/fhg/ - For Honor General

Not Japanese Propaganda edition

>NEW: First balance patch is now LIVE! Patch notes here:

>Leaked Centurion / Ninja Image

>New players:

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

Previous thread:

Nobushi is cute CUTE!


nothing but practice and experience user

4th for Raiders.

Post any and all cute For Honor girls!


>trying to do anything as a starting raider/lawbro, with a high rep other character
i dont like this game

Sprint speed is the best stat on chests.
Execution health and block damage are both pretty useless. A tiny bit extra health for an execution, or a tiny bit extra damage when someone blocks your heavy? Why bother?

You don't need block damage resistance on your arms for the same reason

Everything else looks legit

>mfw parrying nobushi's every light as Ken

How to get gud at parrying? Cant do it for the life of me unless its something like raider's and kensei's unblockable.
At least i can GBC which is gratifying enough

Can someone explain to me the mechanics of feinting and charge canceling for Warden?

I'm on PC so all my buttons are recapped and whenever someone says 'just press x' or something like that it gets me nowhere.

>For Honor has 10k concurrent players
>FHG has 144 posters
>vast amajority are PC users
>tfw 1 in 70 PC For Honor players is a /fhg/ poster

No wonder the community is hot garbage.

I think Warlord is a cool dude.

Anybody else unable to find a fucking game? been looking in all the modes for 40 mins, all I need is 500xp to get rep3 god dammit

That's why I play on based PS4

Warden is best boy

Stop asking for nerfs

Wow that's some difficult maths there friendo

Is stamina cost reduction good on Warden blades if it enables me to kill people in one vortex?


>10k players
>PC problems

what about frames on headbutt?

10k* Steam players

Stop not killing yourself

I play on console so you suck my dick.


This has to be one of the worst, laziest edits I've ever seen.

>Please don't take my crutch away from me!
Merely a matter of time. After Warlord and Conq he is next on the chopping block sicne they are two of his worst matchups.

Wow it actually still works. Wonder if they just posted that to make afkers think it no longer works.

I wonder if he's building traction for a super secret swing that we've never seen before.

Any good For Honor Wallpapers? I'm looking to make a slideshow of them. :3

Make a better one then.

The concept isn't good either, just more LB wanking

What is this "conquerors bug combo" everyone bitches on about in duel. I picked this dude up after getting all of my japanese dudes to rep 3

If you are talking about the vortex I never had to use it because players are usually competent enough to avoid it and fight instead of turtling.

It bothers me that the characters dont have scabbards for their swords

>get into a game after 20 min of searching and loading
>10 seconds after the game starts server crashes and we all get sent back to the menu screen
>find a different game after another 20 min and the exact same thing happens

why did I buy this shit?
I already know ubisoft are fucking retards so why did I give them my money?

any better. the numbers represent priority

How do you beat Peacekeeper as Shugoki?

This is the emblem post!

This is where you post your emblems, admire and rip off ideas, and say other emblems are shit!

>How do you beat Peacekeeper

Play Warlord or maybe Warden


same way anyone beats PK, keep your guard to the right to prevent zone poke and parry their first light attack

because it's a good concept with poor implementation
at least they are not charging for season pass
still bought it like a retard


This question was raised in a previous thread. I think one of the answers was that scabbards/sheathes were used during travel and would get in the way during a pitched battle. It still seems silly to me, especially since the characters just strap their weapon to their back when climbing ladders.

Personally I'd take feat cooldown over revenge mode defense. You already get a second health bar with it, essentially.
Also, revenge duration should be as low as possible until they fix Debuff. Allows you to pop multiple revenges in one fight. I mean, if you're gonna go cancer, you might as well go full leukemia.

Hot garbage

>not knowing about the secret katana twirl stutterstep technique

>if you're not willing to do my homework for me it means im smart

walk backwards to bait out their lunge attack, it's easy to parry
throw them into walls and bear hug them when you can
your armor is pretty much useless here so just play defensive, don't even try to trade
throw out lights + headbutts if you think you wont get punished for it
a half zone into GB is usually pretty effective too, but don't try without armor

it's a pretty bad matchup but most PKs are shit so you still have a good chance to win

Because you liked the idea and core gameplay, and you don't want to see it go to waste. Also, you take heart in the fact that Ubisoft is being transparent and has openly acknowledged pretty much every major problem the game has and the steps they're taking to address them.

>get home from work overnight, time to get honorable!
>first game i get in is in progress, two guys afk in dom ai its 54-1100 the ai lead
>servers will be down for maintenance in 10 mins, will be up in 45
>lose and get off
>come back and play join match in progress skirmish pvp 200-950 them, two team mates are bots
>system will be down in 10 mins for maintenance, will be up in 10 mins
>lose and get off
>come back, play a dominion game
get fresh lobby
>its going well, we are crushing them, im 9-1 with kensei
>we kill final guy in their team, a rep 3 pk
>game crashes at the =VICTORY= screen
>fucking sperg rage

I just want to play the FUCKING GAME GOD DAMN IT

debuff resist > exhaustion recovery
sprint speed > exec hp regen
defense > stamina reduction > attack on weapon

rest looks ok

>using Wellfare Weekend please come back and play, contact all players by email numbers
>Gaem not ded guiz!

Nice try, Ubishill


>your emblems are shit
>doesn't post his own

Debuff Resistance affecting the ability to guardbreak is confirmed a bug and exploit and is set to be addressed soon.

>over 100k
>totally free weekenders all
What is wrong with you people fucking seriously
I have never seen a general so committed to its own game's demise that they're willing to cry about actual numbers

Conqueror is not gay tho, that'd be warden

>minimizing attack
Careful with this, it can ruin some confirmed kill thresholds you might be used to. Depends on the character, of course.

Just rep'd Raider and now trying basaka.
Any tips for a vikang my dudes ?

yo is that a fucking team skull emblem?

Your emblem is shit
Conq is totally fucking gay user have you seen the way he sweats around shugoki

It's just one faggot whiner.
He posts non-replies all the time and only ever gets (you)s when he tries to put effort in and uses fake stats.

>that lossy jpg

Absolutely disgusting, phones were a mistake

Don't take it too hard , mine are garbage aswell.

I know that senpai, Its just generally more useful with all the feats/power ups running rampant in 4v4 modes. Exhaustion recovery is only useful if you cant stop spamming attacks and cant manage your stamina.

Why do Brazilians need to have their country's flag on their emblems, not to mention BRs always play Orochi.

It's even worse because they are always laggy.

I really wish ids were a thing in Veeky Forums. These boards are practically /b/ anyway

1 is the highest priority

Everyone sweats around a good fatman

>Shugoki is of those 3
>Try to ringout them all except shugoki.
>Smack him with shove
>temporary Invulnerability activates for him
>Haha lol no lb, u can't
Why... Why do they have to be invulnerable when doing attacks?


It's your boys.

Haven't had a single Nobushi just be silent and accepting that a Berserker's only way in on a Nobushi that's remotely safe is to deflect every single attack, or parry. But I suck at parrying Nobushis for some odd fuckoff reason.

This game's community has to be the one with the worst internet connection i've seen in a multiplayer.

Fucking P2P and 3rd worlders.

Protip for anyone insta-leaving 1v1s when matched against wadens / peaceshitters / conqs / warfags, theres a better way to punish these cancerous mongs.

You can choke the loading screen almost indefinitely by maxing out your CPU usage with a bash script, making sure you elevate it to a higher priority than the game's .exe.

9/10 times they'll sperg out and alt+f4 after a while, plus it doesn't put you at any risk like DoSing them would.

Thoughts on my coat of arms attempt? Closest I could get it, since they don't have a wolf symbol.

Brazilians are literally retarded. It's no wonder they play like shit and make it apparent.

my boy

Wait until you encounter a Shugoki who literally refuses to do anything but use Demon's Embrace whenever you attack him.

I've never had to rely so hard on feinting before, I fucking despise Shugoki.

That's a clever squid

Not bad, a little plain but plain is best, also I'm 99 dollars certain there's wolves on the Viking section because I made a 3 wolf moon.

I don't think I've ever seen people so salty about a video game

so when i hit rep 3 can i start getting purples and asterisk items instantly or do i need a few more levels before that

>caring about duels

Really? Damn I looked through a few times. I'll take another look.

based bone bonnet

Or you could just play video games I dunno

This is not "our game", normal people do not get attached to shit just because they spent money on it, I do not need to justify my purchase by claiming it is just fine when it clearly has a shit ton of issues.

Literally never posted about the issue before so we are at least 2. Probably way more, you just choose to believe that almost everybody agrees with you because it makes things easier and makes you feel less bad about spending money on the game.

Instructions unclear, Got vortexed

>playing skirmish orders
>Every single enemy is a warfag
Kill me already


I'm really trying to learn, guys

>Q into 1v1s
>5 mins for a game
>get PK who uses indicator bug
>10 times in a row
he's also probably from another part of the world
holy shit that matchmaking is disgusting

They're not guaranteed, like any item, but you'll start earning them.

>this is not "our game"
>posting on a board specifically for the discussion of specific games
>posting on the specific for honor board on the board for the discussion of specific video games
This is not about your buyer's remorse. You want to discuss issues, fine. Crying dead game when it's literally not for entire playerbases is not discussion.

This is actually pretty smart, I will start doing it. None of the players who play any of these classes deserve any respect. Hopefully soon we will see proper penalties for leaving games, so doing this will actually penalize them.

>le eben salt maymays

/leddit/ is thataway my famalam.

Duels and to a lesser extent Brawls are the only modes worth a shit in the game.

I play to have fun, and getting cheesed on by walking tumors for up to ten matches in a row isn't fun, the higher up the rep ladder you go the more of them you run into.

So if they're happy to ruin my fun i'm happy to ruin theirs.

But you are pretty salty desu.