/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General

Stealth is dumb edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>What is Friday the 13th?
a upcoming slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats and abilities try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one

>Official Wikis and sites

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.3.1f)

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first post repost


>host toggles ready a bunch when lobby fills
>talks in chat
>stands afk the entire match

Probably just deranking

i heard him blinking around at the end right before i escaped tho
and someone escaped while injured

Can someone explain Object of Obsession to me? I dont understand how the perk works...

You and the killer see each other if you are looking at each other within in certain range.
There's a too far range and a too close range.

What's so hard about that?

It sounds like shit... Why would you ever want the killer to see you? Its not like its hard to spot the killer when your moving around

>Finding game super easily
>hit rank 5
>suddenly taking 10-20 minutes to get a game solo

Nice matchmaking.

>Still waiting after 30 min

I cant be the only EU guy awake at these hours...

Webm related to OP

Bushes are OP man. They even block a Billy chainsaw charge...for some reason.

I wish I had three more of me.

It reveals your auras when YOU are looking at him. If he happens to not be looking in your direction, he won't see that you've been revealed. And once you're in terror radius the auras are turned off. It's basically one sided once two people are dead if you use sole survivor with it. His detection range becomes smaller than terror radius so you can stare at him all you like without worry of revealing yourself.

>two camping killers in a row
time to quit for now i guess

Did he catch you saboing a hook?

Also the higher rank you get the less likely people are to face camp you

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.3.1f)

nope, match had just started
i decided to try another round, third camper
contemplating a refund at this point but i have over 2 hours

face campers like that aren't the norm.
Just some really bad luck

now i cant even find a match over anticheat errors
is this just prime shitter hours or something

No need to resort to cheating user

Can't even used my bullshit perk because that nigger Claudette rushing hooks.

Claudes ruin everyone's fun.

I'm rank 1 killer and I camp all the time.

It's way more effective than running around, 80% of high rank survivors always go for saves, so camping is super effective.

Do you camp by standing there staring at them?
There's a big difference between patrol camping and face camping.

It's in those precious moments where I wish Left Behind 3 was a 75% boost

No, I only facecamp sabos, most other people I either patrol or lately insidious camp.

why is the camping kit even a thing
it doesnt have enough charge to heal you to full without addons and the heal boost on other people is barely noticable

Always bet on Ace baby!

Threadly Reminder

Halloween>Halloween 4>Halloween 2>Halloween 3>>POWERGAP>>Halloween 5>Halloween 2 (remake)>Halloween H20>>>Halloween (remake)>shit>Halloween Resurrection>my mum's corpse> sabo claudettes>Halloween 6

>round is nearly over, need one gen, two survivors dead
>find an open chest with a toolbox inside
>alex's box with barely any charge left that someone left
>decide to not lose the item and hand repair last gen
>other survivor shows up as i finish the repair and brought a friend with him
>nurse missed him and hits me instead
>dart for the gates like a madcunt
>other dude gets hooked as i start opening one
>manage to crawl out after getting downed right at the exit
>host calls me a dick for not letting him win

>Nurse Mains
The kings of killers. The best players the role has to offer

>Billy Mains
Bros, down to earth gamers who you'd want to add to your friends list

>Trappers Mains
Gaming scum, dumbass tryhards and underaged B&s

>Myers Mains
Split between bros who like him and play him because of the films and actual creepy stalker 5th best in the friend-zone types.

>Wraith Mains
Edgy tryhards and douchebags

>Hag Mains
Split between contrarian hipsters who play her because she's bad and actual autistics.

>tfw fell in love with billy as soon as i saw him
just got grand sacrifice with him too

>guy complains i camped the last generators
>they were all within a short walk of each other and semi-repaired
>even though he was a top cunt that stood by pallets until i was under then and ran the same route every chase

ded game

ded general

I still enjoy it.

>Every main but Billy/Meyers
Camper, also shit.

>Billy/Meyers main
Campers, shit but with a crutch

Sometimes I feel like I'm playing a different game than some of you salty faggots. I rarely get camped and when I do the killer usually had a good reason.

Good luck securing a kill after the gates are open killercucks.

Killers will facecamp, camp with traps, cloak camp or camp with insidious. Perk doesn't stop good campers, just punishes soft campers or non camping killers.

2v8 when?

Did they even say anything about it? It souns fun

I recall them acknowledging that it's one of the more highly requested things, and that they think it would be super cool.

But also saying that 'it would split the player-base too much to think about right now' or something along those lines.

So basically never.

Imagine two trappers running this build.

Probably won't need Brutal strength

>2 Trappers camp one survivor with traps and insidious

Co-op mori animations when?

What is this? Easy mode?

What the fuck is up with the wiggle bar lately? I filled it up and still wouldn't let me escape.

Got to love how killers facecamp you after you sabo'ed their hooks
I'm not even salty, I'm serious, it's so funny because you know you've actually managed to anger them.

Reason why I've brought this topic up, is after giving it some thought, I think killers need to relax when it comes to sabo. I mean takes some skill sabing all the hooks on the map, and it comes with a great risk of being caught and face camped.
Usually buys your team time to escape which is a bonus.

Basically where I'm coming from, Killers complain about high rankers sabo'ing all their hooks.
Now that I am high rank (rank 4 atm) I now know why it's such a common thing.
It's the pip system, if you want that double pip you need to get 5k points in each category.
Sabo is one of the best ways to get bold points, so it's not like it's anything personal, they're trying to get their BP's for that second pip.

Also seeing how a lot of killers say things like camping is legit tactic, well so is sabo'ing.
Two way street.

Also please don't flame, I know sabo is a sore topic for a lot of killers.
Just my two cents.

I just cancel any game that has anyone with a metal box so never encountered any sabos

>Now that I am high rank (rank 4 atm)
nice bait

It's just a steam forum posting.

So why aren't you playing stealth Asian squatting simulator yet?

Because it's shit

Has the game been made good yet or is it still faggots just face camping and saboing hooks

Survivors can now safety bum rush hooks and pick themselves off the ground.

what dis

Deceit. Pretty much a spooky trouble in terrorist town.

>Survivor lagging across the map
>Get a "Change your region noob" comment
>He's Russian
>I'm in UK
>Download region is UK
I'm sick of this shit. The Nazi's did nothing wrong.

What's hard about saboing? The infrequent placement of hooks near generators? With a toolbox you're there for a few seconds, moving dodges the stun, the killer only knows that you're done with that area. You could be anywhere else, and it's pretty moot to even bother searching because you're done in two seconds.

Is Bond worth getting? I only got 189 IS atm, but should be able to get 550 pretty fast

That sounds pretty fucking gay

I thinks it's one of the best survivor perks. Knowing exactly what your team is doing allows you to play very efficiently.

Yeah it seems nice to have, sort of want to run Sabo and Sprint burt with it, as i'll know where the killer is and what my team is doing

new killer when?

The new killer should be the smoker from l4d, maybe not as long of a range, but we need a ranged killer for sure.


Pax is already going on are they really not going to announce it there?

>Frogs doing anything that makes sense
How new are you?

Wait, so bill wasn't part of the next chapter?

Hes a free character so i dont think so

Nea and Nurse were free and still a chapter

I guess its cos hes a promo character then?

They're focusing too much on their ww2 payday 2 reskin to advertise dbd
They gave dbd less than a quarter of their booth and put way less effort into it compared to raid

I wish maps played out diffrently, the same gameplay on every map is sort of gay, i feel like they fucked up on a huge opportunity to make the game more intresting. They could always do it with future maps i guess

They said on streams several times that they will add new things for players to do in the games, but the objective to escape will always be fix gens and leave through the gates

They don't legally have the right to sell Bill. Valve does free preorder bonuses for other games though.

>Killer's sack, jungle gym and double pallets all right next to the exit gate.

Almost felt sorry for the poor bastard.

I just returned to the game, havent played since the game came out. The only thing they have added so far is totems, and thats just part of the Killer perks.

Meybe a map where you have to find something to unlock a door to progress into the map could be cool. But maybe too much teamwork for a game without VoiP

Sigh, it sucks because we'll never get to see Hunter as a Killer :(


>dead general
>dead life

I really don't bad about breaking traps anymore.

Fuck trappers who trap feet, then place 4 traps around the hook and then do a tight patrol.

I run a map with red twine and sabo to fuck those faggots up

I don't camp people who sabo hooks but I tunnel the fuck out of them from then on.

I saw on the DbD reddit that they where talking about a new hud and new unhook mechanic. That we can unhook from more directions is neat, fuck the trappers. But im wondering about the hud, anyone got a picture of it?

Well let's see, someone is breaking your hooks, you don't want that so you make sure they get taken out of the game. Sounds good to me, they clearly don't want to escape anyway if they're wasting time breaking hooks instead of repairing gens when most killers will have IG anyway. That and there's going to be at LEAST one asshole crouched behind a tree nearby waiting for you to change your camping ways so camping almost always results in two+ people not working the objective for maximum time.

Also Sabing all the hooks is hard? lmao
I've done two hooks for a daily over the past few days and both hooks when I completed the sabo I was instantly able to walk away, no clue what did it, but there was no animation locking me in place. Both times it also played one of the wood snapping noises one time when I started repairing a gen after the hook broke. If I can somehow accidentally do that twice I'm sure people who live to sabo know about it.

Still a chance for streetwalkers

Who's dick do I have to suck to get a survivor game?

Mine. If I even slightly feel teeth you're getting a soft ban.

>Hag spend all game chasing survivors never giving up
>has only hit one person by the time the gates are open
>Pulls the plug

The standard hag experience.



Your friend is better then you, how does it feel?

I don't have any friends.

Claudette is a qt.


K, your brother is better then you.

Thats not meg...

>didn't get a new ritual today
the fuck


Dead generals is no fun, guys, wake up!

I think he ment the daily quest things..

The general would have been a lot more lively if we had street walkers

The worst part is, your right. Without avatar fagging and waifus a general on Veeky Forums is doomd...