/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Remember to preorder your 50 Un'goro packs! You'll even save money if you live in one of the price-hiked regions.

>Deck lists, news etc

>Open Tournaments

>/hsg/ general & tournament discord

>Optimal pack buying / crafting strategy
Save up all gold 120 days before each expansion (6100g). This means saving for the next set starting the 18th of April. You can craft remaining top legendaries without the chance of pulling them from packs.

>Simulate your 50 pack pre-order

>Track your Un'Goro pity timer


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>tfw thought Jade would be a meme
>literally the #1 deck right now


No, 2015 cards will rotate out a week or two before Ungoro comes out


>tfw faggots itt didn't believe me when I said that jade cancer would replace pirate cancer

>before and after your girlfriend forces you to be vegan

Jade isn't even tier 1, pirate warrior and aggro pirate rogue is.

Jade will be eternal cancer though.

Kripp's unhealthy and sallow complexion must be because of his forced veganism, surely.

>Jade will be eternal cancer though

Brann will hit it hard.

kripp needs to go clean shaven. his "beard" is pube-tier garbage.


Tfw voted for Firebad for the meme competition

How did i do?

it doesnt matter who you vote for, you get 1 pack for voting AND THAT IS IT

what a cuck


The technology isnt here yet to lower the prices.

Why does Blizzard love "if you draw the nuts you cannot lose" decks so much?

Every fucking good deck currently has a nut draw that basically can not be defeated and it makes for wildly variable matches.

why not just wait for the new expansion

it's not like dr.boom/shredder/chow era where new F2P players stood no chance whatsoever

>I feel like playing a game of Hearthstone
>golem noises
>*weapon noises* *jade golem noises*

On second thought, let's not play hearthstone.

How did Blizzard manage to kill such a good game so well? This could be a market dominator forever but they seem fucking set on running it at badly as possible.

I-It's not released yet

Oh fuck off, every set has powercreeped to a degree where even those decks are tier 1 in wild and the previous set is mostly hot garbage.

whats the threshold you sohuld reroll a quest at for more gold? 40 is the lowest right?

>rogue never got any nuts

Anyone else notice suddenly Hunters running Bear Traps and Snake Pits instead of Freezing and Explosive Traps?

I have a voice line stuck in my head. It sounds like
>something something NEVER prime!

Anyone know what card that might be?

As far as I know, 40g and 50g can be rerolled for a chance of increased gold.

just being realistic

they're not total mongs, anti aggro cards will be released. we've already seen a hotfix to aggro warrior, they are aware. plus these top decks are beatable in the right match ups (albeit purposely designed decks) as proven. i'm not saying buy any packs, but at least wait and see where the meta is heading before giving yourself an aneurysm for months

Sounds like Jinyu

It's really just the 40 gold quests that you need to reroll. The only reason to reroll 50 gold ones is if you don't have the cards necessary to complete them like playing 10 Enrage minions when you only have 3 or something.

fuck. rerolled my 50 to a 60, got happy, but then it was tavern brawl. gg man

That's it! Thank you.

jinyu waterspeaker?

>may your feet never brine

He says "May your feet never brine."

>we've already seen a hotfix to aggro warrior
What the fuck are you talking about?

Aggro warrior is tier 1 in standard AND wild

What is that card that goes "JEWS WILL BURN" when it comes out?

She's not even vegan though.


don't forget to join the official hsg discord

The image makes no sense. When did it even change to 1 day without them?

Baron Geddon.

calm down

they can't nerf an entire deck, but buccaneer was needed because it was wrecking the entire game. of course it's a good deck just like control warrior was/is. it's far less effective now despite being tier 1, a good hand of others can beat it where they stood no chance before.

>they can't nerf an entire deck
Technology just ain't there yet.

> it's far less effective now despite being tier 1
I'm wondering if you play ladder at all

I suggest you read a few articles by MtG designers. imbalance, dominance, totally unviable cards are important to a game. they know more than anybody else on the planet about tcg design so i can't do it justice but please do it. you'll gain a huge amount of insight into why designers make the decisions they do

I miss Zoo.
Competitive, takes skill compared to today's decks and is less than 1k dust.

RiP HS. Digital card games are a dying genre.


Perhaps you should start to understand that Hearthstone has inherent design issues.

is this legend?

Reaver, reporting in.

I fucking won bros, with my fucking memey ass decks I won.

Playing bbgungun at 5, maybe on stream. With a fucking token druid.

have a gwent beta key kek

holy shit that top deck for zalaehs

>reno literally topdecks the win

I hope we get to see the true face of /hsg/.

Started playing Zoo again this week, haven't played it since Gadgetzan came out. It's fun and works, but I only play casual which is still 90% meta netdecks for what it's worth.

HS is dying. The genre is just starting right now.

They try to make every game as simple as possible so the shitters can think they have ''skill'' by playing like bots and winning, and since they are money-hungry jews they also want the competitive market side

Just look at HOTS and Overwatch, all casual garbage but Blizz keep pushing them to the competitive market

Taking requests for things to do on stream


Just rope and fucking pick your nose non-stop.

Just use the rope time to pick your nose.

hold up a piece of paper with the link to zeriyah's nudes

Christ that's just rough

Eloise is on stream next btw

Also one of my friends from college will be against Amnesiac

unless he's approaching 3 decades of card game design I have no interest in what he has to say and neither should you

not being rude at all, educate yourself. read what the global experts have to say, not vloggers

thanks for the key senpai

play some good card games

do the putting card on board well you know what i mean

You're listening to people talk about a completely different card game with mechanics that don't exist in Hearthstone.

You're an absolute mongoloid, because he pinpoints the problem with Hearthstone where the attacker has the initiative and advantage, the only cardgame to do so.

But keep on using your appeal to authority of unrelated games.

Otherwise dig into your ear with your pinky finger. Just have an indecent explicit gesture you repeat constantly.

Make it look like you're jerking off while roping, something like that.

eloise up right now

I don't want to look like a fucking spaz, I just want to do something minor to let you guys know I'm on your side

>not looking like a spaz
>one of us

Choose one

Be as smug as you can

do an emote after every turn where you do V sign or heart sign to the camera, ok sign, a winky, jebaited

Do the "You're pretty good" hand sign

Wink into the camera a lot

>Emote Thanks everytime you win
>Emote Hello everytime you lose

If you can't do that, fuck off you beta cuck

make a finger 'gun' and point it to your head like you're going to shoot yourself

use 2 emotes during your opponents turns
even if they squelsh spectator can still see it right

OK sign whenever if you want to become a meme

Why does trump look like absolute shit at any given time?

eloise looks yucky today :(

I vote for that except emote amazing instead of hello

>attacker has the initiative and advantage, the only cardgame to do so

>what is yugioh
>what is duel masters
>what is wixoss
>what is vanguard

when you inevitably lose, emote amazing and then kill yourself

Not that guy, but everyone agrees YGO is hot garbage, but even there you can still play during your opponents turn.

Never played/heard of the others.


is that a sex doll?

These will probably happen

Don't think I'll bm with emotes tho

god I hope I actually get streamed so I can later watch firebat to be smug about my "renolock jade druid pirate warrior reno mage" lineup

because it is not those decks

Just make sure to give a heads up a little while before your matches.

>Never played/heard of the others.

Then don't make retarded uninformed statements like
>the only cardgame to do so.

Are you taking Uno into account too?

Summon your persona.

They said I'm playing at """5""" but they have been soo far behind schedule

I think he mean card game that isn't hot garbage.
I mean Wixoss? Really?

This is the best option

Anyone want to trade a friend quest?

Yoo timezones man, 5 doesn't mean anything to us semen slurpers

On EU btw

He said he's never even heard of it. That's different than writing something off because you think it's bad.

It's painfully obvious that he hasn't play many CCGs besides HS. Especially since he has to link a YT video of some other person explaining their grievances instead of actually voicing his own.

>It's painfully obvious that he hasn't play many CCGs besides HS. Especially since he has to link a YT video of some other person explaining their grievances instead of actually voicing his own.

And all you've been saying is go read/watch some other person of your choice instead of any actual arguments or discussions?

Not that person but you're arguing against yourself m8. It's painfully obvious you haven't play many CCGs besides HS. :^)

Sorry. 15 minutes, but I'm starting to think I won't be on stream. Hopefully I pull off a win here somehow.
This worked last time so

>And all you've been saying is go read/watch some other person of your choice instead of any actual arguments or discussions?

I never said anything to that effect.

So I've been playing Eternal lately, and I still can't wrap my head around attack points being depleted in trades like health

What card games are you all moving on to?

With your 'three decades worth of cardgame theory' you seem to have no clue about Hearthstone if you think pirate warrior was 'hotfixed'.

I'm playing Eternal and also Faeria. Faeria is actually my favourite, just came out of early access.