League of Legends General - /lolg/


OT: eyosongive.us

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>Lucian is broken AGAIN

We need to stop lulufag


i want to look EXACTLY like janna

>kled in lcs
fucking called it, he's gonna be pick/ban now

>be bored one day at home
>summon miss fortune
>"sure you can handle me, summoner?"

Noxian shyvana when? demacia hates her

He's getting shit on user, so not yet.

>leading cause of death among summoners is from ahri summoning

>She shoots your guts out for summoning her for no reason when she's got stuff to do over in Bilgewater.

noxus >>>>>>>> demacia

FACT: Lulu is the CUTEST!

Who is Reddit the champion and why is it Gankplank?

It's gonna be the same as always, he'll get picked in a game or two every other week, then do poorly enough in lane that even if his team still wins no one will start playing him off it.

Reddit the champion
Tumblr the champion
Veeky Forums the champion
>Tahm Kench


A lot of the league stories show characters in a new light or at least stay in the same path of character while giving more information about them, in Jinx case is fanfic with copy paste game quotes that didn't say anything everyone hate it and riot response with maybe we will answer the question in the future

Which is more worth mastering long term ziggs or aurelian sol?

Bow down to your new husbando

How do summoners fare in league lorewise? Would l be considered a person of high social standing for being platinum?

No you were supposed to explain to him why GP is the reddit champion. Is english not your first language?

>poppy mains

Do summoners mind control the champions in league?

Do champions actually die when they die or it's just a safe game?

>You will never be Sona's trusted 10 year-old student that she takes advantage of after getting riled up and wet after a concert.
>You will never be able to lay and cuddle with Sona's soft and motherly breasts as a reward for a long day of tutoring and being a "good" student.

Just pull the fucking trigger and end my life please.

user I...

>Do summoners mind control the champions in league?
LITERALLY my fetish.

First thing l'd do desu

As the "uncanny valley" approaches, with increased processing power, I think it's incredibly likely we'll start seeing a push for esports "athletes" to have minimum requirements for working out/body building simply because this body type has much wider appeal than the "skinny stick figure" male waife build. More opportunities for sales and a larger market make it very probable, imo. Espically in Western Markets.

a sol simply because nobody has any experience vs him at all

and he abuses that harder than any other hero in the game

if you aren't actually good though dont bother just pick viktor/syndra

The color story was subpar as hell. It's even more annoying considering that they opened a potential lore tie in with Warwick that they didn't capitalize on. Basically it was pointless and wasted potential. Even I consider it forgettable as hell. Stories on Jinx written by vg anons were more enjoyable than the color story.

Summoners don't exist in lore any more. Riot has said because they want to keep game separate from lore. Before they were trying to make sense of gameplay with lore which made the lore stupid and overly complex.

>Do summoners mind control the champions in league?
Kinda the champion said that he's going to work with the summoner for a while

>Do champions actually die when they die or it's just a safe game?

Never they're just copy of the champions even in the old lore Cho'gat wasen't even the real Cho'gat

I see, it's better this way.

Try not to think too hard about which way the puppet strings go.

Lulu is my STAR!
I am her GUARDIAN!

Old lore the summoner and the champion would do this mind-meldish shit to control a simulacrum of the champion that was created on the Rift, which is why they can respawn. It's why the jungle creatures re-appeared over the course of the game as well, they were all fakes re-created based on real monsters.


>Being controlled by a League qt


>Reddit the champion
>Tumblr the champion
>Veeky Forums the Champion


Jesus fucking christ, this is embarrassing. What happened to Flyquest? Did somebody give them lobotomies in their sleep?

They fell for the Shaco meme.

There should be different champions for the different boards.

Now I understand why Syndra has such high pick rate - I played her once when she was free, it's literally easy to do dmg with her even if you randomly press keys - so she fits into that generic midlaner role.

Tho even if u learn how to play her kit to an ok level she's kinda useful for the team over all.

While Aurealian - I think once you're ok with his kit he can bring lots of uses to the table, he can zone out enemies that try to engage in force - he can roam easily, his ult can be used to disengage - he can stunt with ease etc..

Literally BORN with the lobotomy

And last game they fell for the Mordekaiser + Maokai bot meme?

They aren't even playing well, if you somehow ignored their godawful drafts.

They won two games off of that though. Everytime they picked Shaco they lost.

>Veeky Forums


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums na


quick, someone check his lungs and get Link on the phone

>ywn LITERALLY RAPE Fiora with your Patriarchy

Feels bad man.

>Veeky Forums the champion
>Not Mordekaiser

Whats with the shaco meme picks?

nah that's ahri or lux

Holy shit.

Just Clown Nine things.

Oh my god, memes aside azael is really into the game I like his casting a lot

ahri is pornhub-the-champion.

Meteos has risen from the grave in his new form "Dark Meteos" and is now shitstomping NA LCS

What a timeline to be alive

I already did

We wake up tomorrow and all of lolgs posters have been gender swapped.
How does this change the general? Do we all become Janna mains talking about how our BFs dont appreciate us pressing E?
do we thrist for biofrosts cock all the time?
Do we stop waifuposting?

l would say Sona. She's a literal copy of Miku

Icons are getting better and now I want them actually.
Is it time to become a good goy?

post yours then

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +1

>trying to push 5man with kled and baron against Anivia



I'd still do my MATING PRESS shitpost but I'd post hunky LoL husbands instead.

>Flyquest with fucking Anivia/Sivir waveclear

Get ready for a long one boys

>not /an/

that was an underhand softball throw from a toddler and you still fucked it up

>hes still not back


wave clear the champions vs wave clear the champion

i feel like blue ez is gonna get outscaled way too hard

This general would be much better, honestly

never, move on


nothing much would change. slutty sissies would be slutty girls and the posts would stay the same

i would still janna post but as a straight guy i guess

>Rumble spends all day in his workshed shitposting on the unholy trifecta of /g/, /m/ and /r9k/.

Ivern is pretty outdoorsy
I just wanted to take the chance to call Riven trash

Who should my go-to mid lane be if I'm an ADC main?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets

i know, in all fairness, your list was good

>such impressive waveclear
>anivia presses R, sivir presses W
literally EU strats

All on MJFXMajin

I wonder who is the bottom?

I bet its bookers


The more peculiar factor is that I could easily pull off looking exactly like Jinx (minus being pale). I'd still Jinxpost though and lewd post more

>Fizz tryharding in a Veeky Forums

top is gonna do well early game, lose mid game, win late game, 45+ minutes of jerking off until they win

Can Midbabbies and junglercusks stop using fucking assasins? Hell even toptards are starting to pick this cancer.

>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums

if you're high elo and mechanically skilled, then cass. she plays like one.

or twisted fate if you wanna be a bitch and gank bot because you always get ganked too

those are my go to mids as an adc main.

They are privileged to suck my cock!

mfw I thought that I made great chili
Its only okayish




New Galio maybe or Jayce he's kinda Reed Richards now

Nothing would change for me.

>0/10 TF versus a Sona mid

Fucking all in hai
just kill his ass and you win the fight for free

>get some pink ward wannabe again ferver ignite renek top
>5 deaths before he's even level 6


I fucking love Ivern

>invade level 1 with blitz
>get thresh flash
>gank him level 2 with red for FB on our draven
>gank again level 4 but it fails because they collapse and blitz decided to tank 2 turret shots for no reason
>keep ganking bot, enemy udyr cant keep up with my pressure and is underleveled because I stole all his camps
>they eventually start blowing all their ults on me, killing me but we win TFs because they have no ults

Have you accepted Ivern into your hearts yet?

Either Karthus or Yorick