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So what should I name her? I'm starting to get second thoughts about this.



Still think you should reroll. Gnomes are creepy as fuck.

just go with a nelf slut desu


Would anyone be willing to help me out with Been Waiting a Long Time for This 25? All bosses up to LK are cleared.

Kublei, Thrall, Horde

>when u get dumped by a slutmog after telling her to lay her breasts on ur lips


is this thing useful at all?
i already have the shoulders/wrists combo but i'm still lacking in haste

shoulders/wrists are better, don't use it unless you need 4pc and have to use shoulders


>user, I dress like this to feel empowered; not so you can stare at me

Are elf sluts or draenei sluts more common on rp realms?

The elves are the takers, the draenei are the givers. Nobody plays a draenei for ERP that isn't a horsecocked futa.

rate my qt

I wasn't gonna mention this, but playing a futa was the original plan

What is a unique/cool/cute pet for hunters that will set me apart from the million shitters with their spectral trash and thokk?

do some challange modes for breast implants you feel me you fuckin skeleton

whatcha lookin at
i guess you're right, they could have put some haste on our BiS leggos though instead of crit

So any point in doing the withered training above 400 points or getting to the end? :O

Can't go wrong with either one then.

damn bruh
i wonder what secrets lie beyond

qt/10. Seeing the weapon reminds me of how stupid the WoD CM rewards look, though.


kek wills it

>that gap between the thighs

mfw 3 moons


fuckin shit sucks to do stuff in draneor without flying

Is that meant to be azeroth or just another habitable planetoid

whats with all the sin rogues lately?
I'm actually starting to miss WoD where all the other rogues were combat/sub and constantly sending me whispers saying "lulul don't you know sin sux?"

>main pvp dev plays on a palm pilot with a stylus

your game is dead

20 days of dailies and you can get flying though ;^)

What are we without that ass?

If you're going futa draenei for sure then user
>tfw no one harasses your slutmog like this

Cestalon uses a keyboard, and isn't really the main guy anyway.

What's your game user?

I don't have any games since everything gets ruined and casualized

for what reason. there is no skillshots in wow

Sounds like you're the problem

Go play dwarf fortress user, I understand it's the final frontier before your ascension into the plane of autism

shit happens get over it, happens with all games and genre's user nothing is forever.cYou just gotta remember it's about having fun first off and stop taking it to seriously

>it's about having fun

stop with this "sin rogue" meme. Literally nobody called them before some fag here started it. Even ass rogue sounds better.

Can someone who's fully explored Ashenvale take me a screenshot of the map of it, please? I need it for writing this futa belf x nelf story.

Guys I'm tired of my main, should I roll a lock or a mage??

Good, feels good that the future of games belongs to casuals and not hardcore edgelords :3

>two months since my monk finished his legendary research
>still only one legendary


Is 884 ilevel enough for normal NH? I'm trying to pug it but maybe that's too low.

>25 days since i got my 110 lock
>2 legendaries

I just want to mention that C&C4 was a fucking disaster. I don't know how they ever thought that was a good idea.

I have the steam version of DA2 get cucked newfag

Yes, you can pug it with less, depending on how autistic pugs are. Just use fake achievement addon for easier way to get in

Oh yeah that was, just bought it for like 5 to check the story

>Get my BM Hunter to 110 two weeks ago
>Already got two legendaries
>First one was Kiljadens Burning Wish
>Second one was Sephuz's Secret

Fuck...god damn those are both awful garbage.
I guess I should just be happy I got legendaries though...right?

As it's for a good cause.

Anyone? Shouldn't take long

I need a new PvE main. What's a class/spec with a high skill ceiling that has a high payoff if played well?

I've got 7 days to get my second one before research finishes, probably won't get it in time

>time played 10 days
>2 legendaries
>Decide to change to destro
the fun :DDD

surv hunter

not ever meme'ing

why would you change to destro when you have the 2 BiS legendaries for affli you dumb furry

gonna make a lvl 1 character to probably play for a few hours and then get bored, with the offchance of actually turning into an 110 alt someday

shaman, warrior or priest?

Probly gonna be goblin, maybe orc.

I'm sorry, should I have put a trigger warning for you?

Those are bis? looool
Though considering how utterly boring destro legendaries are it might make sense

And Affl is just so boring, i enjoy chaos bolt spam desu, so pretty.

your interface looks like a failed game of tetris

>removing double traits
Thanks for catering to casual cucks
FUCK blizzard.

what skin is this


I've heard that a lot. What makes it so complex?

if I wasn't wagecucking i would user
good guy user

what's double traits

assassination stopped sucking dick at dps
the gameplay is still trash tho

people outside of Veeky Forums call them sin rogue
like reddit/wowforums


t. Someone who needs daddy Veeky Forums to tell him what is appropriate and what is not.
Sorry not a cuck, i do what i want ;^)

you aint seen nothing yet

oh shit you're ralph nevermind kill yourself, shitstain

Stupid rotation for little payoff, might as well go bm unless you really like melee hunter

i got 3/10 mythic yesterday that was epic

t. Triggered weakling collectivist who cant into solo individualism because he needs others to approve of his UI

Well, what do you recommend for a high risk/high reward spec? High risk in the sense that it's difficult to play well.

th-thanks, I'll find someone eventually

frost DK

compared to most other classes, they have more than 3 buttons to press.

-keep up Mok'Nathal tactics at 3-4 stack
-find the perfect time to mongoose strike to get the maximum out of
-keep up your DOTs (serpent sting, lacerate, explosive trap, murder of crown, caltrops)
all of this without fucking up your rotation. Huln FUCKING Highmountain could do it, he soloed infernals, pit lords and dreadlords.

Guys I've been playing rogur since wrath (sub-expiratememe) and I've been forced to play Assa to be competent. I really hate the playstyle and boring rotation. Rexenh I started to burn put of it doing worse in raid and minigames. I started an alt dk (883 atm) and im kinda enjoying it. I dont know what to do, should I reroll? I feel meh for giving up at my main but rogue feels so dull atm..
Thanks for reading my blog and
>inb4 lmao its just a game play what you enjoy

How do I buy my alt high level AK? They can learn 15 right away with order resources but if I go on my main (AK 23) I can still only buy AK 15 for an alt?

ralph was this you

I always knew you were shit since your "muh deadly poison in pvp" argument

Allynsia simple & normal edits, base model v1 & legion/vanilla/tbc skimpy pants textures I think, can't remember.

Nah im on defias brotherhood

Clicking wut? :O

I'll actually pay someone at this point, I just wanna get the fucking achievement done, and I can't solo it as a Warrior

we'll what's your end goal user? do you want to raid and dps? I'm not saying surv is shit you just won't be topping any meters

learn to multi-talent

-assassination/sub on bosses
-outlaw on trash (spec to vigor-killing spree-slice and dice)

You don't have to invest much in the outlaw artifact, get the extra offhand damage and whatever seems fine.

Remember: you are free to change specs anytime anywhere if you are out of combat. You don't even need outlaw specific gear, use whatever you have for ass/sub.


Anyone here did any BGs or PvP on demo lock?

I cant get sub to work even with the bis legos and decent gear, and I have all the artifacts on min 35 traits. Its not about being ineffective, assa is very strong, its about starting to hate class...welp

>That gold

LMAOing at your life

Why the fuck would you even bother with switching specs for raid trash?
Not to mention sub and muti are good with those anyway.

>mage with 3.6 hp unbuffed

pve babies everyone

>Jump down massive cliff
>Try to Heroic Leap for a safe landing
>The cursor catches on a stray branch and says No path available
>no no no no NO NO NO
>Manage to spam click a heroic leap inches from the ground and land safely
A great victory was won here this day

Raid and DPS. I want a spec that's hard to play very well, but shits on everyone else when played well.