For those of you unaware, today is Earth Day.
I am currently idling my decatted 7.3 in my driveway spewing noxious fumes into the atmosphere to celebrate.
What about you guys?
For those of you unaware, today is Earth Day.
I am currently idling my decatted 7.3 in my driveway spewing noxious fumes into the atmosphere to celebrate.
What about you guys?
What you are doing is good for the earth tho, the sooner we reach ecological catastrophe and human extinction the better
Is this that day we're supposed to turn on all the lights for an hour?
I was going to swap on summer wheels this afternoon, so perhaps I'll see how much of a dent I can put into my average MPG readout afterward to make sure they're on good and snug.
who is this semen demon
daddy wants to fuck
changed the oil..opps forgot a drain pan.. guess its all going down the sewer.
>tfw you go out on a date with a girl who refuses to get in your car because it's a gas guzzler
Can I watch???
I drank eight Miller Lite's last night and didn't recycle the bottles.
oh shit son we gon go break glass out by the dumptser tonight? :D
so much cringe
HAHA, fuck the environment guys, god forbid we care about the ecosystem we live in
As much as I like animals, I like driving my truck too.
Sorry penguins.
Freedom isn't free, the automobile lifeblood of the nation gotta be litterd with motor oil. En--vi-ron-men-tal "ism" ain't part of my vocabulary, the only lettrs I need to know are G - M and U S A. Dog bless america and god bless the vee eight.
Lol right on brother. Been dumping my motor oil and coolant in my backyard for years
Was next to this girl wearing a Hillary Clinton shirt on the metro and lightly rubbed my erection on her ass. Wanted to stealth cum on her but too many people around. Went home and beat off to it later.
reported. braindead Republicans go on
This tripfag is a fucking lefty cunt? It's like fucking pottery.
Go back to /r/The_Donald
>Tripfag calling out anons for calling out tripfags
A new layer of irony. GG Commie.
Like I use plebbit
>What about you guys?
The environment exists to be used. If eco is cheaper, then I will go eco. But right now, non-eco is by far the cheapest, so that is what I will use. Simply adding taxes to non-eco items to make them price competitive with eco products is cheating. The same with giving taxpayer subsidies to eco products.
When I see taxpayer subsidies going to eco, I refuse to buy those products. I want them to go out of business for sucking up taxpayer money.
>Makes fun of reddit
>has been here less than a year
>Liberal Hate Thread
>today is Earth Day
May Day is coming up and that is the much bigger "holiday" here because of all the race demonstrations and annual anti-racial discrimination march. It's a big deal because vandalisms and a fuckton of car prowlings occur during and after the May Day march.
Do you people not breathe?
>wanting monopolies
>wanting to continue to be saudi arabia's bitch
>not wanting the U.S to be independent
....republicans everyone.
They use their mouth
I hate liberals because they are trash tier """"""people"""""" but I support conservation
Lmao redditors on suicide watch!
This. Anyone who prides himself in his region or home country should also have an interest in maintaining its environment, otherwise we'll all end up living in dumps like New Jersey.
Listen up retards
The pollution from your car be it a Prius or a V8 truck isn't going to be a drop in the bucket compared to the emissions that China and India dump out because they don't give a fuck about environmental regulations.
If you think you're being an epic troll by driving a big truck or are saving the world by driving a Prius, you are a fucking idiot.
God why is everyone on this board so dumb?
Yeah, well, at least I don't have a backyard full of motor oil.
Jokes on you, I'm too poor to even afford a property with a backyard!
You sure showed him
Thank God Trump eliminated the EPA.
So they wanna create more pollution of their own to push the foreign pollution away? Very patriotic.
>when someone else makes bad decisions we should too!
Monopolies are created because of government restrictions dipwad.
If there is a monopoly because they have a great product who the fuck cares.
Also car related, green cars are non existant and will never exist. Your hybrid is shit for the environment, your electric car pumps out ozone and its motor is made using neodymium from radioactive chinese slave labor mines.
>Change radiator
>Try to do the right thing and take my coolant to get disposed of at Autozone
>They don't take coolant like they do used oil
Into the drain it goes
No user you're just being an idiot for the sake of being an idiot
t. Trump supporter
>Making a reference to plebbit means i'm a newfag
>monopolies are created because of government restrictions
troll or retarded? ever heard of a company called Microsoft.
you are like a pig going to it's slaughter.
>Unironically wanting more government in your lives
Yes, Republicans are stupid. what's new?
Uh yeah, monopolies can be propped up by the government
Do you live in a box?
>monopolies are created by government restrictions
what? lol
The government isn't the source of all monopolies. It's other companies driving each other out of business.
he's kinda right
>The river is unsafe for swimming, the soil is unsafe for growing, the tap water is unsafe for drinking, the air gives you respiratory problems, but at least I'm not told what to do with my exhaust and my old motor oil! This is true life quality!
The voter base of the democratic party isnothing but hood rats, ne'er do wells, and ignorant millenials who spent $100k getting degrees in their hobbies
You are joking right?
Look at all the health monopolies in america and tell me that they are not government created monopolies.
Move to China for your "communist utopia" I bet you will have a real good time
>replying to obvious Alphonse troll
damn you got me
Remember that if you take austrin ad chicago economics serious you are an autist
I didn't say it was the source of all monopolies
>look at me! i can make assumptions of a whole group based on no evidence
Still doesn't make my point any less valid. You're only looking at one part of the picture.
>It's time for le humanity to go extinct XD
Humanist scum detected
>mfw liberal filth tries talking to me
>le inferior human race must be purged!
nice thread dumbasses. you're all fucking retarded
>Self employed people are not subject to the law of value
Inb4 " the law of value doesnt real"
>le superior human race must be defended!
The sole source of harmful monopolies is the government, which is the only agency that has the power to physically force competitors out of business, it is the only agency that has the power to outlaw (regulate) competition. As evidence, witness the United States Post Office, which makes it illegal for anyone to charge less than 34¢ for first class mail. Other examples include the East India Company of the 17th and 18th centuries, the American Pacific Railroads of the 19th century, and the AMA’s monopoly over the prescription of medicine in the 20th century.
Only the government can physically force its competitors out of markets, or establish harmful monopolies through the granting of state “franchises”. This is, of course, a clear violation of individual rights, since such state “franchises” prevent those who do not have “political pull” to enter the state regulated industry. In essence the “state franchise” is an insurmountable barrier to entry–and entry created by the the men in government. No businessmen (or government) can do this under capitalism — only is such a feat possible in a mixed economy, or “totalitarian economy”.
The only “force” a capitalist can use to put his competitors out of business, is the “force” of providing a better product at a lower price as judged by those who purchase his products — such is the “power” of the businessmen. If this is how he achieves his monopoly, then it is in no way harmful. Just because something is a “monopoly” — a single agent in a specified area does not make it evil.
Whens that "revolution" going to happen
>the sole source of harmful monopolies is the government
wrong. Microsoft exists. embrace, extend, extinguish. it's a business practice they've preformed many times before. i already said this. sperg more
Individualism and non-aggression are mutual opposites. It begins with people thinking they have the moral justification to drive around in straight piped cars annoying hundreds of neighbors.
Cars haven't been a significant problem since we added cats and my power is hydroelectric
And since cats work best when hot I will rev extra high today to heat up real good, and enjoy the extra co2 and the eventual extinction of those dumb white bears
Hopefully never, because I do not want to see the human race living outside misery desu
Guess why Microsoft worked?
The government propped them up with copyright and patent law.
>This is what autists belive
Bill gates is a democrat, really activates those almonds.
>There is a difference between democrats and republicans
This is what happens when you live inside the spectacle
>copyrights are the only reason why Microsoft is an evil company that will destroy every company in its way to its goal to a total and utter monopoly
No. It's the same reason why we need competition in the car market, video game market and other markets. Greed. Companies will fuck over customers every chance they get.
>only Microsoft uses these tactics
>bill gates is the current ceo of Microsoft
This is what happens when you live in a communist shithole
I'm running out of fedora pics
>w-what do you mean mixed economic systems produce the best real world results?
a prime example of Microsoft fucking customers over is the Xbox one. at the launch of the console you literally couldn't share game discs because they locked the games with a code to only work with one console. If it wasn't for sony Microsoft would be ass fucking their customers right now. perfect example of greed to maximize profits. Copyrights might play a role in this but they're still not the underlying cause.
> Companies will fuck over customers every chance they get
Mine wont, because I have a great product and respect my customers.
If another company doesn't more business for me. Thats why im trying to constantly step up my products so I am always better than my competition.
>depressed loser is a leftist
Life imitates art