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>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

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Idea for Spy primary that I had last night
>firing with it while disguised lets you pretend to shoot as whoever you're disguised as, with whatever weapon you currently have (for example if disguised as an Engi w/the shotgun and you fire your primary, to the enemy team they see their Engineer shooting a shotgun)
>doesn't actually shoot any bullets - your knife is the only way of doing damage
Would literally never happen because it'd require too much coding but I thought it was neat

god I love eating shit

idea for spy gun
-no kit
-no sap
-no invis
+50 hp

r8 h8 apperediuasdfweqhjc8

im gonna screencap that shitpost and put it on reddit brb

spy primary that disables everything but the disguise kit, and when you fire you start a 5 second countdown to a suicide explosion

im gay - pyro

I wonder why they haven't made an exploding sapper yet

Anything spy can do, sniper does better
Sniper does everything better than spy
Yes he can
Yes he can
Yes he can
Yes he can
Anything spy kills sniper kills faster
All without dying right after it too
Yes he can
Yes he can
Yes he can
Yes he can
*Spy can check for uber you stupid youtuber
What? I couldn't hear you, I just killed your med
*I'll decloak behind their backs!
Have they seen you before?
Well good luck with that

7 decides

i love morwanneg

Hmm, Crispy

The flaming furry's fiery fury

who /reddit/ here

kurt cobain's propane nightmare

neil degrease tyson

Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire

did you post it yet


yes i got 2 uplikes

Is concheror viable now ? I only like to play Soldier on Steel and always forget to use the shotgun if I have it equipped

it's good for if there's no medics or healthpacks
expect some people to get mad and call you a crutch user

Viable in what context?

Pubs? Yea, it's good. Nearly all the banners are pretty solid choice since it'll give your team an advantage once you toot your horn.

Comp? Eh..just make sure you run a shotty or gunboats. They're more reliable than a banner that's only up nearly half the time.

>I [...] like to play [...] on Steel [...]


I play scout for comp, I'm terrible at soldier rollouts
Steel is great fun except E, that map has lots of nifty design


Bad number

>I play scout because I can't rollout for shit
That made me sad.
That's my sad eye.

eriF eriF eriF eriF eriF eriF eriF eriF

kurt cobain's backup plan

Can I tribute?

Jackass IV: Unrated Edtion



█▀█ █▄█ ▀█▀

Oh ok

Im proud of myself

the hell
since when did you guys start making new threads when hitting the image limit

>not using powerjack

It's like you don't wanna go fast or something

post teams

is this some kind of 2-cosmetic challenge

no it just happened to end up that way.


This scares me.

What the fuck

>when somebody complements you on your rocket jumping in a pub
ΘωΘ t-thanks

>pip boy still isn't a pda replacement

No problem!

It looks like a mexican diablo


>matador someone
>"wtf facestab"
That made me angry.
That's my angry eye.


hey wait
I've seen that art style before

>facestab someone
>"wow I main spy and that was a very impressive trickstab"
is this the secret of spy mains? that all stabs are luck and they just pretend they're skilled

I want /int/ to leave

Have you really?

I exist in both threads at the same time.


I main medic.
I knew perfectly what was I doing.

*yawns loudly*

>tfw you tactically space yourself so a stray grenade doesn't frag your charlies

>when you get 30 teleports on pub and everybody says good job engie

Engineer is credit to team

Are you the one who drew those pictures?

I kinda like it

who is this loadout-stealing nigger

Do I look like スペスー人 to you?

>when you play as a completely stock medic and carry your team to victory.
Also why is it so dead?

>forced to pop uber into badwater last
>shit uber
>pocket dies
>5 seconds to go so just run at enemy team with saw
>get 4 stabs
>run at cart
>pyro and scout there
>uber the pyro, don't flash scout so the cart moves
>soldier jumps the cart
>kills scout
>pyro, instead of using his fucking flamethrower, shoots flares at an engineer
>uber fades
>we both die
>lose game after clutching an uber out

I was platinum mad

the problem with spy is that the entire way backstabs are calculated is so fucking retarded that it's immensely illogical to anyone who hasn't looked into it

by all accounts of basic sense a matadorstab is completely and utterly the same as any other facestab, and it shouldn't occur if the game was functional as it should be

it's the epitome of artificial difficulty in all of multiplayer fps titles

why doesn't spy just reach around the enemy and stab him in the back

i mean he has plenty of experience with reacharounds what with the rampant homosexuality in the spy main community

>スペスー人 (Supēsu hito), it means Space people.
Uh, I'm not really familiar with /int/ memes if it one of them. Also youtu.be/oXiLXKw1Kw8

I try to always inspire my teammates through speeches and calls to arms. People love being complimented over mic and are more likely to listen to you if you do so, so I rarely have any problems with shit team comp. Even if we lose I'll stay positive and tell everyone they did a good job, unless they're friendly. Friendlies deserve to be hung

>Also why is it so dead?
what did he mean by this

Why do you think I'm from /int/ anyway
it's obviously spacejin you dense fag

>playing as a "friendly" heavy
>in casual matchmaking

why do people do this

where is the enjoyment in it

why doesnt spy just stab niggas in the throat x.x

>tfw you calculate the perfect firing solution

>implying I don't see through your façade

i'm gonna votekick the fuck outta you

and then votekick the people who helped me votekick you

t. ball elf

>It's another scout/ sniper player with lennyfaces binded


GEYM PLEY commentary


GIRLFRIEND COMES BACK TO TF2 ?! [she shits her pants]




>he brought back his old outro

you can also watch the full thing from here



>nipple exposed
reconsider your life


Those pesky pyros and their airblasts

Solution: Stop playing Baddiewater and tying yourself down to a slow ass cart.


Is there a name for this because holy shit it's hot

That's called a _gif__

Why is comp so focused on pandering to soldiers who can't fucking adapt well enough that they have to call everything that outskills them broken?

it isnt. you're either really new, or really bad. scouts dominate competitive tf2.
