Kill, Fuck, Marry TG/TGT Edition
Kill, Fuck, Marry TG/TGT Edition
Who are you? i bet you kiss girls faggot
marry hammond
fuck clarkson
kill james may
Polygamous Marriage to May and Clarkson.
Keep Hammond as a sex gimp.
I assume this is a gay fantasy, so I'm rolling with the punches.
Fuck hammond, Kill Clarkson, Marry May
Fuck Hammond
Kill Clarkson
Marry May
Fuck Clarkson, just get it over with.
Kill Hammond, small so hiding the body is easier.
Marry May, the only one who's somewhat useful of the three.
Same but reverse.
Why is James May so based
one of the world's great mysteries
Best choice
Fuck you
Kill yourself
Marry Clarkson
Fuck Hammond
Kill Clarkson
Marry May
> he can do all my routine maintenance
>albeit very slowly
at least it gets done, unlike the other two
So who's going to Screencap the thread and send it to GT?
Good material for The Ne... ahem Conversation Street.
Only right answer.
>british """"""""""""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""""""""""
>old geezers
yea, um. no thanks.
this could be forgiven if they had decent personalities but they don't and top gear is dogshit.
>marry James
>leave the others in the dust as their existences no longer concern me
I have an affable, charming, soft-spoken DIY wrencher husbando. I've got all I need.
Top Shill is a good show
Go back to Fifth Gear faggot