Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous: >Chaldea Boys Collection 2017
Pickup Summon (3/8 ~ 3/22)
- 5* Proto Arthur (Limited)
- 5* CE Talk on the heated sands - 400% star absorpion, 20% crit dmg
- 5* CE Detective Edmond - Invuln pierce, 8% arts up
- 5* CE As you wish - NP gain 25% up, Grants self invuln (1 turn)
- 4* CE Cafe Camelot - 8% on heals, defense and debuff res up
- 4* CE Outrage - Taunt (1 turn), NP gain 15%
- 4* CE Operation Fianna - Buster 8%up, gain 10 stars (1 time)
- 3* CE Quatre Feuilles
- 3* CE Neverland
- 3* CE La siesta
The CEs are limited
Can redeem the red book in the giftbox for one of the above CEs in Da Vinci's shop
>Chaldea Boys Collection 2016 Rerun
Pickup Summon (3/8 ~ 3/22)
- 5* Amakusa Shirou (Limited)
- 4* Astolfo
- 3* Ko Gil
- 5* CE Professor and me
- 5* CE Kiss your hand
- 5* CE Versus
- 4* CE Moonlit four
- 4* CE Glassful sweet time
- 4* CE Noisy obsession
- 3* CE Salon de Marie
- 3* CE Prince of slayers
The CEs are limited
No females summonable
Can redeem the blue book in the giftbox for one of the above CEs in Da Vinci's shop

- Latest changes fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Grand Time Temple Solomon and General Profile Translation

>Fate/Grand Order Material Book III

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: Dec.7)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:



It would be cool if they created a fight that mixes those extra health bars with that thing in America chapter where Cu Alter would change his ascension after each battle, but now it would change after each health bar is depleted. If it changes the strategy you need to beat the guy even better

I have about 1100 quartz and 40 tickets. Is that enough to pull a desired servant multiple times?

Yes, do it

>5 seed drops
If only the other mats dropped like that.

>thread starts with best girl


Statistically, it should be.

Not in the story gacha.

Best sprite never


The servant I want isn't in the gacha yet. I'm waiting. I'll have more when she comes though. I may even spend money.

Lu Bu beats Gawain WITHOUT NUMERAL

Lu Bu beats Gilgamesh who had jusyt said he would show no mercy

Lu Bu LOSES to Gawain with Numeral, same Gawain who could not defeat Lancelot even after 3 straight hours.

Do we need to say more? According to canon
Lancelot >= Numeral Gawain >>> Lu Bu > Gilgamesh

xth for best archer.


from interview. again.
>The infinite guts in the last battle of the Nero Fest was genuine mistake.
>1000 people cleared it before the correction.

The autism never stops, does it?

>genuine mistake.


Who are you waiting for?

Is this a MEDB THREAD now?

Gil is pretty great


>Lancelor beat a literal unfair mistake
>UNRIVALED was one of the 1000
>Herakek wasn't
>Gilgakek wasn't


>He keeps stealing my pics.
Give me your address nigger, I'll show you that meme skills like EAM or KOH are useless in actual fights.

Arc. I want her and I also want to make my TM heroine team with Artoria and Shiki.

Repeat again.


Guan Yu 5* when lads?


Kek sure thing white boy

Yes it is our time

>Lancer Alter in backless and sleeveless sideboob-baring top
>with latex/PVC/leather/pleather hotpants and thigh-high lace boots in the same material
Fucking hell.

They probably can, given how that one Shinjuku quest had a doll that transformed into a ghost after you Broke it.

They can use the Break mechanic for some interesting Raids if they want to.

But I'm black

That was honestly one of the most interesting fights in the chapter, surprised me a lot. Pretty easy though. They might do it sometime but not regularly

>not part of the 1000

Good. Goooood.

If you dislike one expression of autism then retaliate with a type of autism you find more palatable. For example, if powerlevel shitposting is kicking into high gear, start posting something you like that will draw attention away from powerlevels.

Medb reminds me of my ex girlfriend and you guys are hurting me you know?

/Jannu/ thread.



>having a gf in the first place
>much less one that's like Medb

wew lad


I didn't know she was going to be like that, she was the first person to treat me well until she started not treating me as well as she used to



Fuck off Williem

Truly best Queen.

Are you me?

feels good to be a memer
inb4 pic with goetia loser


Fuck off female masters

Well Medb has the excuse of actually being royalty, so there's that.

>doesn't show the amount of stars or CS
Oh no

I wouldn't mind any cute pics of Hessian with Gudao, but seems Gudako only gets the Celty (male) for now.

Alright. Post OC servants.

>Give me your address nigger,
>FSG so you can't find it

Piss off cunt



Why does Arc turn into Mordred?

y-you too

When will Pharmercy become canon? Nobody gives a shit about what bloke or blokette Tracer likes to bang.

I wonder how the though process goes where one decides to replace Mordred with Arc.

Another reason why Nvidia blows the fuck out of AMD.

Is Arthur /ourguy/?

>mordred becomes arc

What did he mean by this?

>>best alter not in shinjuku event
>>no best alter alternative costume servant
>>wont even get anymore fanart like this

Fuck this world

>best alter
Let's be honest, she has by far the least character development of all of the Alter Saberfaces. Even MHXA got more character in her event than Titty Alter has gotten.

This is true. Stuff like this makes me sad that the pre-America orders won't get a do-over.

So who are the other people in the Dantes drama CD? There's his lady friend and mentor, but I can't recognize the others.

I still don't understand what was she doing in London

Her lack of character development in London doesn't really bother me that much because she pretty much only exists narratively to give you an enemy that Mordred's NP is super-effective on. What really bothers me is that her Interlude is basically just "Grr I hurt things, and it sucks to be me."

Her appearance in the KnK event was great though, and I really hope she gets more appearances like that one.

As I said above, she's there so that you have a target for Mordred's NP.

That's not Arceuid you delusional Tsukihimefags, that's Mordred with her hair down.

What's pissing me off that for whatever fucking reason they ''forgot'' that lancer alter is canonically Jeanne's best friend and instead they forced her with the other one

She showed up as an obstacle Mordred had to overcome. There wasn't much else to it.

Retard. That hair is too short to be Mordred's Mordred doesn't have red eyes, or tits that big, or an air vent.

She got that appearance in the Sanzang event. It was sorta like her KnK appearance.

Yeah the red eyes are a dead gieaway

I'm a Mordredfag and that top pic is definitely not Mordred.

>red eyes

It was definitely similar, but by the nature of that event she wasn't really playing "herself." I want more of her being herself.


Solomon event

Although all she really did there was say Mordred isn't her child and she doesn't care about her. Had some lines with Tesla and then finished off the Pillar.

>That hair is too short to be Mordred's
You can't actually see the back of MORDRED's hair on that picture to make that claim.
>or tits that big
That's just the usual "boost" artists do, nothing unusual or worth noting, retard.
>red eyes
Coloring mistake, happens.
It is, you're just used to Mordred's regular haircut to differenciate.

Anyone else here think Arthur's sprite and animations look kinda cool?

No pretty sure it's just you and no one else


>You can't actually see the back of MORDRED's hair on that picture to make that claim.

This is going too far just for (You)s


His sword-swinging makes me wonder if he's ambidextrous. He keeps alternating which hand he uses to swing the sword.

Doesn't Saber Alter do that in her new animations as well? And I'm pretty sure Saberlot does it in a couple of his animations too.

Even though I already have regular Artoria, Saber Alter at NP3, and Mo-san I was going to roll for him.
Until I saw his sleeves are mismatched and it made me begin autistic screeching for an hour.

>Posting the picture to prove my point
Yes exactly, that's you for not recognizing a simple picture of Mordred.

don't worry, she did a fine job

>Until I saw his sleeves are mismatched and it made me begin autistic screeching for an hour.
Don't all three of the Servants you just mentioned have mismatched gauntlets? I know at least vanilla Saber does.

>red eyes and 真祖
Ok buddy.

you can say whatever you want, but the kanji on the censor bar for her tits say "True Ancestor" so unless you're going to say Mordred is one as well