Best vehicle to escape police in a city?

It can be a bike. Also I'm new here but I really need to know what's the best.

Setting: one person with a light weight bag getting chased by one (at first) police car in a city. More police cars may come after.

Other urls found in this thread:

Dirt bike

In a city?


large displacement (650+cc) supermoto

>fast around town, tight corners, good acceleration
>can also hit highway speeds
>hop curbs, go through/over other obstacles
>not easily identifiable
>easy to hide
>can fit through spaces cop cars can't, around bollards, doorways, etc.

Yeah. Are you gonna climb sidewalks with a Busa?

A Corolla

$3k Civic

Killing yourself

not breaking the law

Just bleach your skin and the cops won't care about you're crime. That's what you niggers keep telling me, anyway.

The best for evading is probably some sort of bike. But it's only good until they get a car near you.

The lead-in to one of the cop shows (topic is vehicle chases) shows a couple of second clip of a bike getting the Pit maneuver. It doesn't look pretty.

Guys that said dirt bikes are spot on, all you have to do is drive through a park and it real easy to get away.

Most police cars are pretty slow anyway and any car that can do 0-60 in less than 10 seconds and can turn without tipping over stands a chance at getting away as long as you're not bad a driving, and you avoid going in only a straight line.

But if there's a helicopter following, you might as well give up.

Pick one of the following in a common (preferably neutral) color:
>soap bar econocar
>low-key Euro wagon (that means no BMW/Mercedes)
>Box Chevy/K Car
>pre-2000s truck

Now, INTERNALLY modify it. Gearbox, suspension, ECU, brakes and tires, fuel system.

DO NOT EXTERNALLY MODIFY YOUR VEHICLE. ABSOLUTELY NO stickers, aftermarket body kits, non-standard wheels, bright paint, window tint, vanity plates, or any other visual identifier that makes it easier to run your car in a computer. The only acceptable visual mod is debadging, which MIGHT help to obscure a car's identity if several makes/models share the same general body.

Next, steal a license plate. Try to plate hunt in areas that aren't as likely to have cameras. Dress commonly- a pair of jeans/cargo pants, a dark hoodie, and generic sneakers/boots, and a backpack for the screwdriver and plate (these can be gotten at your local thrift stores). Make sure you park several blocks away, or walk/take the bus there, so as to not incriminate yourself. Try not to bring the car you'll be using for your "extralegal activities". Keep out of view from cameras, entrances to open businesses or residences, sidewalks, main roads, and open lots. Look for cars that are beat up and dirty (the owner DGAF and is less likely to notice the missing plate). Four screws or less, and you're out in 2 minutes or less. Leave from a different point than where you entered, if possible.

Wait until the DAY OF to equip the hot plate on your sleeper.

Proceed to do hood shit.

Hide the car. Throw away the hot plate in the forest or an inner-city dumpster. Burn the car, or repaint it and sell it to someone who won't ask questions (out of discretion or naivety).

Live smugly and richly.

like this?

Nigga are you trying to rob a bank?

Sweet Veeky Forums can add bank robberies to its portfolio!

You can outrun a police car
You can outrun a police motorcycle
You can't outrun a helicopter
You can't outrun a radio

Not if you're in North America. Any Volvo will stick out.

actually, you can technically outrun a helicopter. Older ones top out at maybe 130 mph and newer can approach 200


A chevy impala, be sure to wear your Scorpion jacket

130mph in a perfectly straight line is pretty hard to outrun on the ground.

A lone man with a light bag is better off trying to hide on foot than drive away, especially in a major urban area or the countryside.

A bike. There are many cities that have rules not to chase motorcycles for speeding. They'll maybe report a sighting to others further down the road and a helicopter nearby might have a chance to track you.

Technically a liter sport bike can outrun a helicopter given the right environment. A helicopter doesn't stand a chance on a long straight road, something like in Texas or Nevada. But if you have any twists in the road, the helicopter will catch up due to your inability for lateral movement

At the point that dirt bike and supermoto were mentioned, this thread should have been over. Good luck hitting stairs in a car. I almost had my SM stolen and the cops outright told me that if they had gotten it started and rode off that there was basically nothing that they could do about it. Feet are great if the officer can't run, but often they can run better than average.


and this bike is the best. if you could paint it black though

like this

Hyper loop pod

Hot air balloon

You're so wrong?


when you say technically you mean comparing numbers sure but you would run out of fuel and they would radio your position and even if you outpaced them it wouldn't be enough to break line of sight.

>You can't outrun a helicopter
Wrong, fuel.
>You can't outrun a radio
Wrong, a radio is no good without police on the ground. Same story goes for drones.
You can bomb a city into submission but without boots on the ground you cannot hold that city. Just because your location and heading has been broadcast doesn't mean anyone can do anything about it, or that it will be continuously updated.
I've "outrun" the radio plenty of times.

What cocksucker of a cop pits a fucking bike?

I hope he lost his badge for that.
200mph in a straight line until you find some power lines or tall buildings to obscure his view

But his final point stands
You can out run ford, harley and bell, but you sure as shit will have a fun time outrunning motorolla

I imagine a knight rider drive up into a nondescript semi trailer would work if you could coordinate it somewhere you can lose them for like 2 minutes and then get it on the highway to blend in wiht the other rigs, but thats something that requires some mission impossible planning shit.

>Wrong, fuel.
Can you drive 250km/h for two hours straight?

>What cocksucker of a cop pits a fucking bike?
how about you don't run and you don't get pitted?
You're sounding like
>muh tay tay did nuttin wrong he just broke inna some whiteboy crib and try to stole a telly
>what kinda racis craka shoot a nigga over that

play stupid games win stupid prizes. If you don't wanna get rekt by "muh stupid cager cops" on a bike how about you don't give them a reason too.

A bike here in my country got rammed by cop too because it was doing 100mph in city. Great seeing all bikefags salty over it.

PITing a bike sounds like a good way to kill your suspect and then have his bike slam into a civilian for good measure.

He is no longer suspect he is fucking guilty as shit. There's no way you speed, avoid cops and break traffic laws and remain a "suspect" you are guilty as fuck.

Don't wanna die getting pitted? Stop and comply.
It's not fucking difficult.

That's not how the legal system works, you moron

Innocent until proven guilty IN A COURT OF LAW
The middle of an interstate and a group of bystanders a court and jury does not make.

'Chevy Impala’, most popular car in the state of California. No one will be looking at you.”

I came here to post what you already posted.

The best way to run away is not with an ultra fast car but being hidden in clear sight. Like in the movie drive.

A common car, faster than most police cars, in a big city even a chopper will have issues tracking you, use fake plates, or even better, have an automated set up so that with a push of a button you can hide them or show them. That might help throwing the cops off.

Some Veeky Forumstists claimed that it was so hard to run away from the cops that you shouldn't even try, while others claim that as long as they dont actively hunt you hard you would be fine.

I heard ONCE (on Quora, no idea if its a reputable site even tho its open source) from someone claiming an police driving instructor got away from cop cars searching for him in a big city with a stock miata, just being smart with the turns and knowing when to stop and park where he would not be spotted.

But yeah, bikes are probably a better idea, more nimble, easier to go around spaces, more acceleration and easy to hide.

Hell, you can probably combo that with a van and cops will be looking for the bike when its inside the van you are driving.

Op here is a solid pLan:
> buy a AWD vehicle with snow chains fitted
> wait for inevitable motorway pileup during snowstorm
> while all police are attending, Rob bank on other side of town
> you'd be long gone well before police turned up.

Send me a postcard from the bahamas

Cheap ass used Civic with neon shit and bodykits.


They don't radio over speeding, racing, lane splitting etc if you don't lead them on for fucking ever

Nobody likes it when sometimte reminds them that their nice shiny society still runs on jungle logic, not high minded morals and the ever elusive objective ethics

>chief say no
>chief have many friend with spear, he all agree
>no argument or you get spear
>now chiefs spear friends put you in cage, chief say shut up and try when you have spear friends

why would you post falsehoods

well worth the watch

did he get caught ? It didnt really seem like the police cared much

did Drive's silver impala have a mesh grille & bodycolor strip on the trunk

or did it have a slat grille, chrome strip on the trunk & gm mark of excellences ?

need to re-watch for these details

they are not allowed to 'ride his tail' as this would mean they where provoking him to drive faster in court.
No, he did not get caught and made a dozen of other videos like this.
There are many legendary get away from the police trail races that in germany and sweden.

In most states I don't think cops are allowed to crash a bike on purpose.

I do with my 600cc supersport. Don't see why a busa shouldn't.
A dirt bike is obviously better for it though.

It's not exactly legendary when they have a fucking volvo and zero helicopters in pursuit of a C63 AMG. Come over to Murca and try this.

I don't think OP is talking about just speeding.

>In most states I don't think cops are allowed to crash a bike on purpose.

They aren't supposed to shoot black people either. Or run over people on foot ....

so don't bet your life on the rule book. There are always exceptions.

09 Chevy impala

>hurr what is fleeing felon rule?