/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1251

>New Patch Info

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for March:
3/1 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue
3/11 - 3/17 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
3/18 - 3/25 - Guild War (Wind)
3/26 - 3/31 - L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G. (Rerun and Renew)
4/1 - 4/9 - New Scenario Event

3/1 - 3/14 - 3rd Anniversary Celebration (Daily SR/SSR Tickets, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)
3/20 - Anniversary Patch Part 2 (GW character 5*, T4 SS)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Host more JKs, I want to get the water sword


Juliet or Jeanne?


I love Six!

Best lesbian is Sutera who loves Metera more than a sister should!

>Sarasa improvements all around
>if you get to turn 10, she does 8 million damage in four turns just by herself

Post waifu chart


I want to take this autistic chuuni's pathetic virginity.



D.Zeta or naru. have s.zoi and djeane.

>Enter chev raids
>Still have a sizable amount of hp
>Some fucker nukes it before the fucking entry scene even finishes loading

Every fucking time

I bet the NEET, Siete and Six are total virgins.

Why are there so many Grande going right now?

This is my current weapon grid, the "farmable" weapons are all around skill lvl 5-6.

Apollo just dropped my first chev sword. Should I use my first 5k renown for another sword to uncap the first, or will that whole getting chev sword to lvl120 still take so long that I'm expected to get more guns for uncapping those I already have?

Also, which weapon slots am I supposed to keep filling with chev guns? s. heles and amira's weapon I take, probably the chev harp, too?

>both zoi hosts of the day had a centrum in red chests and in deal

Sandal extreme, kill the cheeky cunt please

There are too less nigga characters.its only zoi and io.

fluffy lesbos

ssr vira you fucking ape.

Friendly reminder to put seraphic weapons in your grids

Am I ready for Scientology God Xeno Vohu Mana?

Six is 3000000% a virgin, Smugman has never even touched a woman, and Nio probably got scared off from sex way early because of her ability.

>he wasted money on Korwa

character zenith literally ruined this game

there's no point in characters without zenith even existing right now

The game could really stand having more than one portrait for non-event/story characters
I just watched Yuisis try to commit sudoku while being all :D , that made the scene kind of surreal

Do we have numbers on how big the boost is yet? Would the wind bow even replace a gun in a full lb4 tia pool?

How old is Six?

Everyone wants more crystals for GW characters

>It's a /u/ being delusional and forcing a pairing and shitting up a general episode

Enough about lesbians, which girls are futanari?

No idea what your rank is but you can't even MLB Chev swords pre-101 which is why you won't use them until then

Replace the Harp and S. Heles weapon with guns, wait for an unknown to replace Amira's weapon with

Use renown to uncap your guns until you get a 3* grid
If you hit 101 before then, throw out a gun for a chev sword if possible

every character has more than one portrait though

Which zenith are you using on Orchid?
You do have Orchid right?

Wow sounds exactly like the faggots on the other side of the street.

We should just remove queers entirely.

Nobody knows. Siete has 27 tho.

Wait, you need grandes for the GW 5*?


Is Jannu cuck bait?

silver centrums

>white guy mad because not everything revolves around his dick

should have been born a girl :^)

He can escort me any day.

It works exactly like Izmir's and Swimsuit Percy's passive. It increases the final value of the damage by 10%, ignoring damage caps. If your attack does 440k without it, it'll do 484k with it.
For wind it's kinda tricky if you have a full tia gun grid, but it'll be still good.

What are your favorite weapon skins /gbfg/?

spear is a toss up between this and the mop.

would be nice if we could get weapon skin galleries.

did you just assume his skin color?

Vyrn had no genitals so no

Ah I see, thanks
Any idea how many or are people just stocking up

Smugman got no friends aside Siero, and she is literally everyone's friend. He lies about getting chocolate for Valentine's day and he jokes around way too much for his own health.

she doesn't love (You)

>27 and no friends
What a fucking loser.

Sounds like me.

Ticket Vita or Djeanne?

Nah, they even changed her seasonal lines after the 5*.
She isn't all over your dick though.

Need a bit of help - based on my current teams, which one of the following should I ticket?

-Yoda for convenience and easy life
- Juliet for light
- Sara, Ayer or Razia for earth?

Reminder that anthuria's fate doesn't change even if you are a girl.

me 2




Juliet or Yoda.

The random harp is actually the Sandalphon Dominion Harp which is an unknown, it's max uncapped. So I guess S. Heles and Amira's with guns, thank you.

I'm currently rank60 so I'm still far off.

Why would it, it's about hand holding

Forgot image. I'm an idiot.

Damn, feels kinda bad not having that stuff for my light and dark pools though. Hopefully they'll add something similar eventually.

You have S.Zoi. Get Djeanne for backwater meme and have fun.

Sounds about right. But out of all of them, I'd say that Siete is the least likely to ever get laid. Everything about him just screams that he'll gain magical powers come 30. He's completely hopeless. Unless I can help it.

I imagine he's somewhere in his early twenties, like most GBF charas.

Where the fuck is your 6?

Don't bother with Yoda at this point. Pick among the other four with your dick.

In year two she cooks for you and softens a bit, but yea. They saved all the waifu pandering for D.Jeannu

d.jannu doesn't count because it's all an act

What did he mean by this?

Buying the knights' skins doesn't mean I'm gay, r-right?

>4 guns


>tfw casual zeta, vaseraga and beato all in my party

Did anyone upgrade the earth seraphim fist first? What are the requirements after needing the 3 rotating trial items?

Because it's what people always latch onto as evidence of characters "into" mc. By that logic she's fine with girls and boys.

what do you guys think about the characters emp?

That he is going to spend the night with me.

>Birdman gets to hit even harder with his zeniths
>Gawain gets buffer AND hits harder
>Siete's 5* actually makes him worth putting in teams
>Nio's 5* is simply amazing and could replace Korwa
I can't be any happier right now. My boy wind team keeps getting better and Nio actually got fixed.

D.Zeta with all zenith upgrades must become a total fucking monster with that 100% uptime on her echoes and huge DATA. Feels like it'll take a long time to get there though.

good thing Djeeta is still the MC right

that said her second fate episode makes way less sense in context if you aren't Gran

There are terms those like you made up for themselves to feel less gay. You're free to call yourself "bi-curious" without uttering the g-word, for instance.

>two thousand seventeen

Whats a decent class + setup for leeching JK? dont have Class 4 yet senpais


>Diablo's call is a mini mist

Wish I knew about this sooner

Time to blow pots to get 4 copies of him

Who's the true winner of the character zenith upgrade?

Ayylmaodesu indeed.

I want that seigman outfit but I have maskless and closed mask seigman outfits arleady. fuck.

So what are these seraphic weapons about? What do I get for uncapping them completely?

If dj is the canon, why isnt she in gbfa

>Joined a zoi using the in-game raid finder
>It's 3 minutes in and still at 7 people
What the fuck is happening


Where's the spoon?

There's just so many to choose from. I will go crazy.

I wonder if they will add the charge attack animation to the journal entry, that'll be neat.

She'll be in the previews


what ougi does the new Percival skin use, the same one as his 5*?

It means it's fine to impregnate him.

>tfw you realize Lucio will be one of the last of the current characters to get zeniths
Is the 2016 light meta making a comeback until then?

she's not giving me any guns, how is that my fault? she keeps flinging spears and axes at me.

it's not like I don't know what the optimal wind grid is. no one is making conscious mistakes here.

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