>/tesog/ Guilds [PC NA] mail (not whisper) @Foskl or @the_kyrox for invite [PC EU] mail (not whisper) @Hatebr33d3r for invite [PS4 NA and EU] message PSN: kibukj for invite [XB1 NA] message GT: Arick556x45 for invite
Help me /tesog/ I play sorc and hitting cp 200 and how do I make my character stronger? CP system sure have nice benefits but there must be a way like gears or certain skills. I feel really lost right now.
Isaiah Young
When leveling sorc, what skills do i pump
Gavin Cooper
Austin Gray
Brayden Perez
This is a good time to repost the penis size megapoll- pls vote if you haven't already
Get decent gear. Purple armour and jewelry with gold enchantment with gold weapon will go a long way.
Put all your attribution points into either magicka and stamina. Your main stat will be the one you do damage with while the other one is for utility.
All of them.
Colton Powell
Not exactly sure how to trigger it, but i believe through personal experience that it's tied to how many MG collectible books you've found.
You find alot along the main road in deshaan, almost every 1000 steps
Oliver Jenkins
Stop objectifying argonians
Jack Garcia
To go slightly off-topic but still lore related, this is actually an interesting tidbit of lore i'd love for them to expand on (no pun intended). We already know that khajit have barbs and it causes pain in females (as stated by fuzzball boning barry), but what about other races, and more precisely, why does khajit physiology effect women in such a way? I'd think it was due to evolution but that's not how they came to be a race is it?
Henry Johnson
How about khajiit?
Adrian Bennett
>no boethiahs pillow book
Missed opportunity
Kayden Torres
Khajiit have barbs because cats have barbs. We don't know, however, if all types of khajiit have barbs or not.
Caleb Hill
Canon proof that argonians don't have mammaries
Brayden Watson
Eli Allen
>altmer have heavy japanese influence >have incest fanfics
Jace Thomas
Matthew Murphy
>can't connect to server >again Should I just drop this game for another?
Christian Martin
Are you on PC?
Jordan Jones
PC NA. I can no longer tell whether it's my ISP or ZOS being shit but it's only with this game that I get frequent disconnects and time outs
William Wood
What about set? what set should I be aiming for?
Liam Lewis
Well if you aren't having fun, maybe take a break for a few days and play something else then come back to ESO
William Sullivan
Blake Johnson
Depends on if you want to focus on magicka or stamina and what skills you're using.
If you use a pet as a mag sorc then 5 necropotence, 5 jullianos and one molag kena shoulder part from an undaunted chest is decent (I sometimes run it myself) and you don't have to relay on a lot of RNG to get it; julianos can be crafted, necro can be bought and the chance to get a kena shoulder is 1 in 4.
Mason Long
Wyatt Moore
dead general
Cooper Jones
>Banished Cells II >City of Ash II >Ruins of Mazzatun
Logan Miller
Any tips for animation cancelling? thinking of binding it to spacebar and using v for jump or something. Whats the timing (roughly) for it? like one second after swapping but like 1/10th for light attack weaving? Does everyone just get a feel for it or does that info exist?
Liam Thomas
You're planning on binding what exactly to spacebar?
There's multiple ways to animation cancel, the most common is weaving. You light attack and immediately after you perform a skill e.g. light attack -> force pulse -> light attack -> force pulse.
You can also block or roll dodge to cancel the animation. You can do this easily with skills like hurricane or vigor. You do the skill and immediately after you block/roll dodge just like weaving but in reverse. So e.g. vigor -> roll dodge. You will get the healing from vigor instantly and cut off the rest of the animation with a roll dodge.
Timing you just have to figure it out for yourself. I play with 300 ping and can do all types of animation cancelling. Keep practicing when to hit skills and light attack/roll dodge/block/etc and you'll get the hang of it eventually.
Xavier Adams
It's your ISP, i play on NA from UK without any connection problems.
Christian Rogers
how do I animation cancel dk's flame whip? either weaving doesn't work or I can't get the timing right
Juan Powell
If you are a old man make macro to mouse click before attack spells and to block after buff spells. GG you are now a pro grandpa
Kevin Gonzalez
I want to a harpy between the thighs
Gabriel Hernandez
I should've mentioned that there is a global cool down on skills (I think it's 0.9 seconds) so there's a rhythm to it. So when you light attack -> whip, wait just before the GCD finishes and then light attack -> whip again. Don't spam light attack right after doing a skill because that can sometimes lock your character up in some weird animation and doesn't even release a light attack.
Practice on a target dummy until you get the timing right.
And yes, you can weave whip.
Justin Moore
>almalexias panties have a lighter color tone where her labia would be giving the impression of a cameltoe
In retrospect though, this has happened for a very long time
>in KOTOR 1, each of the female companions had differing color schemes on their panties to discern differing levels of puff >mission vao had the most discernible cameltoe of the lot
Brayden Morgan
thank you kind user
Nicholas Gutierrez
Anyone know if there'll be a non-CP option for battlegrounds?
Blake Williams
According to people who went to Pax, they're considering it
Matthew Martinez
Depending under what phase of the moon they are born under, khajit can be anything from the ones that we see to a giant lion, to a housecat with psychic powers.
Liam Rivera
I hope they do it. Otherwise I won't bother getting Morrowind by release since it will be absolutely packed in the same way Orsinium was during release.
Brandon Gutierrez
I'm a newfag and bought the game for 13 bucks on Bundlestars.
It's the base game, and I bought some crowns. Which DLC is the best bang for buck? I
got 3500 Crowns, and I prefer the Nightblade thus far.
Anthony Lee
Cooper Martinez
kinda repost from a different thread honest opinions on elder scrolls online? i tried the beta ages ago but it felt like a more awkward skyrim, have they fixed anything? i want an mmo with a big open world where i can run around and quest or just do fuckall and meet some players, trade and have big living cities
Jayden Diaz
Just started a catman nightblade. Whats the best to put my skill points and attribute points into?
Luis Wright
Stamina, your damage skill that are stamina based will scale off of them. For skill lines, dual wield and bow for pure dps, you can also try two handed for burst(which is good for PvP).
Christopher Wood
you could sub for a month and try them all out, a month also comes with 1500 crowns. after that you need 500 more for the DLC pack that has Orsinium, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood and Imperial City.
Camden Young
Which class skill line should i concentrate first?
Lucas Clark
Was the same for me, tried it 1,5 years ago and hated it, now I love it.
ESO is a real sleeper gem, I always love how normies trash the game on youtube in the comments section with how bad and NOT maintitle elder scrolls this game is due to being an MMO.
I'm currently lvl45, just arrived in Bangkorai on the side of daggerfall covenant and I love it. I have so many days /played by now and I've never done LESS fetch quests in any mmo than in ESO. Jesus, even the quests/mini storylines are way more interesting than anything Skyrim has.
Zachary Price
>I want an mmo with a big open world where i can run around and quest or just do fuckall and meet some players, trade and have big living cities Sounds like ESO. There was an update some time ago called "One Tamriel" that allowed you to go anywhere at any time.
Get the cloak from the Shadow line, then get the Assasination skills.
Jordan Young
damn now i have to give up my shekels summer sale here i come
Cameron Murphy
I love this guy. Real "above average intelligence, underachiever NEET" King
Jordan Lewis
bless you user. Thanks.
Ian Sullivan
>tfw Doshia is now just a punching bag with a lot of hp
Was she really that hard that they had to nerf her, oldfags?
Jaxson Lee
>Married redguard kings daughter for political reasons >Grew to love the dark chocolate
James Moore
Black women are the holy grail man, that loyalty is intense.
Brandon Bennett
>YWN have a nubian waifu who will slay daedra
Carson Perry
One day user...
Matthew Hill
>yfw the main series happens in bad timeline where not Emeric but Tiber Septim conquered Tamriel.
Aaron Lewis
Whats the ping like? Britbong wanting to play on NA
Tyler Wilson
The trading guild I joined changed their requirements from 5k in sales per week to mandatory entry in a 10k raffle every week. That seems excessive to me. Any advice on reasonable expectations from a good trading guild?
For more background info it is relatively new, had a trader in Belkarth but missed out on bidding for two weeks in a row now. Should I just find another trading guild? Any options/advice are appreciated.
Levi White
As in, they require you to pay 10k every week? Belkarth is the greatest location in the game but if you're new then you may as well join one in Mournhold or something that doesn't have such steep requirements.
Carson Butler
Belkarth is only good on PC EU
Jack Ross
Matthew Nguyen
Should i do Cadwell's silver or start a new character?
Joseph Green
Max cp?
Isaac Taylor
no 140
Eli Harris
delete this
Xavier Young
Reach 160, at least, before create a new character.
Lucas Robinson
Yes, 10k every week. I'm not new to the game, just to guild traders. 10k a week is no problem but the principle of it bothers me, seems a little steep especially considering they haven't had a trader for two weeks straight.
Logan Clark
So, the requiremens for you to be in their trading guild is to pay them 10k a week. A trading guild, which you said doesn't have a trader, wants you to pay 10k a week to be a member. But they have no trader, so you can't sell your goods in the guild, which is a trading guild.
Robert Flores
Dylan Howard
>Running CoA1 for BSW for my alt >Get the 5 piece set of BSW >All in either well-fit, reinforced, training, or prosperous >12 runs, no other traits >MFW
Jeremiah Cruz
just decided to switch to all light armor on a whim, making my tank character into dps instead. am i supposed to be dying in 2-3 hits from subbosses?
Cameron White
gods help us
Oliver Richardson
Hmm, need to get a Skoria helm for an alt I'm leveling. Should I try to go for it today, seeing that its the pledge, or should I wait for a non-pledge day to hopefully weed out the CP 10 players that queue trying to get carried for an extra key?
Brody Young
Don't pug COA2
Grayson Ross
I pugged BC2 today and it was awful, cant imagine COA
Juan Nguyen
How about vaults of madness vet mode? Seems to me the only hard boss would be the last one, if people don't dodge.
Henry Kelly
Vaults of madness is super easy.
Aaron Young
Vault of Madness is pretty cool, the hardest one is the first boss, "Cursed One" or w/e his name is. There's always some faggot dying.
Chase Nguyen
Oh, the life drain link or whatever. Forgot about that.
Sebastian Cox
Isn't "some faggot dying", it's a dumbfuck who don't stop dpsing while he's draining life.
Eli Cooper
Which server
Sebastian Jenkins
Would using elusive mist and pirate skeleton together be a good idea? I'm not sure how the damage reduction works but it's for PvP.
Asher Smith
If you're looking to PvP tank I can imagine it working in one way or another.
Grayson Reed
Sebastian James
Blake Cook
Welp, as the tank I died twice to the first boss. We had a level 32 CP DPS in heavy armor with a 2 handed axe. He died twice to the giant charging skeleton, once to the giant gargoyle, and twice more on the final boss before we wiped. Then he activated the hard mode scroll, and died twice more before we downed the boss in the hard mode.
And I got the grothdarr mask...in well-fit.
Matthew Brooks
Noah Allen
If I cast a bunch of DoT spells on a bar without Inner Light's passives, but then switch to a bar with it, is the ticking DoT damage suddenly affected by Inner Light's Major Prophecy?
Oliver Gray
Should I use a personality for my tankslut? I have almost all of them
Brayden Jackson
Duchess. What are you wearing?
Michael Ward
Also, is it worth having Inner Light AND Flames of Oblivion slotted on the same bar? Or will they not stack?
Christian Hughes
currently this eso.mmo-fashion.com/knight-of-the-flame/ but without helmet but i can change the costume anytime im level 16 and my armor is just random loot and looks like shit