Shadowverse is a free-to-play class-based CCG.
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New expansion "Tempest of the Gods":
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Shadowverse is a free-to-play class-based CCG.
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New expansion "Tempest of the Gods":
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TOG When?
cute lesbians
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Poll results: Which leader would enjoy erotic roleplay the most?
260 votes. Wow!
28% Erika
17% Eris
14% Vania
13% Isabelle
10% Forte (27 votes)
10% Arisa (25 votes)
8% Luna
It seems we've had a lot of new people in this thread, because this poll got a lot more votes, and consistently had more voters for a longer time. Because of this, I'm going to try running two polls at once this time, so we can get more done.
down the river, not across the stream
is it really a man
Stop playing shadowcraft
I dust every forest and shadow card I get, give me one (1) reason not to
I want to hold hands with Luna as we take a walk through a quiet park!
SVG Open Tourney #2:
Signups are online, details in the description!
If anyone is interested in streaming/commentary just post at me.
SV where the boys are girls and girls are boys.
dem fiddlers are powerful
Give them to me instead.
why cant all the swordcraft player fuck off back to hs? can they not unga harder there
I want to start a family with Luna so she can forget about her dead parents!
Even if it's a boy, the skirt makes it a girl.
Is there any site to log your matches? I remember someone posted here long ago
this + alberto
what do they even think when they design cards
i want forte to impale with her lance
>a whopping 3 dmg
wew lad
forgot pic.
roach's waifu
this is fucking broken
It is poor man's Merlin.
rite aid
lou is a boys name, its a trap
i dunno if it's even worth it in tempo rune
it's a buff to dshift though
I'm ready to rain down fire on fairies and oglers.
Not really. Unlike Maid and Albert, you can't play only Daria to guarantee the tutor without making the deck garbage at the same time.
>It seems we've had a lot of new people in this thread
Different IPs. Duplicate posts, since you keep with it everyday. (You).
Can't believe this card is only bronze while Fairy Cage is gold. It's basically the Elf version of Albert if you can combo with it.
>3 damage that won't go face if the enemy has followers on the field
As expected of dumb vampy posters
Damn, i can't read the moonrunes tho, is there any english version?
They wanted to give a cheap alternative to roach for new players.
please dont do this to yourself
leonidas buff
Fuck, this design hits a lot of my buttons. Figure when ?
poor boys in that academy, they are forced to wear skirts :3
shadowlog through google translate
Welp, guess this kills the control decks. rip in pepperoni
Is there an SV card that's been more cucked than Fafnir?
I post these polls everyday because they're fun. Are you seriously implying I'm baiting you? Lol.
my friendship wtih seraph ended now support cannon it's my new friend
Nice way to create more self-promote circlejerk and thread celebs. Let's wait and see, I might be wrong this time. Tho unlikely.
Support Cannon into Alex will be so cool.
Is this even going to be playable?
At 5 cost it seems too expensive.
How exactly?
>spend 10k vials on a forest deck
>realize that i hate forestcraft
Is commander-only deck feasible now? Does it have enough low cost followers?
Using it in Tempo seems pretty risky since if you keep Dorothy in mulligan and play her it just ups the chance of bricking, but it could also help you draw something if you have nothing. Playable in DS but any followers besides the usual bunch is something you have to think about.
that's why he makes that sad face
I think this is a good CSword material tho
Nah, Fighter was always trash. Fafnir was a decent Ramp card pre-RoB at least.
At the very least you'll play 2 and 3 drops plus Gawain as your officers. Rest can be all Commander if you do it smartly.
fucking neutral ramp man
>not saving up for next expansion
ONE JOB user
I am implying people vote multiple times each day, or within 3 days. Because it's easy and mememistic aka fun.
It's a fucking knife juggler on steroids.
There is Gawain, and Luminous Mage should be 2 damage for two times.
People want more removal even though this card exists and its shit
why does japan often use 'fighter' as a class? not warrior, soldier, swordsman or barbarian but fighter? only other place ive seen that used is dnd
I mean, you could, but I don't think many of the low cost commanders are very good without officers
This somehow reminds me to an Heartstone card, forget the name tho
Last draft, also vote on this
Fuck evolves.
Evolves are the core of all this game's problems more than anything else. Evolve was a cool and actually somewhat skill-testing mechanic at first but they have printed way too many fucking cards that get crazy benefits from it. Evolve is why you can't keep anything alive unless you're really far ahead, or why bursting people down is so much easier than it should be, or what really puts storm followers over the edge. And while it use to have a lot of decision making to it besides the 4-drop evolve cards, nowadays there's barely any thought behind evolving.
They did a god-awful job at designing around their own central mechanic.
I don't know what control sword would cut out for that.
Doubt it. A commander-heavy deck could be viable, but you need at least stuffl ike like Lancer and Gawain.
New Sahaquiel target. Basically a salamander effect but also the option to hard cast for 4 health.
>only other place ive seen that used is dnd
Congrats you've solved the mystery
It's a turn 5 do nothing but makes your turn 8+ do nothings into do somethings. Seems like it can be good against control decks but this is really a card that needs to be played to see how it really works out. It makes Alexander useful though since you can basically clear the whole board with him and he can actually do face damage in a roundabout way.
Why are people still asking for Dragon legos? They got Zeus and this. That's 2 Dragon legos.
The best way to counter aggro is to pot at least 2 angelic snipes and kaleidos, also 3 magic missiles. Depending on the situation you may want to use iceform as a tech but it weakens your hand in general so it's hard choice, still can buy you 1 turn if opponent doesn't have a dod (aggro always does). Remove demonic strikes entirely, they cost too much, it's better to get 1 more angelic snipe if you really want more dmg. On the other hand having 2 dods is fine and necessary. Also if you want to use fate's hand you need more cheap cost spells but fate's hand can be tricky and the cost is high. Also always have x3 blade mages, they help in offense and in defense, you can't remove them for useless demonic strikes. If you want a lot of dmg you should use angelic snipes, dods, demonic strikes, blade mages. All of that but such a deck makes your draws horrible in the long run.
If build in the right way daria have good chances against aggro but she's still not a counter.
by poseidon's beard, go right
>iceform as a tech but it weakens your hand in general
it's a spell which spellboosts your other cards though
i personally like it over kaleido much more
Was posted top of thread and better resolution too
need concede pls
>dragon legos are so bad, all the good legos in their decks are neutral
Kaleido is better overall since it replaces itself
stream when?
Useless garbage.
Hey, look. It's beast's black sheep sister.
zeus is shit
Honestly, I think I'd rather use iceblade warfiend or alucard but we'll see.