins.
Three canons into Leonidas dream.
Nep nep
The fuck is this
Well my dick is certainly going to pierce through wards with her around.
should be a 2 drop 1/1 because of the effect, wow shadowcancer is going to be deadly next month
Listen to this man
Nep is my only shadow legendary, but I don't have any Mordecai so I can't bring myself to craft 3x him or 2x more of her. Plus, isn't she kind of unreliable? I hate the idea of just hoping you get a Mordecai and a Khawy.
the trick is to just keep tempo till you can pull off your one shot, it is a thinking mans deck and you have a really bad matchup with aggro but destroy all control decks. heres my build give or take some tech choices. shadowverse-portal.com
You can build your deck so she always pulls Mord/Khawy.
my dick isn't confused at all
Building a Nep deck means you always get Mord and Khawy because you have no other 7 and 8 drops and only 2 other pp value minions
Is there some formula about where she pulls from? Like once per PP value or something?
whats the effect?
I agree, I even named my deck NephCon1.
Try reading the card for starters
Concede pls
Exactly, only one creature from 1 PP value
I hope you guys made Forte smile today.
Build face dragon deck, y/n?
3rd link in the OP
1PP Shadow Follower
1/1 → 3/3
Fanfare: Give an allied follower the ability to ignore Ward.
Neptune should be Nep.
I only play dragon with my boy rowen
what does this 3 feet supermidget think she's doing wearing a bikini?
Thanks user
>tfw we are going to get a large influx of eurorefugees from /hsg/
Not sure how to feel about this desu
Browens, here's your megalorca nanny