/fhg/ - For Honor General

Warlords are fags edition

>NEW: First balance patch is now LIVE! Patch notes here:

>Leaked Centurion / Ninja Image

>New players:
pastebin.com/55KZTiUK (embed)

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

Other urls found in this thread:


7 decides what non-knight class I learn next




>Lawbringer will someday be FOTM


Thanks to everyone who gave me lawbringer tips in the last thread, gonna give my best at learning him.

Promised myself I wouldn't give him a try until they buffed him, but oh well.


Roach but you also have to play as faggy as most of them do.

enjoy it while you can user
Soon you will be facing nothing but good players who are playing valk pk and warden


>tfw finally decide to pick up Warden
>fight a rank 3 warden
>I'm new as fuck to this
>lose first set
>challenge him again
>tfw losing but quickly reading him and copying his shit
>tfw you almost beat him but fuck up because you got cocky

That was some sharingan shit right there.

Fun though. Still feel kinda bad for choosing Warden after all this time, but I actually like it

I boosted my mmr with Kensei so it's already too late for me.

Fug it though, I'll push through.

I'll repeat it here:

Is Shugoki impossible to deal with as Lawbringer? You have no way to do anything against him because of his super armour and your inherently low speed. All he really needs to do is wait and you'll eventually lose because if you try to break his super armour, he can immediately and effectively punish you by taking away a 3rd of your HP bar.

we are officially ballin now
got the shield on my first crate, i heard theres even more gear the farther you go even past rep 3, and are there any more pot helms beside the default and this one


>need to do Dom AI for steel order
Holy fuck

I don't usually have a problem with Shugoki as grabbing him counts as breaking his hyper armour. Just like everyone else with Lawbringer you have to be really patient and wait for an opening.

Unless your enemy is PK or Warlord then you're just fucked. Fuck those classes.

>>kill 1 billion soldiers in Dominion AI
>> :^)

The world's most expensive face smasher.


>throw enemy into wall as law
>immediately top heavy
>he recovers fast enough to block it

>lose to PK
>lament poor performance
>they just type lol
Knew I should have killed myself when I got home today.

I've changed a lot of cosmetics on nobushi as I've played her, (currently purple smug mask) but I've always kept the dual stripes that go across the eyes as it reminds me of kunimitsu from tekken. I miss classic tekken.

It's the same with The Long Arm. I used to get a side heavy almost all the time, now it never works.

Previous thread:

What's so funny? Rep means nothing aside from them playing Dominion.

>Counter-attacker is so slow he can't effectively counter-attack, let alone attack

He really feels complete as a character.

At "high level" it really feels like you have to work for your wins.
Warden is the epitome of honest pick imo.

Holy shit
So I'm not playing Warden wrong, I've just been trying to.

I'm using the mouse and I find that any time I point to a direction it goes to another direction a second afterwards. Does anyone else have this problem? It's really fucking up my blocking/parrying as LB switches really slowly.

There is now an /fhg/ club on xbox
If you would like to join either look up:
For Honor General Official
add metalkid267 and i will invite you to the club

>do well with law
>start doing shit
>keep doing shit by not even being able to do the most basic shit
>switch to shugoki
>able to do all this basic shit
>switch back to lawbringer
>completely lose all ability to do all of it
I just dont know

you betrayed the law



>everyone in 108 revenge gear
>play shugoki
>run away and grab enemy team while my teammate gets 3 heavy attacks off and 100-0 them
pic related. He played lawbringer

Hypothetical: give people an incentive to attack in duels by making revenge mode (or a new super meter?) build off attacking and being aggressive somehow. It seems to me like all high level play is literally just exploits and parries.

Well, I'm still a scrub, so I don't know much. I main Kensei and am trying Warden out solely because it was my main in beta.

That said, I just had an awesome two sets with a LB. Lost because I'm not familiar with what-all I can do against him, but I'm pretty confident I know what I fucked up on.

are you changing your guard to top as soon as you land the GB?

a lot of people bitch about shoulder, but without it, he'd be bottom tier like everyone else without a push move




They literally posted something about dealing with AFK farming a few days before they even implemented bans. That should've told your bitch-ass to stop

some reddit comment suggested making chain attacks much stronger, chained lights don't bounce off block, and chained heavies are unparryable, along with parried lights just giving the defender the advantage instead of a free hit

would be really nice instead of this "wait for them to make a move" meta that 99% of people called in the beta stages

I feel like parries reward people for turtling way too much, especially with the huge amount of stamina drain they give

warden is this game's ryu

I just said I stopped you fucking autism

that argument doesn't really work when the only other somewhat balanced character on the roster is zangief, then everyone else is either broken strong or awful

where does valk fit? she seems really good after the buff, warden tier at least

She's gonna be top tier soon. Her kit is pretty overloaded with options.


she honestly seems like a better warden, superior block on all her lights, fast attack speed on all her lights, great mixup options(even out of zone wtf), one of the fastest/longest range side dash attacks in the game, and challenging her shield tackle is asking for a 50+ dmg combo

Please help.

>Shoguki with no hyperarmor

Holy fucking braindead DONKEY

League tier balancing

is your controller plugged in? dual inputs sometimes fuck shit up

this, as annoying as he is, his moveset needs the armor

No controller, just a mouse.

Lower your guard sensitivity in settings

People who use mouse have to reset their position, that's what's fucking up the guards. Low sens ignores those small movements.

Jesus christ why is the 8 kill streak in Skirmish even an order? It's pure luck as to whether or not you get gang fucked before you hit 8.

Dw dude, I main lawbringer and bring law to all who cross my path

Got it after 4 tries. Either play like a pussy or get lucky and queue against bots and or bad players.

What makes this hard is that you need 8 LAST HITS without dying, not assists/takedowns.


How hard is it to get a fucking seven

Honest samurai kensei

sweep noobs with valk

Warden. Fuck you.

7 Get.

Quit until they add Ninja

Dishonest skyrim man

You know the only reason a 7 hasn't been rolled yet is because you said non-knight, therefore ruling out LAW

best wife

>Game has a deathmatch mode of play
>With an elimination game type
>Can still revive dead people

Nan desu ka?

What does the defense stat on weapons even do?

If you get the execution like you were meant to, this wouldn't be a problem

>not executing someone
>not ledging them

But all I've been using is knight classes, I want to try something different

decreases the damage you take from attacks

doesn't affect feats or environmental stuff


pic related is not as accurate as the video, just approximates

Is there a better sound?

you take less damage from attacks

Not upset, just confused

I actually like how ledging can be punished in elimination. If you ledge someone and their body stays on the map they can be revived.

I've been getting so tilted lately. Not sure I am burnt out, but it all just feels pointless and not fun anymore. The population is so shit on PC now I face the same players again and again even if I wait 1 minute~ after a I leave a lobby throughout the entire day. I had so much fun the first 60 hours I don't know what to do with my life.

just wait until the defensive meta is fixed and fuck around in 4v4 modes until then

A lot of people are in the same boat as you.

>Doing elimination shit
>Look away for a minute and look back at the load screen
>Other team is three 108's, two PK and a warden
>Quit match as soon as the map loads in

And that's the story of how I kept my good mood going instead of playing that match.

>Lewdkeeper now spends all their all their time on the Knight Discord

I miss them, /fhg/.


Shove a shugoki bat up your ass and play as one, you fat fuck.

>Every single time the kniggers start getting stomped without fail

>all the horny guys turning him into a little slut

It's pretty great

He was a slut to begin with, but Jesus the amount of guys he has wrapped around his little twink finger in there.

Is Juggernaut the worst skill in the game? Any time I've ever activated it or seen it activated people just run off knowing you can't follow them.

Easily one of, at least, yeah.

It's for defending points, not chasing.

Jump start to a good relaxing life


Reminder that 4v4 is a gamemode is for fun, and enjoyable gameplay.
I actually genuinely like 4v4 because of the chaos. But this is the only time something like this happened, which I found to look funny.
Fuck that accidental deflect, otherwise I could've at least killed 2 of them probably.

I wish I could saw off every PK players hands desu

When i block warden's zone as berserker i can't do a free GB
is my timing off or i'm just too far away from him?





>Win first round of elimination ALONE, execute my opponent find another guy execute, kill the last 2 together with toss into spikes and 1v1 to end, win
>Second round ends quicker with one of my teammates also making it to the end, win
>Round three its a 2v2, my warden runs off for some reason and they revive back up to 4, loss
>Round four by the time I kill the warlord my entire team is dead, loss
>Round five go to help a teammate from the start, he dies to a ledge before I get there then I get stuck in a 2v1 and die

So this is the kind of shit that makes people quit games right?

>CPT for Street Fighter V can't even crack Twitch Top five
>For Honor below that

This game is stillborn.