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Reddito edition.


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10/10 Date spot would recommend.

should i go back and get draenor flying?


it was a pretty good raid desu

wow gay

No, it was fucking awful. Here's a real raid for comparison.

Don't mind if I do. Also I thought that guy who said you could max your traits in a day was kidding. Jeez.

everything about this image is just disgusting

you epitomize everything wrong with /wowg/, what complete trash

>that interface
better off killing yourself at this point

Literally what the FUCK did Blizzard mean by this?

>Cant decide between Fury or Ele
>Someone tells me Enhancement is the best of both worlds
>Its a disgusting combo of keeping like 5 different buffs rolling at once, as melee
>I actually kinda like it

People poop

The interface is the result of elvui messing up and me not bothering to fix it. At this point I've grown used to it.

>all these shitter dps in my group get into pug H-NH groups to kill gul'dan
>I can't despite being better than them on every parse
why? how?

>bumping into players of the opposite faction for the first time this expansion
>in every zone
>literally getting 1-shot if I go anywhere near where the quests are
>whatever log out
>come back a few hours later
>the same fucking people are still there

What did they change recently? I don't recall running into more than, like, 2 enemy players while leveling on a PVP realm, with the exception being Helheim.

Did they end up killing Nomi?

I find the lack of gnome tanks disturbing

>roll on a pvp realm
>get pvpd
>come to an anime shitposting webforum to complain about it
i am thinking so hard right now holy shit

Couldn't really be avoided, but just curious as to what was changed recently. Or if I'm just losing my mind.

>armory the people camping spawns
>250k honorable kills
>300 arena wins
>never even 1550
Imagine my surprise, right? I'll bet they do premade Alterac Valley and Ashran.

Does anyone know what the fuck is in this? Volume 1 covered seemingly everything and also had hints about legion. What about this then?

I am having a stroke at this very moment

I am dead fucking serious

I would go get a phone, but i'm having a stroke and can't move my legs

This will be the last thing I will ever type in my life

goodbye /wowg/



it's from the First War to now I think

>Not knowing Nizbun, the Sultan of Samefag
>Not knowing Khelgin, the Maestro of Minigames
>Not knowing Icycrits, the Minister of Memes
>Not knowing Gisco, the Heir to Avataring
>Not knowing Bearheart, the Prince of Pandas
>Not knowing Gisco, the Fiend of a Thousand Feces
>Not knowing Linstead, the Tranny of Tyranny

OFFICIAL FILTER LISTS that you can use to make WoW General Great Again.

Image MD5s:
pastebin.com/nJ7p0BB5 (embed)

pastebin.com/229Ln7JW (embed)

pastebin.com/QXqp253d (embed)

pastebin.com/DQg6QkPb (embed)

These filter lists were updated on March 10th, 2017 with new additions to all categories

As always, add to and prune these lists as necessary so we can keep this general on topic instead of letting avatarfags and shitposters ruin this general.

what if the person who originally typed this actually died

and we just made his dying last words into a meme that nobody cares about

>tfw my name will never be on one of these lists

Can't wait to pick mine up on the 14th. There's a bunch of spoilers on MMO-C. It covers early Draenor primordial shit, Arakkoan history, the rise of Ogre civilization, and finally the Orcs and Draenei stuff, the genocide etc. The first war is covered as well. Super fucking cool shit.

Even more hyped for volume III. Which will cover Second War all the way up to Cataclysm.

>Look through these out of curiosity
>Those comment filters
Really. It must be boring reading the thread when only 100 out of 750 are visible.

>last moments on earth
>spend it on this hellhole of a website
what did deadanon mean by this, exactly?

I wish I could join multiple guilds so I could be in that one too

>tfw no cute bears to dance with

Just memeing, my dude.
I think it's just the eccentricities of the CRZ system combined with people who have nothing better to do deciding to just camp somewhere.

>censoring the shitposting on a designated shitposting online forum

>join new guild as a healer
>constantly asked to come heal their shitter mythic keys and help gear their alts
>do it because I hope it will lead to getting asked to come to actual content that will help gear me like high M+ or H gul'dan/eli kills
>never ever asked to either of these and they instead bring their in-guild-clique heals for these
wat even do?

gquit you fucking retard what else?

What's your ilvl?

Am I cute?

tfw no one to do timewalking with

perverts don't deserve timewalking friends

>dude huge tits lmao

Christ, that looks horrifyingly bad.

Yeah you're pretty cute but you have an ugly ass elf in the way. Try taking the picture at another angle panda man.

but I raid with them and its fun, its just the non raids that are shit


drop your btag and i'll do timewalking with ya

Just pug. You're high enough ilvl.

which class is easiest to heal as?

>dispel people when they shouldn't be dispelled
>everyone yells at the healers and they get all upset and argue amongst each other
>no one ever finds me out

Anyone want to cuddle with me in this fucked-up druid cottage?

>Sheet made out of moonkin feathers
>They skinned a fucking moonkin for this

They might be leaves


You get how plucking feathers works, right?

That's what I've been doing. Pugs are fucking suffering though, would be nice to run with competent players y'know?

True, I'd invite you to my stuff but I'm a healer. Just roll DPS and you can play with my guild x)

>not a worgen


Man alts really fucking suck this xpac. Just gearing to the level to get into lfrs is a pain in the ass at this point.

I dunno, with timewalking it's pretty easy right now.

that feel when 3 895s that I all like playing, but all have weps at 45 and only 3-4 legendaries

>takes under a week to get raid ready

Did you all start in MoP or something? or did you just forget how painful alts used to be to get leveled and geared in the older xpacs, the only alt unfriendly thing is paragon traits and legendary grinding

How come I never see DPS Shamans? I know they are middling at best, but you see Druids and shit.

I've seen like a handful of Ele Shamans and MAYBE one Enhancement. I heard Enhancement is difficult, but Ele seems easy

>Trying to get somewhere on waterstrider
>Aggro two crocs, first hit daze and heroic leap on cooldown
>Annoyed, blow all cooldowns and kill them instantly
>Heroic leap up a hill
>Land directly on neutral critter, who aggroes me
oh fuck off

>everything on fucking Pandaria is still farmed 24/7/365
just fuck this gay shit

it's almost like there are nice cosmetics with low drop rates everywhere...
really makes you think

How is DH st dps? Which classes have the highest possible st dps?

just give everyone his own galleon, sha and timeless isle phase
this system is gay as fuck and server hopper fuck it up even more

>free for all pvp world quests
>dominated by groups

ele shams have a hard time getting invited into groups
t. 896 ele alt

>wait 13 minutes for Sha to spawn
>dies in under 5 seconds

Neato. Basically a one in five chance of even getting the tag now.

Can't speak for others but I think the new Enhancement is shit. Shaman is on shelf until further notice.

r8/h8 m8

why even bother honestly

I'm new to wow and have been leveling a monk. Whenever I go to the summit to get my exp buff I see people in general chat bitching about people fucking each other over for some rare spawn (I'm assuming). Can someone tell me what that's all about and what they're doing to fuck with each other?

Sha of Anger. It's a world boss that can drop a rare mount and has a random spawn location as well as a spawn time of 15 minutes.

Leveled a nelf prot warrior to 89 in 5 days. Cool.


What are guilds or shitters who know they can't win 1 v 1

So do people try to coordinate so they can all get a mount and someone lone wolf comes in and fucks it up or what? I'm just curious because literally every time I'm there it's all people are about.

i dont get it. does sha drop 1 mount per kill?

it dies so fast that a lot of people can't get to it before it dies

Sha of Anger, a world boss that spawns in one of five locations. 15 minute respawn with a 1 in 3000 chance to drop a mount, or something.

Thing is that he dies next to instantly. If you're at the wrong spot you only have a few seconds to fly over before he dies, which isn't really possible with how much damage players are doing in currently gear.

People just want the tag for the tiny, tiny chance so they can hop on their next character and do it again.

So only the 1 person with the tag can get the mount or is the tag per faction?

coming back for 7.2, going to play some demonology lock i think.
frost mage is in a good place at the moment.
but what else is hot at the moment?

>join a pug normal nh as 4th healer
>rl invites 3 other healers after me
>asks me to switch to shadow because fuck balance and elemental
>mfw trying to spriest with 6k haste
why can't i find a guild that wants a holy priest

How/why is R*lph back

everyone with the tag has the chance
it's a 1% chance

>Sha of Anger mount

Good one.


>wiping on heroic
wow...... just wow.....

> Combat against Looking for Raid – Gul’dan (85% (Stage 2)) ended after 4 minutes and 52 seconds. You have 23 total wipes on this difficulty.

>t. meme spouting LFR shitter

im 7/10m though

I've been thinking of coming back when 7.2 hits or maybe sooner. I haven't played since cata though and only played casually (LFR and shit) then for a few months. I'm having trouble deciding a class. I have a rogue at 85 but I'm not too interested in it. I am interested in WW though - how are they doing? Would I be a credit to the team playing WW? Being able to do everything (single target, aoe, burst) decently well without being tunneled into being really good at only one those is important to me as well as being a needed, maybe lesser played class with some utility. Also a fun rotation is a bonus, even though imo all rotations get boring when you've raided with the class for a while. How would WW fair considering all that?

How long did it take you to get Tusks?



post your oldest screenshot

>ask in guild if anyone wants to run TW for the weekly
>most people don't answer, a couple no's
>log onto alt and do a dungeon
>/who my guild to see if anymore people are on
>see this
>two of the people in there were the ones that said no because they were busy or had done it already
I want to cry

>goes through the effort to block frames
>doesn't block chat or raid cds
wouldn't expect anything else from a dh

next time leave it or do it properly

>he named his character netorare