/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1255

>New Patch Info
pastebin.com/PcdZ6UJh (embed)

>GW 5* Translation
pastebin.com/Y90Jy7bs (embed)

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for March:
3/1 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue
3/11 - 3/17 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
3/18 - 3/25 - Guild War (Wind)
3/26 - 3/31 - L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G. (Rerun and Renew)
4/1 - 4/9 - New Scenario Event

3/1 - 3/14 - 3rd Anniversary Celebration (Daily SR/SSR Tickets, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)
3/20 - Anniversary Patch Part 2 (GW character 5*, T4 SS)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin
Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


If there was a theoretical imouto SSR released, what element would it be in?


first for cowalphaposters


Someone buy me ticket please, I want Ferry.

What color are orchids pantsu

xth for potato cake cleavage

get a suptixet and tix her poorfag



1-5 - Yuisis
6-9 - Gawain
0 - Djeanne


she doesn't wear them

because she doesn't have nothing


It depends. Ordinary cute imoutos would go into Dirt/Water/Wind, Fire would receive a slutty imouto, Dark an obsessive maniacal one, and a Light imouto would cause diabetes even in a seasoned imouto man.

pretty much
it's depend on your and your friend's summon too

>tfw keep misreading EMP as ERP

Not sure if anyone's posted either of these, but here you go.

Light characters are the boring too cool for you types though. Look at Jeanne and Amira.

5DA14974 JK

I'm going to use my first ticket on percival, but i'm not sure who to get for my second ticket.

The thought of there being nothing is hotter than there being something desu

Pretty much every character has been posted at this point, not sure why you thought those wouldn't be.

Razia or Halle


Vohu in 8 hours right?

I was honestly thinking a mini-Juliet, but a stoic/cool imouto is an option, too. Although for her to be a true imouto she would need to harbor feelings for you, which would make her a tsundere, which is not exactly Light territory anymore.


New player here. Is it too late to start now? And how different is the PC version from the android?

What I don't get is why Granblue panders to completely different demographic than most other gacha games. Why are they pushing hags and old men so much?

Seems like the third row is going to be the most useful since it's catered to that specific character.

Oops I'm blind, didn't see Razia there. Get Ayer.

Its not too late but I would wait till the end of the month for legfest to reroll and have a good start dash

What does a hl earth team look like after the changes? still the same?

>Erune is the superior race
Even the character zenith discriminates

not different same server

Hey look, more faggot angel+

>reddit called this pic edgy because it has the word faggot in it

so many thin skin pansys over there

Go to one of the GBF event shops in Japan and you'll know why.


SSR of these when? They were designed to be impregnated.

Erun master race.

>over there
you mean like here

>final upgrade turns seraph weapons literally into chev swords

Where is the wasteland trial? I started making the seraph earth fist earlier and I need a certain mat from that mission.

Is it just me or are angel weapon/summons dropping more frequently from magnas now

Android app is a glorified browser. PC version is played on a browser. There's no difference.

It's not too late, but you better brace yourself before you learn what exactly you missed and how closely you missed the perfect time to start.

It rotates every 2 days.

fuck you faggot

ew cringe

*spread anus wide open*
not so hard user

t. edgelord

>primarch weapons are strong AF
>players with whale tier grid can even benefit from equipping SR primarch weapons as they hit the cap easily

who is that fucking retard who says they will wind up not being used?

apologize to him RIGHT NOW

I think they are dropping more, since I have 20 fucking pages of the cunts.

Where are you from, user?

Does reddit like loli SSRs or cowtit SSRs?

Who did you dickpick?

Does Naru have a different ougi animation with her 3rd anniversary outfit?


No regrets

Cowtits like gbfg.

Crimson fingers.


Is the item need from the trials rare? I tried the wind trial and it hasn't dropped the one for wind so far.

They're better than chev swords on-element since they increase the damage cap as well

I ticketed Beatrix and she's confusing as fuck to use

why did /gbfg/ ruse me?

Whatever or whoever it is, it seems like the first reaction on /gbfg/ is that it's shit

just try again. They will drop eventually.

Everything went better than expected.

As expected, there's no way redditors would like lolis.

I only ran it twice, but I had to bring placebo before it dropped.

Is it about the 3rd Anniversary Celebration on the op? Yeah, I kinda regret not getting in earlier because based on what I've read SSR is pretty hard to get. Can't be helped, I guess.

wait until someone links that guide for retards


They are mostly gay.

Zwei when?


what's a decent dark grid look like?

why are you still playing a dead element?

She uses Dark Naru's animations except the skin has a unique victory pose.
Did you put it on Summer Naru?


when will we get the locked ones

Because I need that element for the eventual Diablo showdown.

Damn he's cute.

2 claws
4 gislas
2 cortanas
1 baha
main weapon

I almost finished Siete. Is it a bad idea to get him?

should i get a cosmos axe for my HL Dark team now that cosmos guns are dead

is asparas worth being the first T4 unlock over memelock if i have both a xeno axe and dagger?

Poorfags on suicide watch hahahaha ;_;

>you will never teach orchis how to feel
why live

It'll be cute when Chev Swords are required for Xeno-Diablo and shitters like you are left behind.

No one?

Thanks for the petal!

New players get 2 SSRs for free. You missed out on 70 free rolls and a lot of free stuff though so that's pretty bad.

Would sodomize

No you should unlock gizoku because let's be honest you'll still be spending 90% of your time wanpaning raids.

I'll never be as cute as you user.

yessir, might want to get mystic from extra for its 4th skill tho

How mad will Japs be if I leech their Rose Queens?